129 rules

This guy is pretty formal!

Li Fan took the suit and took a look. The suit was quite high-level. It seemed to be a brand. He didn't know much about them. But he found that Lin Yuexian was quite proficient with the brand, although she never wore those branded clothes.

"From this moment on, Mr. Li will fulfill the agreement in the contract."

Looking at Li Fan changing that black suit, Yu Feng also became more serious, as if there was a feeling that the whole world owed him money.

"Mr. Li must sleep for 48 full hours, stay with his employer and protect his employer's safety! No one except the bodyguard can approach the employer within 2 meters! Once someone approaches, he must be subdued! At the same time, there must be awareness of blocking bullets for employers! "

"I'm going. Is this the protection of the president of the country?

Li Fan could not help asking.

"Mr. Li, these 60,000 yuan are not as profitable as you think."

When Yu Feng said this, he was somewhat jealous. He is also a good man of all kinds, and he is a well-known international bodyguard. But he is not qualified for this task, his salary is only 30,000 yuan a month!

Probably the only advantage is that it is not so dangerous to follow Boss Su!

"Okay, since I took this task, I will definitely do it well."

Li Fan nodded, "Just leave it to me."

He has put on this black suit, and there is a black shirt inside. Li Fan doesn't feel like a bodyguard, but more like a black society in Japan and South Korea.

"This is an intercom device."

Yufeng handed a walkie-talkie and headphones to Li Fan, "The channel has been adjusted, don't disturb."

"Got it."

Everything was so formal. With the help of Yufeng, Li Fan finally hung up the walkie-talkie and brought the headset on.

He took a picture of himself in the phone, and it was almost like a bodyguard.

"Remember, everything is about the employer! The life of the employer is the most important thing!"

Yu Feng Qian Ding Wan Wan instructed, "If the employer is injured or ... unfortunately dies, then you not only have to pay double the liquidated damages, but also very likely to offend the big people in city a. No more! "

"So serious ..."

Li Fan began to play drums in his heart. Who is this protecting? It is like fighting!

Yufeng continued to teach him some bodyguard experience, and the car had unknowingly used the city, and soon arrived at the suburban airport.

Li Fan has never been on a plane, but only seen it on TV. The airport is very large and all passengers enter from the terminal. And their car drove in directly from a vip entrance next to it, and soon entered a large tarmac.

There are scattered small planes on the airport. Although Li Fan has not eaten pork, he has also seen pigs running. These small planes in the airport should all belong to private jets. Most people don't even think about it.

Didn't Zhao Benshan buy a private jet before, attracting a group of rich people. Without a certain amount of financial resources, who can get this stuff! After all, you don't just buy an airplane, you also have a series of expenses such as maintenance fees, downtime, long lead, stewardess salary and so on!

I do n’t know if Murong Sakura has a private jet at home.

The black Mercedes parked next to the small plane. Yufeng opened the door and let Li Fan come down.

"Are people here?"

There were already five tall bodyguards standing in front of them, each of which looked like a weapon on earth.

Li Fan has a feeling of coming to the basketball team, because these guys are almost two meters tall, and they are full of muscles, and they are also murderous.

One bald man glanced at Li Fan through sunglasses and said coldly, "Is this man recommended by Mr. Su?"

Several other bodyguards apparently sneered, and no wonder they looked down on Li Fan. After all, Li Fan compared to them, like a dwarf, with a thin body and a look of fright.

"This is a master invited by Mr. Su, and also asked some to do the bodyguard work together."

The few in front of them are international bodyguards. Yu Feng did not dare to make trouble in front of them, and said respectfully, "The employer's safety is up to you."

"Rest assured, I have been a bodyguard for 20 years and have never missed it."

The bald man speaks with a strong pride, Li Fan can see that this person is definitely capable, otherwise Yufeng would not be so kind to him.

"Qi Zeping, an internationally renowned bodyguard, known as a safe."

Li Fan checked his buddy's information with his mobile phone and found that he could really find it.

"The top ten international bodyguards comprehensively belong to the largest security umbrella company."

Umbrella company?

Li Fan was about to check again, and Qi Zeping suddenly yelled.

"what are you doing?"

"Check the information, what's wrong?"

Li Fan was a little puzzled. Qi Zeping was furious. "The bodyguard's accusation is to protect the employer! How can you play a mobile phone during working hours? Are you professional or not?"

"The employer hasn't come yet, ok?"

Li Fan thinks this person may be a little neurotic, "You protect a big head now!"

"Presumptuous! I'm your captain, you must obey my orders!"

Qi Zeping said politely, "Defend my order, get out of the team!"

"Mr. Li ... don't play with mobile phones from now on ..."

Yu Feng was crying, and she was indeed an ancestor. What did Su boss put him in this team?

"First of all, I'm not playing, I'm looking for information."

Li Fan's face also sank. "Second, my job is only responsible for protecting the safety of the employer. I don't need to obey anyone's instructions, including the employer."

Yu Feng's heart was broken, and it was so ... Uncle Li's temper could not be aroused!

"It's funny!"

Qi Zeping gave Li Fan a disdainful look. "Which one here is not an international elite. Is there a place that you are inferior to?" At a young age, his tone is crazy, I think you are short of lessons!

"Come on, teach me."

Li Fan hooked his finger at him, he didn't believe in this evil, he was here to protect the employer, not to be a dog leg for people, why was this guy calling and drinking!

If he was polite, Li Fan would not follow him. What he couldn't stand was the tone of the man who thought he was the boss, who gave him the right!

"Someone is looking for me!"

A wheat-skinned bodyguard beside Qi Zeping rubbed his fist and made a clicking sound, "I will teach you the rules!"


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