1269 Doomsday

The werewolf ran wild, drooling over his fangs, and bloodthirsty light flashed in his eyes, as if trying to tear William apart!

The surrounding leaves fluttered in his rushing rhythm, and everything seemed messy and violent.

But William's face remained the same, and all his mind was turning to Li Fan to teach his skills overnight.


The moment the werewolf was about to jump in front of him, he suddenly threw out the chain and wrapped it around the werewolf's legs. The werewolf was running wild. At this moment, he was out of control. He fell to the ground and rushed forward, splashing a large amount of dust.

William yanked the chain, dragged the wolf man who had fallen so badly back to himself, and then cut his neck with a knife.

"Huh ... it worked."

William was pleased that the techniques taught by Mr. Li were indeed useful. He taught himself that his chain was actually a master of defense. With a chain as an absolute defense, and a machete, you can sweep the world.

"Don't let this guy get too proud, kill him!"

Wolfe continued to order how he could let a blood-like bug stop him.

Behind them were six werewolves aimed at William, holding a crossbow that was as big as a toy pistol.

"Puff puff!"

Six crossbows came off the string, tearing the air, and before William in a blink of an eye.

Bullet time!

Immediately before William, the speed of these crossbows slowed down.


William's chains condensed into a shield in front of him, blocking these crossbows.

"Keep firing! Kill him!"

Wolf was a little upset, and he added more werewolf fighters to the shooting.


But at this moment, a chain suddenly fell from the sky, wrapped around a werewolf's neck, directly lifted him and pulled him into the air!

The werewolf was desperately struggling, but the chain was getting tighter and tighter, and finally he snapped and broke the werewolf neck.

His headless body fell and landed at Wolf's feet. Wolfe's eyes widened and he didn't want to understand for a long time.

Obviously they were werewolves hunting blood, why are they upside down now?


The chain fell again and wrapped around the neck of another werewolf. The rage on the werewolf's face turned into terror, struggling desperately, but still hung into the air. The chain was tightened and tightened, Le's werewolf spit out his long tongue, and his eyes were about to crack.


Wolf jumped high, waved his claws, and chopped it on the chain.


Sparks splattered and the chain was torn apart by his claws. The companion fell to the ground, but has been strangled to death, there is no breath in the nose!


All the werewolves let out a wailing sound, and the wolverines echoed in this dawn castle, startling countless birds.

Li Fan sat on the tree top and nodded with satisfaction. William is quite clever. He teaches some skills himself, and he uses them well.

"My werewolf Buckle, come to challenge you!"

A giant werewolf nearly three meters tall could not bear it anymore, he rushed towards William.

This werewolf runs very fast and has great strength. Every time he runs on the ground, he will leave a deep wolf paw print.


William threw the chain again and locked it to the werewolf's legs. But this Buckel was clearly guarding against William's move. He immediately jumped high, avoided William's chain, and rushed towards him. Buckel opened his claws, ready to tear William into two pieces!

But at this momentous moment, a small chain suddenly appeared in front of William. The chain was only the thickness of a finger and stopped in front of Buckle. Buckel was taken aback, but he swooped in the air so fast that he couldn't stop!


This chain is like a sharp blade, and Buckel's neck hits it, passing by everything!

A wolf head flew up again, and the corpse smashed against William.

He was relieved. This was a trick that Mr. Li taught him to deal with those fast enemies. The faster the enemy speed, the more severe this cut!


Wolf's eyes were really red, but Buckel followed him for more than ten years, and did not know how many enemies had been slaughtered. But today, it also ended in a tragic death!

Who is this chained blood race, and why hasn't he heard his name before!


At this time, a little werewolf who was more than one meter tall suddenly jumped out from the lurking grass next to him and pulled it out according to William's back neck!

This little werewolf is also one of the variants of werewolf. They are born small and are perfect for covert hunting.

This time, he was lurking here for a long time under the advice of Wolf, waiting for William to reveal his flaws and kill him!

William didn't notice it, he didn't even feel the danger behind him approaching. But William didn't notice, Li Fan looked at it. Holding a small stone in his hand, he let go of a dozen.


The stone shot directly through the head of the werewolf, killing him in the air.

** and blood were flying everywhere. William heard the sound this time. He looked back and was shocked to find the little werewolf lying in a pool of blood. Then he was glad. Without Mr. Li's help, it would not be this little werewolf who died, but himself?

How many times has Mr. Li saved himself ... Thank you for this kindness.


Wolfe gritted his teeth and finally decided to leave.

He underestimated Dawn Castle, but he did not expect such a master here. And not only William, he is in the bright, but also a master in the dark.

"No, since we are here, we haven't thought about leaving alive!"

Although Wolfe ordered the retreat, the other werewolves had red eyes.

"Let's go together and kill this **** bug!"


More than a dozen werewolves threw away their crossbow, rushed on all fours, and rushed towards William together.

But William laughed. Mr. Li said that the more people there are, the more effective his chains will be!

As soon as William reached out, the traps he had made before him took effect.

Suddenly, a siege net formed by a chain appeared in front of him. Those werewolves who were running around couldn't stop the car and rushed into the siege net. Some are wrapped around their legs, some are wrapped around their arms, or even their necks. These werewolves struggled desperately, trying to break free. But none of them noticed that these chains were entangled with each other. How much energy they used was just consuming each other's physical strength.

"It's over ..."

Wolf was pale, and he knew that this time, their end was here.

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