My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1277: Come to worship

1277 I come to worship

Yin Zhouzhou is 16 years old. His family is OK, but his academic performance is not good. In high school, she dropped out of school. Originally according to his family's intention, he was asked to go abroad for gilding for two years, and then return home to do something.

After Yin Zhouzhou dropped out of school, she played games at home every day. For him, this was the only way to entertain. I wanted to go home as planned, and I would go abroad after a while.

This idea continued until Yin Zhouzhou saw the video on the Internet!

It is the China Dragon Dragon vs. the island nation Wufu!

This video has made Yin Zhouzhou feel hot! Later, I heard that the Huaxia Shangfang Sword has already set up a school, Yin Zhouzhou decided to go up the mountain for art!

His parents stopped at the beginning, but Yin Zhouzhou was very rebellious at this age. Once he decided something, no one could stop it. The family fought and noisy, and finally watched Yin Zhouzhou uphill.

By the time of Qixia Villa, Yin Zhouzhou felt that he had come to another world.

The architectural style of these seven chivalrous villas is the same as the ancient pavilions and pavilions. The villas are surrounded by mountains and rivers. A mountain road leads to the top of the mountain. Red brick and green tile buildings are built on both sides of the mountain road. According to the introduction of a beautiful little guide below, this Qixia Mountain Villa is also a tourist attraction. The lower part of the Villa has hot springs and a training ground. It is provided for outsiders to visit and enjoy the food of the Villa.

Yin Zhouzhou came to pay homage to the teacher. He told the tour guide that the beautiful tour guide girl was stunned.

"Teacher? I heard that there are too many apprentices in the villa right now.

"It doesn't matter, Jin Cheng is where the stone is!"

Yin Zhouzhou made up his mind. He ignored the guide's persuasion and went up the mountain like this.

The scenery along the way is really good, it seems that it has been carefully restored. On both sides of the mountain road, there are still cherry trees. Although it is not the season for cherry blossom viewing, I don't know what method is used here to make the cherry trees bloom so brilliantly.

Yin Zhouzhou took some beautiful pictures with his mobile phone and sent them to the circle of friends, proving that he had arrived at Qixia Villa.

Soon, there are comments below.

"First floor."

"Fuck, your kid is gone?"

"Let's come back after a trip, brothers miss you."

"Male god, remember to protect me when you return to school!"

Yin Zhouzhou smiled slightly, put away his mobile phone, organized his backpack, and continued to walk up the mountain.

According to the tour guide, this mountainside is where the Seven Knights Gate is located. But here, some disciples of Qixiamen stopped here to prevent tourists from going up the mountain.

"Sorry, it's the inner mountain and it's not open to the public."

A disciple saw Yin Zhouzhou coming up and stopped him politely.

"Brother, I'm not here to travel, I'm here to worship."

Yin Zhouzhou hurriedly arched his hands, imitating the way the knights in the TV series met, and said.

"Oh? Thank you?"

The disciple looked at Yin Zhouzhou more and said with a little embarrassment.

"But it's not our time for disciples."

"Ah? You still have time for your disciples?"

Yin Zhouzhou was surprised.

"Yes, because there are too many people to come to worship, we have adopted disciples instead once a year, taking exams in June and entering school in September."

This is the same way as the college entrance examination, Lin Yuexian came up with. The way of examination is comprehensive character and talent. Li Fan said that he will not accept bad character, but his talent is too bad ... Even if they are allowed to practice martial arts, it is a waste of effort. However, they can learn some breathing techniques outside the door, practice ordinary boxing and kung fu, and keep fit.

And if any of them can achieve some results, they will also be given the opportunity to enter the inner door practice.

What Li Fan wants is an absolute fair opportunity, and he doesn't want to breed that kind of discrimination in the martial arts.

"How can I do that, I'm having trouble with my family, I'm here for thousands of miles, just to learn from the teacher! Right now after June, next year is next!

Yin Zhouzhou is going crazy.

"This ... I'm really sorry ... we said it wouldn't count ..."

The goalkeeper shook his head. "You go back."

"No, I must go up the mountain."

Yin Zhouzhou was anxious, carrying his bag, and raised his leg and went up the mountain.

"Friend, please stay."

The disciple held out a hand and held Yin Zhouzhou's shoulder. Yin Zhouzhou was desperately struggling, but found that he couldn't move at all, as if being suppressed by a big rock!

Yin Zhouzhou was sweating all over, but a little excited.

Yes, this is the life I want! Be strong yourself! must!

He hit hard with his disciples' chests.


The janitor was a little surprised.

"Well ..."

At this time, a beautiful female disciple, wearing a military uniform, shook her tail, and walked down the mountain. When she saw her, the disciples all arched their hands and called her sister.

"You want to learn martial arts?"


Yin Zhouzhou nodded desperately, expecting in his eyes.

"The root bones are good and worth training."

The pretty sister nodded. "You come with me."


Yin Zhouzhou was so happy that he was picked by a beautiful sister!

He raised his head proudly at the goalkeeper disciple, then followed the sister's **** and went up the mountain together. The road up this mountainside is steep and steep, and if ordinary people get up, they must be tired enough.

But this beautiful sister is as smooth and happy. Yin Zhouzhou was already tired, his legs were the same as plumbing. But when he saw that his sister was so easy, he was so enthusiastic that he came up again and followed him stubbornly.

"Take a break."

But this little sister is a clever man, seeing Yin Zhouzhou's ability. She pointed to a stone next to it. "I'm a bit tired too, take a break."

"Uh, uh ... well ..."

Yin Zhouzhou gasped, and he sat on the big rock with one hip. The stone was slightly hot by the sun and not cold, just resting.

"What's your name?"

The pretty little sister breathed evenly and looked at Yin Zhouzhou and asked.

"Back, Sister Hui, my name is Yin Zhouzhou ..."

Yin Zhouzhou looked at her sister and felt that she was full of vitality. None of the girls in the class looked good on her.

"Sister ... you ... what do you call ..."

"My name is Wang Xiaoran."

Wang Xiaoran took off his head rope and pierced his pony tail again.

"Call me sister later."


Yin Zhouzhou is very excited, it seems that he really succeeded in teaching!

"It's almost a rest. Come with me. It's almost there."

Wang Xiaoran said, and started to hurry again. Yin Zhouzhou didn't dare to delay, so he followed quickly. Don't say, looking at sister's figure at the back ... is also a treat! Coupled with the surrounding landscape, it is also a beautiful scenery that makes people feel happy!

But ... what is it like inside the Seven Xiamen?

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