1276 Shura Road

Jiang Feng closed for a while.

During this time, he was having a hard time.

Wulin's changing situation is an opportunity and an obstacle for him.

The huge Murong family now basically belongs to a state of semi-death. Murong Bo also closed the door all day, ignoring outsiders. Murong Ying is out in the field and she doesn't know when she will be back. During this time, he searched for news of his sister everywhere, but all was lost.

By virtue of Zhang Guo's background forces, Jiang Feng climbed up some high-ranking branches.

Through their relationship, Jiang Feng also became a member of the Royal Army. And he is not a low-ranking official. He is a non-commissioned official and sits in the entire province of G. Originally, it was aimed at Li Fan, but who thought that Li Fan went to Bayuquan to open the mountain! One and three moments were out of reach of Li Fan. He could only confine himself in this retreat room, cultivate his own body and cultivate his martial arts.

Even if he is unwilling to admit that Li Fan is far better than himself, this is also true. When Jiang Feng was in retreat, his mind was messy. I used to be so strong in Li Fan, but why is it getting worse?

"I can not be reconciled……"

Jiang Fengpan sits on a small pavilion in the lake, the sound of water sloshing around him, the lake is full of lotus flowers, and it is beautiful.

But this can't make up for Jiang Feng's internal pain, he just thinks how to surpass Li Fan, defeat Li Fan, get rid of this nail in the eyes, and sting in the meat!

Jealousy, like a burning flame, kept burning in Jiang Feng's heart.

On what basis can he be better than himself?

He is such a waste, even a Li Fan can't compare, how can he change the martial arts, and how can he rescue his sister Jiang Ye?

Jiang Feng, Jiang Feng, can't you be stronger?

Jiang Feng screamed in the sky, and the surrounding lake fluctuated.

Just then, he heard a voice talking in his ear.

"Do you want to be stronger?"

"Crap, of course!"

Jiang Feng looked at his reflection in the lake, the shadow was black, and seemed to be asking himself.

"I can give you strength."

"Really? What kind of price should I pay?"

Jiang Feng asked.

"After a person dies, there are six. They are heaven, asura, human, beast, evil, and hell. The most tragic of these is asura, where the era is asura, fight forever, and forever! Willing to be Ashura, I will give you the power of Ashura! "

"it is good!"

Jiang Feng agreed without hesitation.

"You don't regret it?"

"I don't seem to be born, I just look at this life."

Jiang Feng did not hesitate, "And I have already watched" Jiu Zhen Yao Shu ", as long as I can fully understand, I can go beyond life and death!"

When Jiang Siege was last siege, Jiang Feng secretly watched the wall engraved with "Jiu Zhen Yao Shu" below. However, he did not understand, and no matter how close the retreat was, it had no effect. This was the key to making him more anxious and moving the demon.

"Yes, this is you."

The demon seemed to be very satisfied. He reached out to Jiang Feng, "Jiuzhen is going to calculate something, practice my Asura road, you will be invincible!"

"Just what I want!"

Jiang Feng also stretched out his hand and pulled him together.

Jiang Feng felt that he was pulled into the lake instantly, and the cold and bitter water immediately wrapped his body!

At that moment, Jiang Feng felt like he was being embraced by death!

There seemed to be a **** of death, holding his neck lightly from behind.

Jiang Feng's eyes widened, but he held back his panic, waiting for the moment of death.

Falling into Ashura Road, Fang Chengshuura.

At this moment, Jiang Feng suddenly appeared a blood-red light, slowly rotating around his body.

After a few minutes, his figure grew little by little from the water, and soon stood on the water.

"This is the power of Asura?"

He opened his eyes, his eyes glowed red.

Jiang Feng stretched out his hand, **** pointed at the lake.

A blood-red light shot out, and the lake was blasted directly into a big wave.

"This is a good effort."

Jiang Feng smiled, "Compared to the six-veined sword in the novel."

With this kind of effort, Li Fan, let alone.

Jiang Feng was very satisfied. He sat directly cross-legged on the lake. There was a lot of Shura air dragging his body, letting him float without sinking.

It didn't take long for him to come down to Jiang Feng, saying that he wanted to see the leader.

"Got it."

Jiang Feng already knew in his mind what the leader might look for him.

He first took a bath, then changed into a clean suit, and then went to see Sima Hui.

Jiang Feng didn't care much about Sima Hui. This guy has no real ability, but a villain who steals the fruits of others.

"Jiang Feng, why did you come here?"

Sima Hui looked at the late Jiang Feng, frowned, and questioned him.

"I'm retreating."

Jiang Feng said casually, "If there is nothing important, don't disturb me."


Sima Hui almost died of anger, this guy is too arrogant!

But now he has no one available, and he has to rely on this Jiang Feng!

"Let's pack up and save, let's save office."

"Oh? Does this make me face-to-face with Li Fan again?"

Jiang Feng raised her eyebrows.

"Just understand."

Sima Hui nodded, "Let Li Fan continue to develop, I'm afraid Yu Linjun is just a vanity!"

"What does that have to do with me?"

Jiang Feng grinned, "Yu Linjun is just a place for me to live in Jiang. Without it, I am still chic elsewhere."


Sima Hui was so angry, "What do you want?"

"Sima Hui, you should retreat."

Jiang Feng held his arms and stood there, watching Sima Hui, "The Royal Forest Army in your hands can only get worse and worse. In the end, it loses the trust of the government and is reduced to the end of the day.

"You fart!"

Sima Hui was furious. "You are what you are, how dare you ask me that!"

"Oh, what do you think you are? You are just acting as the temporary acting leader of Murong Bo. Do you really think you are the boss?"

"shut up!"

Sima Hui scolded, "Come here, catch him!"

But no one came in, the room was quiet, only the angry Sima Hui, and the calm Jiang Feng.

"Where are you, come! Come!"

Sima Hui shouted again, but no one came.

Jiang Feng grinned, "Do you think you are still the boss? Everyone has had enough of you."


Before Sima Hui had finished speaking, his throat was suddenly pierced by a red light. He stared dullly and fell to the ground.

Jiang Feng kicked Sima Hui aside and sat in his place.

"Come here."

He ordered a few guards to come in and kneel before him.

"I'm willing to saddle up and down for adults."

"Well, starting today, my Jiang Feng is the leader of the Yulin Army!"

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