My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1268: Werewolf Assault

1268 Assault of the Gnoll

"Sunday dog!"

Li Fan had already returned to the small snail house where they lived. At this moment he was sitting on a chair, holding his breath.

"Lao Tzu had a little affection for that Al, now I just want to give him a few more slaps!"

"This ... Mr. Li ... I think what Mr. Al said was true ..."

William was cautious beside him, speaking kind words to his old ancestors.

"Just because it's true!"

Li Fan was a little crazy, "Well, I'll tear down this place tomorrow, I don't believe I can't find my Xiaowan!"

"Don't! Mr. Li!"

William hurriedly advised, "Don't worry, even if you take this apart, in case Xiaowan hides somewhere else, aren't you busy for a while! As long as we fight back the wolves who have committed crimes tomorrow, then I will go Challenged Archduke Peter, known as the sixth-generation patriarch, and naturally has the right to release and return your little Wan. "

"I always feel like night long dreams."

Li Fan played a copy of the day today and found nothing in the end.

"Also, the other party is a grandfather. You are just a duke. Do you have confidence to win him?"

"No, so I have to ask you for help."

William looked at Li Fan flatteringly. "It is absolutely no problem to deal with Grand Duke with your strength."

"I'm thinking now, I might as well help the werewolf and destroy the Parker family."

Li Fan, touching his chin, seemed to be thinking seriously, "They might be more obedient."

"Oh, my Mr. Li, you're kidding me again."

William stroked his own small heart. "Those who are going to attack our castle are also radical **** among the orcs. They will definitely be punished by the commission and the cross knight will keep chasing them down. These guys are not virtuous, You work with them for no good. "

"I mean, after all, talking about cooperation with those guys might as well kill them."

In a word of Li Fan, William said that his hair was fuzzy.

Mr. Li, this anger is really big.

"Mr. Li, don't worry, let's talk about how to deal with Archduke Peter?"

"Don't worry, I will help you naturally, just to borrow your body for use."

Li Fan used to fight with other people's bodies before. "This way, it's okay at night anyway. I will teach you a few tricks first. You can learn. Maybe you can beat Archduke Peter yourself."

"Really, really?"

William was happy.

"Of course, and if you become the owner of the Parker family in the future, naturally you must have the power to control them. Although the abilities of your bloodline are good, the fighting style is really bad. You learned these tricks from me and realized It will definitely help you. "

"Thank you so much."

"You're welcome, take out your blood chains."


William summoned his own chain and gave it to Li Fan. Li Fan taught him a few tricks at the moment, it is relatively simple, lest William will not learn. This night, the two basically did not sleep. In addition, Li Fan's training is relatively strict, and William also suffered a lot. When the old housekeeper passed by in the morning, he heard frowns of men in William's room, and frowned.

Sure enough, it is dirty and mixed blood. No wonder it is necessary to bring a male blood slave, originally for this kind of thing! dirty! Indecent!

Just then, Wolf, a leader of the werewolves, was secretly approaching the castle of dawn with his 20 like-minded men.

"Brothers, when the sun rises, we will break into Dawn Castle!"

Wolfe blinded his eyes, long silver hair, fleshy face and strong build.

"Wolf, you are the leader, everyone will listen to you this time!"

A bald werewolf was debugging the crossbow in his hand, sneering at the corner of his mouth.

"This time, we can kill all the bugs!"

"I deliberately got these crossbows that kill insects."

Wulf picked up a crossbow and stuck a crossbow on it. "The arrow is special, silver, wiped the blood of the dead, and the damage to the blood is extremely high! Today, it is time for us to build our career!"

"When we destroy Parker's house, the committee will have to face our strength!"

With a few axes around Wolf's waist, "We need to let the royal family know that it's useless to shrink back! Only war is our soul!"

"Yes, war! Kill!"

All werewolves followed with excitement, their eyes glowed red, as if they could not wait!

"Yes, it's about to kill!"

Wulfhaha laughed, "Let's go, the day is the end of those bugs!"

He was very excited. These people are battle-hardened warriors. Now with these crossbows, they can definitely destroy the Parker family!

Those blood races, except Archduke Peter, they don't care at all! But Archduke Peter was alone, and the other three were Archduke, but none of them lived here.

The current Parker family is just a piece of meat waiting for them to eat!

"It's almost time, everyone follow me!"

Wuff finished speaking, holding a crossbow in his hand, and led the charge towards the Dawn Castle.

The two gargoyles above their heads felt the danger. They woke up for the first time, flew down, and rushed towards these werewolves. But there were two werewolves directly transformed, and then rushed to the gargoyle, hitting two of them together.

"The remaining people continue to attack!"


A group of werewolves rushed towards the castle of dawn like crazy.

Some blood guards ran out to fight these werewolves, but they were all killed with their claws and crossbow.

"Hahaha, see, these little bugs are vulnerable!"

Wolf laughed, cut off a **** neck, and kicked his head like a kickball.

"Take down Dawn Castle!"


A group of werewolves killed more and more bravely, tearing each blood race they encountered into pieces.

But at this moment, a blood-red chain suddenly flew out, locked on a werewolf, and dragged the werewolf directly.

When Wolf turned around, he saw a blond man standing there, clutching the chain in one hand and scimitar in the other, and chopped off the werewolf's head.

And the road leading to the gate was blocked by dense chains.

"Sorry, I can't live here."

William looked at the werewolves, looking as usual, and warning.

At this moment, Li Fan stood on a tree next to him, protecting William secretly. With him, William had no worries.

"Oh, someone came to die, killed him in the past!"

Wolf sneered and ordered an werewolf next to him.

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