My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1285: Rival Uphill

1285 Rivals Uphill

Evil is overwhelming.

Li Fan has always believed in the rationality of this statement.

The battle of public opinion on Weibo finally fulfilled the meaning of this sentence. Yu Hui's popularity plummeted, although there were still some iron powder brain powder, but it has clearly become a grasshopper after the fall, and it will not be a few days.

Look at Li Fan's popularity again. Moreover, a clip of his filming was also posted on the Internet. Watching Li Fan's serious appearance when filming a martial arts film, he attracted a large number of fans. This is a real man with iron blood, not a small fresh meat, not only female fans, but also male fans.

Nothing escaped the calculations of Lin Yuexian and Liu Xiaowan, and the two girls helped, and sent Li Fan to the hot hall of fame.

This reputation is not something ordinary people can get. But Li Fan had no interest in these things. He focused on filming the TV series and returned to the villa. Only let Xia Xuan and Jiang Ye sit in the villa, Li Fan was really a bit uneasy. Mainly he recently inquired that Jiang Feng had become the new commander of the Royal Forest. This guy is a formidable opponent. It is impossible for him to climb to such a high position without thinking about himself.

Li Fan thought so well, Jiang Feng was ready to deal with Qixia Villa at this time.

He disguised himself, stood under Qixia Mountain, looked at the lively Qixia Mountain Villa, and asked the beautiful women around him.

"Unintentional, how do you feel here?"

"It looks prosperous.

Shui Wuxin was wearing a Jinyiwei uniform and was a cadre at the same level. It was Jiang Feng's left arm and right arm.

"What you say is clearly a bit emotional."

Jiang Feng put his hands in his sleeves and looked up at the mountain. "You still have to be objective when looking at things. As you know, knowing yourself and knowing one another are not invincible. You have a prejudice here, how can you win that Li Fan?"

"Yes, my lesson is that I was wrong."

Shui inadvertently confessed to Jiang Feng.

"It's a treasure trove here."

Jiang Feng was sighed with emotion, "I am surrounded by mountains and rivers, and he is so handsome. Although Li Fan is not so good, there are actually a few helpers around him who have chosen such a geomantic treasure for him."

Jiang Feng seemed envious.

"Adults like it, I'll get it for adults."

The water is inadvertent, please.

"Oh? I want to hear, how would you take this place for me?"

"These seven chivalrous villas contain a lot of people from all corners of the country. They only have to buy some of them and cooperate with us inside and outside. They will surely be able to beat Huanglong and win the villa!"

"The plan is good, but Li Fan is also a master. If he is sitting in a villa, what should he do?"

"Find a chance to transfer Li Fan away. As the saying goes, transfer tigers away from the mountain. By then, willn't this be my fish?"

Shui Wuxin said his opinion, making Jiang Feng clap his hands happily.

"That's right, it's been a long time with me. It's really improved."

"Master Xie praises ..."

Shui Wuxin blushed and was praised by Jiang Feng, she was secretly happy.

"It's just a pity that you forgot one thing."

"whats the matter?"

"This is a tourist resort approved by the government."

A 2a-level tourist attraction hung next to Jiang Feng with one finger.

"With this thing, do you say how do we lead soldiers up the mountain?"


Shui also choked unconsciously, so she really had no way to solve it.

"So I said, there are some talents around Li Fan. They have already considered our trick, so they put on the coat of tourist attraction for Qixia Mountain Villa. In this way, they are equivalent to having the government as the backer. If you want to win here, you can only upright, challenge the mountain, defeat the villa owner Li Fan, and let him give us the villa. "

"I'm willing to fight for grown-ups!"

Water had no intention to rush to petition.

"Not urgent."

Jiang Feng waved his hand. "And you are not Li Fan's opponent. You defeated Murong Bo and Takeda Gang. His name as a little bully is not for nothing."

"Sir, what about you?"

"If I play against him, it will be about five or five points."

Jiang Feng weighed his current strength very well. "But I have to plan for things. When there is a 100% chance of winning, otherwise I won't take the shot."

"What does that mean, what shall we do?"


Jiang Feng said without hesitation, "Before a while, my Yu Linjun and Li Fan fought one after another, and damaged a lot of generals. Now what we have to do is to rest and rest, at least to cultivate some powerful generals."

"My lord said."

Shui nodded intently, "I really have some powerful fighters."

"In the original Central Plains White Tiger Hall, there are still some masters. But Sima Hui has been suppressing them since he took office. I think it is a good opportunity to call them up."

"Then I'll go and do this for the adults."

Shui had no intention to understand, and she arched her hand. "The people of Baihutang were scattered all over China. I would like to go back and find them."

"It really is my confidant."

Jiang Feng was very touched. He stretched out his hands and held Shui Wuxin's hand to make Shui Wuxin's heart beat faster.

"It's nice to have you around."

"Master, lord ... you're welcome ... this is what I should do ..."

"You don't understand how important you are to me."

Jiang Feng sighed, and Shui was also very excited. He said, "Sir, I am willing to be by your side, no matter where I go to the ends of the earth! I will be there for you before you saddle your horse!"

"Don't say that, but I hope you can protect yourself more. If you miss something, I should be heartbroken."

"I, I see ... My lord ... then I'll go to work ..."

"Go on."

Jiang Fengmu sent water inadvertently and left.

After the water walked unintentionally, he suddenly stepped forward and walked towards the mountain.

The scenery was so beautiful along the way, Jiang Feng was not in a hurry to rush on the road, walking and playing on the mountain, and when he was hungry, he ate something on the roadside stall.

He is like a tourist, hurrying while playing.

As we approached the mountainside, we saw many tourists lining up to buy something in front of a shop. This team is like a dragon, and it is far away. Jiang Feng was a little curious, couldn't help coming up, pulled a girl and asked.

"This beautiful lady, what are you buying?"

The girl was disturbed and was upset. But when he looked up, he saw a handsome guy standing in front of him, and immediately rejoiced. This is, is it going to be an anime?

"So, that ... I sold Li Fan's autograph in front ..."


When Jiang Feng heard this, he became interested. He walked two steps and came to the stall vendor.

The people behind the line were unhappy and shouted at him.

"Hey, what are you doing, don't jump in!"

"Stop being calm, I won't buy it, just ask a few words."

Jiang Feng smiled mildly, and didn't know why. He smiled, but made the people behind him quiet.

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