My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1288: Is a blessing or a curse

Chapter 1288

Jiang Feng was lying on the bed with white foam constantly in his mouth. It was so miserable and horrible.

Jiang Ye stood in front of him, looking at him like this, and finally couldn't help talking.

"You look so embarrassed like you are now."

Jiang Feng's eyes were dull. When Jiang Ye was talking, her eyes seemed to flash.

"If Jiang Shuitian knew that he had a son like this, he would not be able to hold the coffin board."

Jiang Feng suddenly wiped the white foam from the corner of her mouth, sat up directly, and looked at the girl in shock.

He couldn't bear his own mood and grabbed his hands on the girl's shoulder.

"Jangye, are you?"


Jiang Ye's energy flew, and Jiang Feng's hand opened. She took two steps backwards and looked at Jiang Feng and said.

"Go back. The next time you want to come, declare war on the sidelines, so I can give you a glance."

After Jiang Ye finished speaking, without giving Jiang Feng a chance to speak, he turned around and left the medical room.


Jiang Feng hurried out of the medical room, but there was a quiet courtyard outside, empty.

"Jiangye! Jiangye! Where are you!"

Jiang Feng was constantly searching in the villa, looking anxiously.

At this time, the reporter and Yu Linjun finally rushed in.

"Hand over our commander ..."

A relative cadre of the Royal Forest Army was stunned in accordance with the written script. The reporters next to him were also all kinds of flashing lights, hitting him and those of the Seven Knights Village.

But this time, a familiar figure caught his attention.

His own commander stood in the yard, shouting an unfamiliar name, and seemed to be looking for something.

"Jiangye, where are you! Jiangye!"

Jiang Feng was almost mad, he was desperately searching for clues about his sister.

Jiang Ye is really in this villa? Is she okay? Why is it here?

Jiang Ye, Jiang Ye, where have you been? Come out and let my brother see you!

Jiang Feng was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, and the Yulin Army from below was dumbfounded. How should the next script be performed? It's completely beyond the routine!

"Master Jiang, are you better?"

Xia Yan knew Jiang Fengman's yard looking for Jiang Ye, and he knew it well. It seems that this time it was Jiang Ye who did not hesitate to reveal his identity and helped a lot, which resolved the crisis. But letting Jiang Feng know that his sister is in Qixia Villa is not necessarily a good thing. However, with Jiang Ye and Jiang Feng, it should converge somewhat.

"Since Jiang is okay, follow them down the mountain."

Xia Xun started a passenger order, "Your men are waiting for it."

"Where is Jiangye! Where is Jiangye! Give her up!"

Jiang Feng grabbed Xia Ye's shoulders with both hands and growled at her! At this time, Guan Wenbao was holding the Yueyue knife, the tip of the knife was straightened up, and he put it on Jiang Feng's neck.

"Release Xia Butler."

Guan Wenbao growled in a low voice.


Jiang Feng's four fingers were pinched on the edge of this yueyue knife and dragged in his hand.

Lao Guan did not hold his own Yueyue knife, and was directly pulled out by Jiang Feng. Guan Wenbao was taken aback. This Jiang Feng had such strength?

He was about to work, but Xia Min spoke.

"Well, in front of so many people, what do you want to do? Also, Lord Jiang, I see that you are the commander of the Yu Linjun and the righteous brother of my master. This is the kind hospitality you have. But what do you mean , Want to be the enemy of my villa? "

Now that Jiang Feng is standing here alive, Xia Ying is not polite anymore, and her attitude has become tougher.

"I just want to find my sister."

Jiang Feng frowned, suppressed the flame in his heart, and said it word by word.

"Let her come out ... We naturally have something to say. If you don't pay ..."

"No, how about it?"

When Xia Xun spoke, hundreds of masters at the same time raised their anger at the same time, staring at Jiang Feng opposite.

"Master Jiang, bullying my master is not there? For no reason, if you want to move Qixia Villa, you have to ask the people here to do it!"

"I'll wait for my sister Jiang Ye to be imprisoned, so I will naturally find out!"

Jiang Feng growled.

"Really? Is there evidence?"

Xia Yan asked without mercy, "Even if you want to search, get a search warrant first? In the presence of these media reporters, what do Jiang Feng want to do, just say it."


Jiang Feng looked at the flashing lights around him, and he finally suppressed the anger in his heart.

At least, he knew that Jiang Ye was alive. Although I don't know why she is in the villa, she will always find out!

"Take care of my sister, don't take pride on yourself."

Jiang Feng turned his head and waved, "Let's go!"

A group of Yulin Army had no way to make a name for themselves, and the Seven Knights Village was not an ordinary person.

This large group of people whirled and went down the mountain, and the reporters took another shot before they went down the mountain under the "good advice" of Xia Yi.

After sending away these plague gods, Xia Xi was relieved.

She thanked Dong Ye Gongshou, who was standing next to him. "Thank you, Mr. Dong, for pointing out just now."

"Anyway, it's all part of it."

Dong Ye waved his hand. "Since Jiang Ye's identity has been exposed, we must take more precautions. I think Jiang Feng will not give up and tell his disciples to strengthen day and night patrols so that no one can slip in."

"Unfortunately, the disciples are not yet mature."

Xia Xie shook her head. "If only the Li Jia Guard could be transferred back from Li Jiadao."

The Li Family Guard is a super-guard corps built by Bai Linluo for Li Fan himself. However, it is possible on Lijiadao. If you move to Huaxia, it will definitely not work. After all, the high-tech equipment will become an anti-government armed group.

"It's all right."

Murong Ai watched the excitement for a long time, and gave a suggestion at this time, "I heard the dragon girl said that in twelve days, Hai Zhu Zhang Xinran's ability is mental power. She can let the spiritual power cover the whole villa. When It acts as a barrier. She will feel it when an outsider enters. "

"Twelve days general ... It seems that only the little master can cheek up with the general with a cheeky face."

Each of these twelve days will be the treasure of the government. There is already a dragon girl following Li Fan, and then seconding a person to stay there, General Ran will certainly hurt.

"Describe the pros and cons, and they will naturally agree."

Murong Ai has the best relationship with Dragon Girl, and she started packing tickets.

"It's a good idea ... Brother Guan, are you okay?"

Xia Ye looked at Guan Wenbao standing next to him with concern, and Yang Shuiyue was even more nervous, for fear that his sweetheart might miss something.

"I'm fine ... but Jiang Feng's skills have improved a lot."

Guan Wenbao frowned. "This man is indeed a powerful opponent."

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