My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1270: Dew stuffing

1270 ravioli filling

Originally, I wanted to hunt down the blood race, take down the castle of dawn, and show the committee members what the true orcs are.

But Wolff never expected that their plan would be devastated as soon as it was implemented. The opponent has only one blood race, and with a chain, he hunts down all his companions.

Those struggling werewolves had run out of energy and soon stopped moving.

William drew in front of himself, one by one, and cut off their heads.


Watching his companions die tragically, Wolf finally roared. The white-haired werewolf smashed his crossbow and roared.

"Blood bugs! I'll be your enemy!"

"Well? Aren't you trying to escape?"

William was a little surprised that this man didn't count.

"Escape? I choose to fight with my comrades."

Wolf's eyes were firm. "Let's live together as wolves! Live, we eat blood and flesh. When we die, we crusade blood souls!"

Then he ran towards William.

William shook his hands and the chain was thrown out. But Wolf's strength was much stronger than his companion. With a wave of his paw, he flew directly to William's chain. Sunlight is Wolf's companion, which weakens William's power and makes most of William's abilities unusable.

Wolf has seen William's methods. His moves are mainly defense, and the effective distance of defense is in the range of three meters to ten meters. Just be careful to avoid his trap and approach him, it is his death!

Wolf was indeed a battle-hardened warrior, and he saw nothing wrong with it.

By virtue of a soldier's dangerous intuition and superhuman reaction ability, he avoided every chain trap.

Finally, he rushed to William, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

This time, you can kill this little bug!

Wolfe's dewclaws swept down and grabbed William's throat directly. He could already imagine the beautiful scene of tearing William's neck himself!

But the next second, his face was gloomy again.

A chain was entangled in William's waist, and pulled him behind in a flash, leaving Wolf's attack range!

William breathed a long sigh of relief, and sure enough, Mr. Li had his ancestors at every step! He asked William to provide himself with an insurance measure, the chain-linking mechanism. At the very beginning, William had secretly locked the chain on himself and a nearby tree. At a critical moment, the chain started, pulling himself away, avoiding Wolf's fatal blow.

"Damn bug! Why don't you dare confront me!"

Wolf was going crazy, William pouted and faced you, so am I dead? It's too shameful, don't you come to war with us at night?

The blood of the night, the combat power has almost turned several times!

"I must kill you!"

Wolf snarled and rushed at William again. But this time, William did not arrange a trap. He threw the scimitar, then grabbed a chain with both hands, and threw it upward. One end of the chain was hooked on the hilt of the scimitar and connected together.

William shakes the chain, drives the machete, draws a beautiful trajectory in the air, and heads straight for Wolf.

Wolf was taken aback. What kind of attack was this? His soldier's reaction was triggered, and he subconsciously took a step forward. And William's arms widened and closed, his body moved left and right, driving the scimitar on the chain, turning again, and chasing Wolf.

The machete chased the moon like a meteor, constantly chasing Wolf, and went straight to his key point again and again.

Wolfe dodged, counterattacking with his claws, and kept popping William's machete. But William was able to quickly use the rebound force to wave the machete again, faster and more powerful.

Soon, Wolfe was cut in many wounds. His physical strength was constantly weakened, and in the end, he was already scarred and getting weaker and weaker.

The chain suddenly wrapped around his neck, and the machete snapped into Wulf's forehead.


Wolfe knelt on the ground, staring blankly at the machete above his head.

This ... this is the blood attack?


William shakes the chain again, cuts Wolf's head open, then pulls back the machete and puts it in the scabbard.

The chains also vanished, and all werewolves were killed by him.

William was relieved, and was about to sit on the ground with his butt, but Li Fan was holding him back with strength.

"Can't relax."

Li Fan came over and passed the message to William.

"What else is happening, Mr. Li?"

"Someone can look at you."

Li Fan shook his mouth aside, and William glanced homeward. In the direction of the door, Archduke Peter was holding his arm and looking at him.

"Grandpa, fortunately."

William immediately turned around and knelt down to Archduke Peter.


Peter sighed, "I looked away, I did not expect that you are already a duke's strength. Your progress made me almost forget the fact that you are a mixed race. Come on, you have won the opportunity to challenge.

Peter said, turning back to the hall.

William and Li Fan exchanged a look, and the opportunity finally came.

The two walked into the hall together, and just as their front feet went in, the door suddenly closed, and the whole hall went dark.

Dozens of **** guards stepped out, holding their blood weapons in their hands, and stared at them with stern eyes.

An elder in a black cloak came out, pointed at William, and yelled.

"You traitor inside and out! Today is your death!"

William's complexion changed greatly, and Li Fan spread a voice in his ear to reprimand him, calming him down.

Yes ... with Mr. Li beside him ... William calmed down and asked.

"Prince, elder, I don't understand what's going on?"

Archduke Peter sat on the throne above, tilted his head, and looked at them with interest. The elder's eyes flickered with scorn, taunting, "Stupid, do you think I can't see it! You filthy mixed blood, even teamed up with the Chinese monkey!"

"This is my blood slave. How come to join forces?"

William did not admit death.

"Don't quibble! Hybrid!"

The elder scolded, "This is Huaxia's Shangfang sword! Will it be your blood slave?"

"Okay, it's seen through."

Li Fan looked up, put his hands in his pockets, and looked at Peter. "But Peter, you promised to give William a chance to challenge."

"Stop! You monkey, what qualifications do you have to speak!"

The elder scolded and scolded, but Peter waved his hand and stopped him.

"Yes, blood people, Yinuoqianjin. What I promised, naturally promised. But Li Fan, this is not where you should come."

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