My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1287: Peerless Poison

1287 Unparalleled Poisonous Plan

Xia Xun was also very intelligent, she smiled slightly, and then asked back.

"Master Jiang is so concerned, isn't he trying to dig someone out of my villa?"

"Ah, how could it be."

Jiang Feng laughed twice and hurriedly avoided the topic.

"It's just that Jiang is a little curious ... By the way, Xia housekeeper, don't know if it is convenient for me to take a look at the martial arts ground?"

"Yes, Lord Jiang, please follow me."

The moment Xia Min turned back, a flash of light flashed through his eyes.

She led Jiang Feng all the way to the training ground. It was just getting dark, and a few disciples were practicing with this little tiger. The news of Jiang Feng's ascending the mountain has already spread throughout the mountain village. Le Xiaohu glanced at this guy and didn't take him seriously, and continued to supervise the training of his brothers and sisters.

"Ah, now this martial arts, this one is left, and that troubles my virtuous brother."

Jiang Feng slyly said, "Jiang did not expect that Wulin would end up in this position. Although he wanted to stop, there was nothing he could do. But today he became the commander, but he has some rights. When my virtuous brother returns, he will also Trouble Xia butler can tell me that I am willing to rebuild the old with him and build a beautiful martial arts together. "

"That's great."

Xia Yueming knew it was a ghost, but still smiled, "If the owner knows it, he will be very happy."

"Yeah, yeah, look forward to Wulin returning to its former glory."

Jiang Feng said with a smile, and then touched his lower abdomen, "I have been hungry in my belly for a day, so I ca n’t help it."

"I have ordered the kitchen to prepare meals for the grownups, please come with me."

Xia Ling took Jiang Feng again and came all the way to the cafeteria. The master of this cafeteria was personally invited by Zhou Guifei, and she has superb cooking skills. According to Li Fan, practicing martial arts is a chore, so it must be in place for this meal. The disciples satisfies all the satisfaction. In this way, it seems that the practice of martial arts is not so hard.

The cafeteria prepared four dishes and one soup for Jiang Feng, which met the standards and could not find any problems.

"Our meal is good too."

As Jiang Feng ate, he complimented Xia Xi, who was with him, "Seven Chivalry Villa is really good and makes people linger!"

"Your satisfaction is good."

After chatting with Jiang Feng for a long time, Xia Ye still smiled.

"These vegetarian dishes are grown by ourselves in the garden on the mountain, and the greenhouse is detained, and the fruits and vegetables are kept throughout the year. In addition, the pigs, cattle, and sheep are also stocked in the back mountain. They are pure green and have good meat quality."

"Really good."

Jiang Feng was very envious. "I like pure green food. Now the domestic food is safe. It's too reassuring. It's good for Qixia Villa, healthy food ..."

He had just finished speaking, and suddenly foamed his mouth, his eyes narrowed, his expression narrowed, his hands desperately grabbing his throat, hitting the table and chair, and kneeling on the ground.

"Master Jiang?"

Xia Ling was startled, and was a little flustered.

What happened? Jiang Feng is poisoned?


There are also disciples in the cafeteria. Could it be that the man who leaned on the sword sneaked into the cafeteria and poisoned the food?

Should not ...

After all, Jin Jiumao was reckless, but Luo Xuewu is a general person who will never do this kind of thing, which will damage Li Fan's reputation!

Who did it? What to do now?

Xia Ling suddenly woke up and shouted loudly.

"Come here, carry Lord Jiang to the medical room!"

Qixia Mountain Villa has built its own medical facilities. Takeda Lan personally sits in the town, plus a few high-paying medical staff. It is foolproof. There is also the alchemy room of Luo Xiaofeng, which can basically guarantee the health of the villa.

Jiang Feng was quickly taken to the medical room, and at this time, a disciple at the foot of the mountain came to report.

"No, there are a lot of Yulin soldiers and reporters coming down the mountain, but we have to kill Jiang Feng because they have killed their adults!"

Xia Yan frowned deeply, at this time, everyone else in the villa also came.

Dong Ye walked ahead, and he gave the order directly.

"Let the disciples block the mountain. No one is allowed to enter without my order! Flies are not allowed to fly into one!"


Dong Ye was appointed as the host by Li Fan and has the same level of rights as Li Fan. What he said must be useful.

Dong Ye smiled bitterly at Jiang Feng, who was lying there and rolled his eyes.

"What a trick, Jiang Feng is too difficult to deal with ..."

"Brother Dong, what shall we do?"

Xia Xun had no idea at this moment. She was very careful. I did not expect Jiang Feng to come in such a way!

"Block the mountain first, Jiang Feng like this cannot be surrendered. Once it is surrendered, I am afraid it will bring disaster to the mountain."

"But the disciples won't be able to take long ... I don't think it will be long before the police will come."

Xia Yan calculated the time. "Jiang Feng had already arranged everything, and when someone arrived, he saw that the commander of the Royal Forest Army was poisoned in my villa, and it was true."

"Drug poisoning."

Takeda Lan did some inspections of Jiang Feng. "Even if it is used for intestinal lavage, it seems to be a poison of Huaxia, which has penetrated into the bone marrow."

"Cruel! It's cruel!"

Dong Ye couldn't help but gave Jiang Feng a thumbs up, "This guy is a hero! I'm convinced!"

"It's dead, it's a hundred."

Tsukumao stood beside him, holding his arms, sneer, "deserve it!"

"Maomao, don't talk nonsense!"

Luo Xuewu's look was unsightly. With a reprimand, Jin Jiumao closed his mouth.

"If there is any mistake in the command of the Royal Forest Army, Qixia Villa will be over."

Long Fangyu is also a smart man, and he reminded Jin Jiumao, "If you are good for the villa, just pray that this guy is fine."

"He must not die."

Dong Ye concluded, "But he will never get better until the villa is defeated!"

"Go, find Luo Xiaofeng!"

Xia Xun hurriedly asked Luo Xiaofeng to go. After a while, the man was dressed like a boiler worker and came over with a gourd.

"I've heard everything. There is a detoxification pill. It should be detoxifiable."

Xia Yan quickly took Jiedu Pills and stuffed them into Jiang Feng's mouth. But Jiang Feng was still lying there, foaming in his mouth, and he didn't see improvement.

"It's a wicked one ... My Jiedu Pill doesn't work well ... who actually practiced this poison ... Is it Song Yunya ..."

Luo Xiaofeng muttered.

"Butler Xia ... it's a bit unstoppable below, the police came."

Another disciple came to report, panicking.

"I see, let's go and see."

Xia Xun knew that she could not mess at this moment, and she turned and went out. Dong Ye followed them out to see how to block the people outside.

Soon there were only two disciples left behind in the medical room. Jiang Feng was still lying there. At this time, Jiang Ye came in, waved at the two disciples, and signaled them to go out.

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