My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 128: Have a good job

128 has a good job

Li Fan is righteous, but selling kidney ... How is this possible?

I'm still doing it, wouldn't it be ruined if I sell kidneys? I am not an Apple boy, I do n’t even need to have **** with my lower body.

So when he appeared on the gambling boat, Su Chen was crying.

"My grandfather, why are you here again?"

"Boss Su ... I want to punch."

Li Fan said with a little embarrassment.

"Man, you are my dear!"

Su Chen collapsed at that time, and the cigars in his hands fell on his feet.

"Fighting black punches again, I can just close this place!"

"But I need some money."

Li Fan said frankly, "I thought for a moment, it seems that I can only make some quick money by playing black punches."

"Ancestral! You want my life! It's not easy for me now, how much money are you missing?"

"Not much, it's 58,000."

Li Fan took a look on the Internet, and the most luxurious tour of Xinmatai was almost the same price. At that time, he spent a group of wallets directly, let Yuan Chunli have a good time.

"A penny stumped the hero Han, you have to be considerate to me, Boss Su."

I understand your sister! Why don't you consider me?

Su Chen scolded in your heart, why didn't you think about this when you burned that 800,000!

"Brother Li, you can just squeak for fifty-eight thousand things. Yufeng, go and get money for my brother."

Su Chen ordered, but Li Fan stopped Yu Feng.

"No, Boss Su, helpless, I can't ask for your money for nothing!"

"Brother ... I know you have to be strong, but you also have to think about my brother."

Su Chen's eyes suddenly turned. "Otherwise, look at me, how can we neutralize?"

"what way?"

"I can't help you, but I know a **** of wealth can definitely help you."

"What's busy?"

"Be a bodyguard, two days and two nights."

Su Chen put up three fingers, "The total compensation is 60,000 yuan, according to the price given by the stunt bodyguard. You agree, I will not find anyone else, how about it?"

"Two days and two nights? What days?"

Normally, it definitely won't work. Li Fan wants to go to class.

"Departure on Friday night and return on Monday morning."

Su Chen glanced at the timetable held by Yufeng, "Can you?"

"no problem!"

Li Fan was also a little excited, "I earn 60,000 in two days. You can help me find some more for this job!"

"Oops, this is all you caught up with, how could there be such a good thing!"

Su Chen hurriedly said, "Brother, now that you have agreed, just sign this contract."

He took a contract from Yufeng and handed it to Li Fan.

"Thank you, Mr. Su!"

Li Fan still has a little bit of wine, and he didn't look at the contract carefully, he signed happily!

"That Friday evening at seven, I went to the pool hall to pick up my brother!"

Su Chen grinned and carefully closed the contract. "Brother, don't be late, don't regret it, or you will have to pay double penalty!"

"No, I need this job very much!"

Li Fanxin said, fools will not be happy!

"Then see you then ... yes, my brother is not playing on my boat, I have a new girl here, I promise to stay alive!"

"Also, don't need it anymore, haha ​​..."

Li Fanxin said, why Su Chen is like Lei Zi, he always wants to find out for himself! How can you do that kind of thing, a good and righteous boy of your own!

Li Fan did not dare to stay on this gambling boat, and went home to sleep overnight.

Murong Ying said, stay away from right and wrong ...

In the next few days, it was calm, and Lin Yuexian told Li Fan that since he promised this last time, Yuan Chunli almost wondered what clothes to wear to Xinmatai every day.

"Xin Matei is hot, shirtless."

Li Fan said.

"Screw you!"

Lin Yuexian gave Li Fan a harsh white look. "You are just as serious as the hooligan behind!"

At this point Lin Yuexian stood at the entrance of Li Fan's billiard hall and pointed inside.

"Sister, that's what I said!"

As soon as Huang Lei heard this, he couldn't sit still, patted his chest and said, "I'm Huang Lei the most serious person! My moral and moral lessons have been full marks since I was a kid! I almost joined the party that year!"

"Hurry up and down ... as long as you join the party, what party, party!"

Li Fan couldn't help voicing, Huang Lei was very wronged.

"Brother, how can you not trust me, my heart hurts ..."

"It hurts!"

Li Fan pointed to Huang Lei, "Lin Yuexian, what do you think of us? They are nonsense, but my primary school is a good student!"

"You get out! Nothing good!"

Lin Yuexian swaggered, "It's better to believe in you than believe in a ghost! What to do if you can't do it by then! You only have 7 points now. If my mother hates you, all of them will be deducted!"

"Not right!"

Li Fan immediately said, "Don't you say that you were with your mother for giving 10 points last time?"

"It's all like that, it's good not to give you points! I'm not allowed to drink with my mother in the future!"

Lin Yuexian looked at his watch. "It's time for make-up lessons. I won't talk to you. Are you really not sending me today?"

"I have something big to do today!"

Li Fan was serious, "I won't be with you, don't miss me too much."

"Ghosts will miss you, narcissistic!"

Lin Yuexian rode on a bicycle, "It's annoying to see you! It's okay to never see it! Asshole!"

Talking, she went away by riding a car. Li Fan watched her back and admired her long legs. Hey, it's a rare and beautiful scenery.

"Brother, this girl has really long legs!"

Huang Lei didn't know when he came to Li Fan and muttered.

"Roll, what a messy day in your head, it's so dirty!"

Li Fan stared at Huang Lei fiercely. "Why can't you learn to learn me? You must have a pure heart, you know?"

"What are you looking at, then ... drooling ..."

"What nonsense, why don't I look at the board next to me!"

"Oh, oh, this leg is so long."

"Get off!"

Li Fan took Huang Lei back to the billiard hall. This guy was too serious for a day. He really should learn himself. What is Lingtai Qingming!

He glanced down at his watch, it was almost time, should Su Chen be here?

It is said that people cannot be spoken during the day and ghosts cannot be spoken at night. As soon as Li Fan thought of Su Chen, a **** bet stopped slowly at the entrance of the billiard hall.

"Mr. Li, please get in the car."

Yufeng opened the door and respectfully invited Li Fan to board the car.

"it is good."

Li Fan instructed Huang Lei to take good care of the store, and don't neglect to practice, then this boarded the car.

Yu Feng sat inside and handed a black suit to Li Fan.

"Mr. Li, please change into this suit."

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