My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1275: Seven Knights Villa

1275 Seven Chivalry Villa

Xia Yan also loves this little girl. She thinks hard and her eyes light up.

"Will you set up a lol department for you?"

"Sister Xia Ye!"

Murong Ai looked bitter, "What kind of department is this!"

"Well, you are my family, how can you take the job of a villa?"

Li Fan comforted her.

"Well, sister Xiaowan and Zhou Guifei aren't your family members!"

So straightforward, Liu Xiaowan blushed. Zhou Guifei did not change her face, she felt happy.

"This, you are still young. When you are older, I will find a good job for you."

"Coax me again with these good words!"

Murong Ai pursed her mouth, "I have helped a lot since the establishment of the Wu Guan! You can't forget my brother-in-law!"

"Well ... so ..."

As soon as Li Fan reached out, he took off his hero sword that has been treasured to this day. This sword was given to him by Dong Ye that year. Legend is that it is the sword of Liu Jinchan.

"Come, you take this hero sword."


Murong Ai took the hero sword and didn't know what her brother-in-law was going to do.

"From today on, you are my Elder Palm Sword, who is responsible for keeping the Hero Sword for me. If someone did something against the martial arts, how about you punish him?"

"Okay, okay, this is good!"

Murong is amused enough, and now I am happy.

"And Jiang Ye, she also has my extraordinary sword. Do n’t call it a disciple. It ’s not good. She and Xiaohu are already in the middle of the middle. From today, she is my disciple. If you are disobedient, you can teach me for me. "

"Yes, Master!"

Jiang Ye was satisfied, and handed Le Xiaohu a provocative look.

"And Abe Haruko, you will be a disciple outside the palm. In the future, there may be a lot of disciples in other countries. They are not familiar with Chinese culture, and you will take care of it."

"The disciples take orders."

Abe Haruko arched a hand in front of Li Fan, and her heart was also happy, at least Li Fan did not forget herself.

"In addition, Dong Ye, the person in charge of Yanjing Shiqi, also wants to return to the villa. I wonder what position you plan to arrange for him?"

Xia Yan asked.

"Brother Dong is coming back?"

Li Fan thinks about it, now that most of the business of the dart board has become formal, he should want to help himself in the villa business.

"He is far-sighted and an intelligent man."

Li Fan thought for a moment, "I have no other entrance in the villa, so let's set up a entrance. In this way, it is called Yanjingtang, and let Brother Dong be the host. Yanjing Eleven Riding is still under his management and he Equal rights with me. "

This is absolute trust, and Li Fan also wants to show his sincerity to Dong Ye.


Xia Xuan nodded and did not object.

After all, Yanjing Eleven Riding has worked with them for so long, and Mr. Beidou has been sitting in town for so long. On the whole, they are not picky.

"Well, don't you give me a job?"

Liu Zhu asked suddenly.

"Xian brother, can you resign from the demon before you say it."

Li Fan couldn't help but give him a glance, "You still want to be a part-time job."

"Hey, my dear brother, you martial art, how is it different from our holy religion?"

Liu Zhu squinted his eyes at Li Fan. "They were all disdainful by the famous sects, but also the enemies of the four families."

"Go and go, how can this be compared!"

Li Fan stood up and asked in his chair, "Will you come here?"

"Forget it, Seven Xiamen, this is not for everyone."

Liu Zhu waved his hands again and again, "But you are also very lively, containing me as a disciple of discipleship, as well as the reliance on the sword."

"Hey, what are you talking about!"

Sitting beside Jin Jiumao, he got up and glared at Liu Zhu.

"Don't confuse me with you devil!"

"What's the difference between you and me, everyone has to rely on the shelter of Qixia Mountain Villa to survive."

Liu Zhu asked, Jin Jiumao couldn't speak for a long time, his body was shaking.

"Well, don't bother you anymore, it's so easy to get together, shouldn't you be happy and discuss big plans together."

Li Fanzhi was full of ambition, "Although it will take a few days to start the school, but from today, we will officially send out invitations. Qixiamen will begin to recruit disciples, regardless of age, origin, and race. There is only one requirement, which is to be morally correct. In addition, the diners who are willing to join my Qixiamen, as long as they are not treacherous and evil, I am willing to grant asylum. "

"Li Fan ... Do you think about it ..."

As soon as Liu Zhu heard this, it was okay.

"If you do this, it really amounts to the current policy."

"What about being right?"

Li Fan took out his due arrogance, "I'm a sword of Shangfang, and I'll be safe for the party. Immediately, Dragon God One will go to heaven. How can I not cultivate a powerful force?"

"Li Fan, Li Fan ..."

Liu Zhu was a little annoyed. "Why don't you just turn your head! You try your best to help them, but in the end, they don't necessarily appreciate it."

"I just need to be able to deal with my conscience, and I don't need them to appreciate it."

Li Fan has such a personality. Liu Zhugang wanted to say a few more words, and Murong Ai hurriedly interjected.

"Well, Liu Zhu, don't tell me. What kind of temper is your brother-in-law, don't you know? All these years, ups and downs, I came with my brother-in-law. He has such a temper. A few cows couldn't pull it back. "

"Ah ... you're a terrible person."

Liu Zhu looked at Li Fan and seemed to be thinking about something.

"I'm done."

Li Fan has made up his mind, "Little sister ... Elder Xia, do as I say."

"it is good."

Xia Ye also knew Li Fan's temper and knew that his decision could not be changed.

Liu Zhu shook her head, but she decided in her heart. At night, she found Chen Junhua and talked to him secretly.


In the hot June, when the college entrance examination was approaching, Qixia Villa was officially opened.

Many boys and girls with martial arts dreams in their hearts embarked on a journey to Qixia Villa to learn the martial arts of Qixiamen.

Not only people who learn martial arts, but also many masters in martial arts, who have no choice but to come to Qixia Villa to become a diner in the Villa. The small bully Li Fan, with a reputation for anxious justice, was also famous in the martial arts for a while. Sima Hui, the commander of the Royal Forest, had nothing to do, although he hated itchingly.

He was informed that Wu Lin Yu Yin, Yi Jian laughed at the breeze, and the two major alliances of Ma Xiao and Xifeng all fled to Qixia Villa.

This Seven Chivalry Villa has blatantly become a place to house these criminals!

"Go on like this, sooner or later, they will ride on their heads and shit!"

Sima Hui hated his teeth, and he waved, "Go, invite Jiang Feng to me!"

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