My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1272: Change dynasties

1272 Change of Dynasties


Peter was about to shoot, but found that his right hand had been locked by William's chain.

A chain, locked on his right wrist and the wall next to it.


Peter wasn't panic. He grunted coldly, and the cloud of blood on his head again chopped down a blood thunder and headed for William.

But a blood network made up of chains appeared in the air. After the blood thunder split on it, it was chained to the surrounding castle walls.

Peter frowned deeply, his powerful blood thunder ability was even resolved by the boy with a chain?

"Dagong, I said, don't underestimate me. What about mixed blood, you can defeat all of you!"

William said, and started hunting directly. A chain suddenly fell from the sky and struck Peter's neck.

Peter grabbed the chain by his hand, and tugged it hard, breaking the chain abruptly.


Peter cursed, "Mixed blood is half-blooded, do you think you can beat me this way? I'm the Grandpa, the Grandpa of the Parker family!"

Peter was almost invincible in his life, but Al, who was better than him, slept in the night castle all year round.

But now, a mixed race can beat him without a fight?

"Come out, undead slave!"

Peter tore off the chain on his right hand and raised his left hand at the same time.

The ground opened, and three skeleton warriors crawled out slowly. The three skeleton warriors each carried an iron shield, holding a steel knife, and attacked William together.

"I expected you to do this."

William was very confident. Except for the unpreparedness of Blood Cloud, all the moves of Peter, Li Fan deduced him last night and told him the corresponding method. When the three Skeleton Warriors came out, William hooked them on the three of them with a chain and locked their legs together.

These three skeleton warriors have simple intelligence, and now their legs are locked and they are unaware of it. Several of them tried to get closer to William, but they tripped each other and couldn't get up on the ground.

Peter frowned so deeply that the other party suppressed himself!

It's just a hybrid, and it's just the Duke! He was a pure-blooded grandfather, confident, and now he was worried.

If you go on like this, aren't you going to lose? This is a challenge. Ten elders are watching around! Once you lose, you do n’t want to repent!

"Master, you lost!"

As soon as William waved his hand, the chain locked William's legs.

"You can't win!"

Archduke Peter was a roar, and suddenly the clouds of blood flew down, and he continued to fly into Peter's nostril, all sucked into him.

In the blink of an eye, only William's chain net remained above the hall.

And suddenly, Archduke Peter's body began to swell, and he growled again and again, suddenly two black wings popped out from behind!

His clothes were also torn, and his fair skin had become dark.

Now Peter is like a giant bat monster!

"The royal body!"

The surrounding elders have commented, "The Grand Duke can forcibly display the royal family, it is indeed the pure blood genius of my blood!"

"It's ugly ..."

Li Fan can understand, why Al does not need this royal body. This is simply a monster, so ugly! That bat face is a bit too much for a meal!

After turning into a big bat, Peter also seemed to lose his ability to speak. He opened his mouth wide and blew a supersonic wave at William!

William didn't respond for a while, this ultrasound was too fast. But Li Fan has been on alert.

He seemed to be indifferent, but pulled William with his vitality and pulled William aside.


The next wall was shattered, exposing the sun outside, and many blood races hurriedly avoiding the sun.

"Leave it to me, William."

Li Fan controlled William with strength and said in his ear.

William immediately relaxed himself and left it to Li Fan to manage it.

He felt as if his body had been stretched, and then moved.

With a mouth, Peter was another ultrasonic wave, sweeping the ground and spraying at William.

William slipped slightly, avoiding Peter's ultrasound easily.

Peter reached out his hands, grabbed two scarlet spears, and threw them at William.

The spear was extremely fast, breaking through the sky, and immediately came to William.

But William reached out his hands and took the two spears in his hands. Most people don't have this vision and judgment.

William stepped on a special step and reached Peter in an instant, while holding two spears at the same time, facing Peter, pick up directly!


Two spears stabbed Peter's chest, then raised him up high.


William stuck Peter's body in his arms and pinned him to the back wall, sticking it all on!

Peter growled and sent another ultrasonic wave to William. William was short, avoiding the ultrasonic wave while he stretched out his right hand, pinching it directly on the big bat's mouth.

As soon as William tried to remove Peter's chin, he couldn't even spray ultrasound.

Then William pulled up one leg of the big bat and lifted it up.

Click, followed by Peter's silent scream.


Then, William's right hand pierced Peter's chest directly, took out his heart stiffly, and took it in his hand.

The heart was still beating with red blood on it.


William held the heart and said to Peter, who was stuck on the wall by himself, "From today, the patriarch of the family, it is my William Parker!"

Peter returned to his original shape, and he begged William to fear.

"Leave, let me go ... I'm willing to obey you ..."

"Tell me first how to recover Xiaowan."

William asked.

"I sealed her mental strength ... Just untie it ..."

Peter hurriedly answered.

"So it is."

William nodded, then politely pinched his heart.

For blood, the heart is also an important part. Now that his heart was gone, Peter was pale, slowly turning into a corpse in a scream.

"From today, the family is under my management!"

William reached out and Li Fan gave Al's family crest to him.

"I won Peter, and I have Prince Al support me! Whoever opposes now, can stand up!"

"I disagree!"

An elder roared immediately, "You are just a dirty half-breed, not qualified ..."

Before he could finish speaking, a chain fell from the sky, struck him around his neck, lifted him, and severed his head.

"Anyone else refuse?"

William asked again.

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