1264 Duke Zach

None of these stone knights can play a role. Within three minutes, Li Fan was already a piece of gravel in front of the place.

"Since it is a castle in the night, we don't prepare some decent guards."

Li Fan sighed, quite a feeling of master loneliness.

"Since it is a night castle, there must be masters."

William was a little worried, "I hope Mr. Li can find good luck and find Liu Xiaowan."

"I borrow your good words."

Li Fan finally stepped into this dark castle. The carpet under his feet seemed to be alive. As soon as he stepped on it, two skeleton arms stretched out in the carpet and he grasped his ankle tightly.


Li Fan raised his eyebrows and shook his ankle, trying to shake the skeleton hand away.

But the arm remained motionless, and seemed to be strong.

"not bad."

Li Fan smiled, "This is interesting."

"Sir, this dark castle is very weird, so be careful."


Li Fan was preparing to take a closer look at the skeleton hand. At this moment, the coffins on both sides suddenly slowly opened, and one figure after another came out.

"Who dares to break into my night castle!"

These are the sleeping blood races, who were all awakened by Li Fan's invasion at this time.

"Various strengths, there are barons and marquises."

William's voice sounded.

"Oh, I see."

Li Fan said, "You guys, I'm just looking for someone. I don't want to hurt anyone's life. You quickly retreat, otherwise I won't show mercy."

"It's a lot of talk, and a lot of yellow-skinned monkeys dare come to us to make trouble."

The blood race on the other side sneered, "I don't know how to live or die! Go ahead, take him alive!"

The surrounding blood races have come up with their own blood weapons. They use everything, but most of them are ordinary European guys, such as big shields, big swords, giant axes, and chain hammers.

"That being the case, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Li Fan said, stretched out his right hand, the gravel outside suddenly flew up, and then condensed into a small slap in Li Fan's hands.

"Little Four Style · Dragon Drop Sword!"

The stone sword in Li Fan's hand bounced out, and almost a moment passed through the throats of several blood people.

Li Fan knows that these blood races have strong physical bodies and healing powers.

If they just pierced their heart or their skulls, they would survive. But if they pierce their throats and cut off the connection between their head and neck, they will die completely.

Li Fan's shot was indeed merciless, a sword of falling dragons, cutting iron like mud, not to mention the bodies of these blood races. For almost a moment, more than a dozen blood races were directly assassinated on the spot.

The other blood races were all taken down by Li Fan with one hand, and then hit the fly with no effect. At this time, Li Fan, a living wolf entered the flock, with one person's strength, killed a large number of blood wolves and fled.

"Who the **** are you?"

The blood family who has been talking to Li Fan, he is also a marquis. At this moment, he looked fiercely and snarled at Li Fan.

"Hua Xia, Shang Fang's sword."

"Shang, Shangfang sword ..."

The marquis obviously changed his face.


Li Fan's eyes seemed to carry lightning, scaring the marquis lightly. But he calmed down quickly and taunted.

"What a magic sword, the patron saint of Huaxia, is a joke, hasn't it been caught by our spells! This skeleton hand gathers the spirit of the spirit, extremely hard, you can't escape it anyway! Your own feet! "

"No need."

Li Fan said, he broke the skeleton hand on his ankle, and then stumbled to the ground!


The ground shuddered slightly, the floor under Li Fan's feet shattered, and the carpet was ripped into pieces.


The Marquis was startled, some could not believe his eyes.

The surrounding blood races also retreated a bit, taking a step back subconsciously, and dare not approach Li Fan. There is a vacuum circle with a diameter of three or four meters around Li Fan's body, and no one dares to approach it.

"It's all waste."

Li Fan heard a thick voice, and then a coffin on the ground was slowly lifting up.

The coffin slowly opened, and a thin man appeared in the coffin, looking coldly, looking at Li Fan standing below.

"It's just a dirty alien race that can't handle it. It's so disappointing to me."

The man sighed again and again, "Sure enough, the night castle will not give you these wastes."

"Sorry, Duke Zach, woke you up."

The Marquis hurried to his knees and apologized to the man.

"Forget it, just step back and give it to me here."

Duke Zac slowly walked down, "Shang Fang Bao Sword, I haven't heard the name for more than 300 years. I have also killed a lot of yellow-skinned monkeys before, and Shang Fang Bao Sword is nothing but rumors."

"Why, then, it seems that you have lived on dogs for more than three hundred years."

Li Fan grinned, "still so ignorant."

"I think you are tired!"

The blade flashed in Duke Zac's eyes, "Breaking into the night castle, leave your head here today!"

Zach said, reaching out to Li Fan.

"Dark Grip!"

This dark grip is somewhat different from Li Fan's Dragon Lever. The grip of darkness is to use the power of darkness to lock each other's neck in the dark, grab him and twist his neck!

But Li Fan stood there with all his might, his vitality was entwined around his neck, and this dark grip would not hurt him at all!


Zach frowned, not expecting that his dark grip had lapsed!

This is the castle in the night, and there is no light all day long. It can be said that it is the place where the magic of the blood race can be played to the extreme!

"How can it fail ..."

Zach couldn't figure out, what went wrong?

"That being the case, use my sword to kill you!"

As soon as he reached out, the blood condensed and turned into a two-meter-long knife, which he caught in his hands.

"Three hundred years ago, I once fought on the battlefield. This blood knife can be opened again today."

Speaking, Zack clutched the blood-red sword in his hands and jumped towards Li Fan.

Li Fan, on the side of his body, easily avoided his sword.


A crack was cut on the ground, more than two meters long, and people's hearts were numb.

But Li Fan didn't care, he raised one foot and stepped on the back of the knife.

Zach made a strong mention but didn't even mention it.

"Get me up!"

Zack's face was somber that he couldn't lift it once again by mentioning it vigorously.


Zach couldn't help scolding.

"Sorry, this knife, you should put it down for a while."

Li Fan stepped again, and the blood knife was stomped into the floor.

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