My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1286: Li Fan's face

1286 Li Fan's Face

These people secretly said, what is the origin of this little brother in front of, the momentum is a little different!

Let's see what he is going to do?

"If you want to buy something, please line up."

The trader was a middle-aged uncle, and he was too busy to make money.


Jiang Feng sneered, bowed his head, and picked up the autographed photo on the booth.

"The photo is real, but the signature was not written by Li Fan at all."

A word from Jiang Feng caused a tumult of tourists nearby.

"Well, don't talk nonsense! This is my autograph!"

The uncle hurriedly shouted, "Can't afford to stop talking nonsense! I was the cook in the villa, and I got these signatures from the relationship! You can talk nonsense, I can hit someone!"

"Are you still martial?"

Jiang Feng's face was always smiling.

"Oh, in our villa, even the aunt sweeping the floor will do a half trick!"

The uncle smirked, "Don't rush me, or I'll hit you with a gunshot in a monkey punch!"

"Li Fan is my brother who worships. I am Jiang Lin, commanded by the Royal Army."

Jiang Feng pointed at the badge on his chest. "My brother does hit apes, but it is not a monkey or monkey fist. It's a deception here, and my brother's reputation should be punished!"

Jiang Feng said, the uncle said was sweating.

"You, you nonsense, what evidence do you have!"


Jiang Feng's body jumped lightly, and in the exclamation of the crowd, he pulled up more than three meters in place, took off a cherry leaf above his head, and then shot it with his hands.


Sakura leaves punched a dent in the stone wall next to him, scaring the uncle to shrink his neck.

Tourists also admire, this is really kung fu!

"This is the evidence."

Jiang Feng said leisurely.

Uncle did not dare to say a word, rolled up and turned and ran.

"Let me see you here again, but don't spare you lightly."

Jiang Feng drank softly, but like a thunder, his uncle's ears buzzed.

The surrounding tourists clapped their hands and praised, praising Jiang Feng. Someone else recorded it, and then posted it online.

Jiang Feng seemed to have done a trivial matter. He patted the dust on his body and stood in the applause of everyone. He arched his hands and said a word, filled with energy, and suppressed the applause around him.

"All of you, I'm Jiang Feng, the commander of the Royal Forest Army, and the worship brother of Li Fan, the owner of the Seven Chivalry Villas. I won't be able to control this martial arts. If you have any difficulties in the future, despite coming to the Royal Forest to find me, report to Name, I Yulin Army should take care of everyone's troubles and protect your net safety. "


The applause around was even more enthusiastic. The little girl who had been questioned by Jiang Feng before was even more foolish, and even came forward to invite Jiang Feng to take a picture. Jiang Feng agreed very kindly.

Many people came together and took photos with Jiang Feng, Jiang Feng all answered one by one. As the supreme commander of the Royal Forest Army, he had nothing at all.

After taking photos with these tourists, it was a little bit dark.

Jiang Feng continued to walk up the mountain. In front of the mountain gate, Xia Ying was already standing there. She reached out to Jiang Feng and asked for it.

"Leader Jiang, come here with great pleasure and welcome away."

"Where and where, I was uninvited and disturbed the villa."

Jiang Feng was very polite. He arched his hand and apologized.

"I really heard the beautiful scenery of the villa, and I still remembered my good brother Li Fan, so I wanted to come up and take a look."

"My host has always been hospitable, not to mention you are his righteous brother."

After Xia Yan said, leading Jiang Feng, he went all the way to the depths of the villa.

"The management of Qixia Villa is really good."

Looking at the villa like a paradise, Jiang Feng smiled, "If only I could live here permanently, it's just a pity that I can't get out of the office."

"If you like it here, my lord, I will order someone to clean up the best room for you to stay."

"Well, you don't need to worry about that."

Jiang Feng hurriedly waved his hand. "I can come a few times and don't waste my room. This time I also plan to take a look and talk to my brother, and go down the mountain tomorrow morning."

"Unfortunately, my host is not in the villa today. I have sent him a message. You may wish to stay a few more days and he will be back as soon as possible."

"Well, let my brother be busy if he's busy. It's okay when I'm away. I'll go around the mountain and go down the mountain tomorrow morning. Nothing to hide, I also slipped out secretly. The Royal Forest Army is waiting to be revoked, there are many things waiting Let me do it. "

"That being the case, I don't want to stay as adults."

As soon as Xia Ling's words fell, he suddenly turned his head and looked straight up.

A woman's figure suddenly fell from the sky, hit a mantis punch, and came straight to Jiang Feng's brows.

But at the same time, a woman with a mask also appeared, raising her leg and kicking the fatal punch.

"What does this mean?"

Jiang Feng asked in surprise.

"Miss Jin, what are you doing?"

Xia Yan glanced at Jiang Ye who was silent, and looked at Jin Jiumao who took two steps back and asked.

"Xia Yun, don't stand in my way, I will kill this beast!"

Jin Jiumao was jealous when he saw Jiang Feng. It was this guy at that time, with a large army, slaughtered many brothers relying on sword!

"Jin Jiumao, have you forgotten the owner's rules?"

Xia Yan frowned. "He told me that no matter who he is, as long as he enters the villa, he is a guest of the villa, and nothing can happen."

"Of course I know the rules, but here the enemy is, I don't care so much!"

Jin Jiumao said, get close again. But with a bang, a black sword stuck in front of her feet. Jiang Ye stood on the sword and stopped her.

"You get out ..."

Jin Jiumao knows that she is not the opponent of this sword disciple in front of her. But Jiang Feng is here, not revenge, she is unwilling!

"In your most difficult time, the owner helped you."

Xia Yan reminded her, "Just as a bit of noodles to the owner, please step back."


"Maomao, come back!"

From the distance came the cry of Luo Xuewu, Jin Jiumao clenched his fists, finally stomped, and turned to leave.

"It shocked you."

Xia Yan arched his hand in front of Jiang Feng and apologized.

"It's okay, isn't there a master at the villa who protected me well?"

Jiang Feng said, his eyes fell on Jiang Ye.

"Will this woman, let me see the truth?"

"Sir, she is a disciple of my villa, but her face has been ruined, so she is unwilling to show people, and please forgive me."

Xia Yan said quickly.

"Well, I just feel familiar, and I seem to have seen it somewhere."

Jiang Ye ignored him, turned and left, and soon disappeared into the darkness.

"Steward Xia, can you ask me, this disciple of the sword respects his first name?"

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