My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1273: Return with beauty

1273 Bringing Beauty Back

"William ... even if you control us by this means ... but the other three Grand Duke will not support you."

An elder reminded William.

"Why, can't you see my bloodline?"

William, under the guidance of Li Fan, sat directly on the throne of Dawn Castle.

"Despite coming to challenge me, I am always welcome."

"The second-generation Grand Duke will come to you soon."

The elder continued, "Prince Conan is a supporter of pure blood. He has been watching the Dawn Castle. Now that Archangel Peter is dead, he will definitely bring other Parker families against you."

"Are you guys also supporters of pure blood?"

William looked at the people present and said aloud, "Think about how much hardship you have suffered over the years because of pure blood? All of you in the room whispered pure blood, but who has no illegitimate children? Think about it Think, is this really the life you want? You gave birth to them, but let them live secretly? Everyone, the Parker family should be liberated, and you should also be liberated! Starting today, I announce that the Parker family will lift the pure blood order. All ethnic groups are free to associate with other races and can raise their children uprightly! "

"This, this is a crazy decision ..."

An elder looked at William incredibly.

"Racism is a civilization backward!"

William politely mocked, "Even the United States can have black presidents. Why does our family stay in the history of hundreds of years?"

"You do ... we can't support you ..."

Some elders still resist.

"It's not just us, no one in the family will support you ..."

"is it?"

William's voice was louder. "Will support me, stand up!"

"I do."

"I do too."

One blood after another, came in from outside, walked quickly into the hall, and kneeled in front of William. There were no fewer than a hundred people here, all expressing their loyalty to William!

"You ... you nasty hybrids!"

The elders were so angry that they did not expect that these mixed blood of the family would jump out and support William together.

"We hate it?"

William laughed, "You old guys, aren't you enough? Now the entire Parker family is working only under the mixed blood of us! And you, the so-called pure blood, have a vegetarian meal on the corpses all day long, and use our hard work Come to feed you! Without you, we would be better off! I ask again, who are the people who are willing to support me? "

The meaning in William's words is already obvious, and some pure blood blood races have also been touched. Among these mixed blood, there are more or less their children.

A lot of pure blood also kneeled down at William, a man who even defeated Archduke Peter, they should naturally surrender.

During this period, Li Fan took Liu Xiaowan, stood aside, and looked at the excitement first. Liu Xiaowan stood there idly, silent, as if she could not understand anything.

Li Fan is also slowly unlocking Liu Xiaowan's spiritual seal. This kind of thing cannot be forced to break, otherwise Xiaowan's brain will be easily injured.

As he handled the seal, he watched the excitement. William is really not simple. He has made a lot of preparations for today.

"Tie the rest of the people who don't support me."

William gave a command, and the rest were arrested. There are also many masters in the mixed race, from the baron to the marquis, the combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated.

"You, are you trying to kill us?"

The elder asked tremblingly.

"Anyway, I'm also a kind of person. I'm not as ruthless as you. From today, you will live in the castle at night."

Throwing it into the castle in the night basically exiles these pure blood who do not support him. This is the only way that William can think of, and when that happens, Prince Arr will naturally hold them back.

"Hmm ... you won't end well!"

An elder cursed viciously.

"That's not what you should worry about. Starting today, the Parker's family has changed."

As soon as William's words fell, a bat suddenly fell overhead. It flapped its wings and sent out a mental wave, so that every blood race present could hear his voice. Including Li Fan, they also listened clearly.

"Dirty hybrid, Conan Parker, second generation patriarch! You are not qualified to become patriarch!"

"It's really under surveillance."

William did not take Conan in his eyes. "You and the other two Grand Duke have been expelled by Peter. I can kill even him, and I am afraid you will not succeed?"

William now has full self-confidence. He has mastered the Dawn Castle. There are a lot of resources here, and he can quickly rise to the rank of Grand Duke. Plus Kung Fu taught by Li Fan, he will not be afraid of those blood races! He managed to take the position, and he wouldn't let it go. What's more, as he said, in the Parker family, they are the only mixed blood who really work. The people above are just a bunch of corpses vegetarians!

Created new rules by myself, it will only allow more mixed races to rely on themselves. Conan and the rest of the Grand Duke didn't have any fear.

"You must return the patriarch's position, or I will lower your punishment!"

"Just come, second generation."

William sneered, "If you have that ability. But now I have a lot of things to deal with. I have no time to listen to your nonsense."

Then, as soon as he reached out his hand, the Dark Grip started, crushing the bat directly into minced meat.

"Well, everyone, starting today, we will no longer be oppressed. Please continue to do your own job, Dawn Castle will discuss merit and reward. Whoever contributes more to the family in the future will be able to get More resources, more rights! Those who only enjoy their bloodlines but do not work will be exiled to the castle in the night! "

William's decision was supported by the blood races present. They were oppressed by the pure blood for too long, waiting for this day to come.

"And, starting today, I invite Li Fan, Mr. Li as a special adviser to our Parker family. Since then, he has been our family's most distinguished friend, guest, VIP!"

William used three words in a row to describe Li Fan, "Mr. Li, are you satisfied with this?"

"Thank you, I'm satisfied."

Li Fan nodded, then pulled Liu Xiaowan, "The next thing is yours, Xiaowan I will take away. If you need any help in the future, come to Huaxia to find me."

"Okay, may our friendship last!"

William was very excited. Although he really wanted to leave Mr. Li for a good hospitality, he knew that Mr. Li must have his own business to do, so don't delay others' precious time. He watched Li Fan pulling Liu Xiaowan, slowly walking away, secretly rejoicing to get his friendship.

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