My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1290: Who is orthodox

1290 Who is orthodox

Ledog Group, this is a big national enterprise in Bangzi Country. I heard that Bangzi Guo wants to establish an "Archimedes" system. Legou Group directly claps the board and is willing to use its Yuezhou golf course as a base. For the stick country, the Legou Group is patriotic, but for countless Chinese people, this is helping.

Once Archimedes was established, Huaxia Yong was dense. To change this, Murong Ying went to Yuezhou alone.

However, with Murong Ying's strength, she has been there for so long, but there is no news at all, which makes Li Fan inevitably worried.

On the rivers and lakes, few people can defeat Murong Ying. And who in the world can rival Murong Sakura?

A fishing boat slowly leaned next to the port of Yuezhou. As usual, Li Fan wore a black sportswear, and the logo of Qixia Mountain Villa was printed on the back.

There are no people in the port. It is relatively remote and concealed. No one seems to come. Here is a dark line found by the dart board, very safe.

"Zhuang owner, if there is anything, just contact me by satellite phone."

The men responsible for sending Li Fan said to him.

"Well, thanks a lot."

Li Fan arched his hand to his hand, glanced at the navigation map in his hand, and walked away.

"This place is really big."

Li Fan couldn't help muttering.

"Sir, it should not belong to this place."

It seems that the reason for the establishment of a military base, this month almost no one lived in the state. It is rare for a country that has a lot of land and gold. There are wild fields here and there, with lush greenery, listening to the song of the birds and cicadas, the body feels a refreshing breeze, but it feels a little comfortable.

But at this moment, a figure slowly came out from behind the tree. He was probably in his thirties, a charming woman, wearing a black leather coat, looking at Li Fan, asking slowly.

The other person spoke Korean, Li Fan couldn't understand. The man held his arms, thought for a moment, and switched to Chinese.

"It turns out you are Chinese."


Li Fan did not hide his identity, "Please also tell me where Archimedes arranged."

"Are you a bit stupid?"

The other side looked at Li Fan mockingly, "We are the protectors here."

"Are you going to compete with me?"

Li Fan looked at each other, a little surprised, "Looking at you, it seems to be a martial artist, right?"

"Not a martial artist, but an ancient martial artist!"

The woman immediately pinched her lips. "Huaxia's martial arts are clearly passed from our big stick country. You must respect history and respect tradition!"


Li Fan directly scolded, "Sure enough, he is a gangster countryman. He is shameless."

"The shame is that you are right. My kung fu is the real ancient martial arts."

The woman stretched out a hand, concentrating her energy, "When you see my strength, you will understand what is orthodox."

"Okay, then you have to let me see."

Li Fan stood in place, hooking his fingers at the woman.

"Oh, although you are young, I won't let you."

The woman said, suddenly jumping up, then raised her right foot high, and fell to Li Fan from the air!

Most of the martial arts in this country are mainly kicking skills. There is a saying that is good, the hands are two doors, kicking people with their feet. The kicking skills of Bangziguo can be said to make the most of this. The woman's foot, like a tortured tomahawk, instantly reached the top of Li Fan's head.

But who is Li Fan, the patron saint of Huaxia, and the strength of the semi-holy level, how could it be so easy to win.

Li Fan's body was slightly on one side, avoiding the woman's foot. At the same time, he grabbed the woman's collar with both hands and used her strength to hit her on the ground!


The woman's body slammed heavily on the ground, she fell pale and grinned.

But she also responded quickly, endured the pain, and rolled up directly on the spot, then a sweep of the leg, trying to knock Li Fan down.

Li Fan He Xu people also, this routine, he already knew in the mind.

He kicked out and kicked at the woman's face door. Before the woman finished sweeping her legs and kicked herself, she had been turned to the ground by Li Fanyu.

To deal with these so-called ancient warriors, Li Fan did not even need Kowloon.

The woman was slipped out by Li Fanyu's body, rubbing the ground out of a deep gully.

"Go back and practice again."

Li Fan retracted his calf and stood still again. He looked at the woman lying in the distance and persuaded her.


The woman got up in a panic and yelled, "Our big stick ancient martial artist is undefeated!"

When she spoke, the blue veins on her face bulged. Li Fan felt that the strength in her body suddenly started to rise, and she had reached a surprising level.

Dragon Chip?

Li Fan subconsciously produced this idea.

This is a genetic weapon developed by Huaxia and Meidi. Since Huaxia has already been equipped, Meidi should also have a lot of inventory. It shouldn't be difficult to equip their police dogs with a big stick country.

Soon, the enchanting woman's body began to swell, and after a while, the muscles on her body burst out, becoming like a Vajra Barbie, looking at how strange it was!

"Let you know what the real ancient martial arts are!"

The woman roared, like a tiger roaring, and immediately came to Li Fan.

With one leg, she drew firmly on Li Fan's body. Because it was too fast, Li Fan didn't have time to dodge and was kicked out.

Li Fan hurriedly guarded her arms in front of her, and now she was kicked a bit sorely. She couldn't help expressing her horrified strength.

This kind of gene chip can excite the potential of the human body to the extreme, erupting superhuman power. But this hastily raised power will also cause terrible harm to the body and bring inevitable sequelae.

"Hehehe, did you see that your unorthodox Kung Fu, okay?"

The woman laughed, and Li Fan followed suit.

"Relying on the power of genetic weapons to lift up, ridiculed? You are too shameful, right?"

"You, how do you know about genetic weapons ..."

The woman's face turned white, Li Fan laughed.

"If you don't know, unless you can't do it! Come, Xiao Ye let you know who is orthodox!"

"Go to death!"

The woman bounced again, and immediately came behind Li Fan, and at the same time drew her foot toward Li Fan's waist.

Li Fan, however, took a quicker step, leaned back directly, and crashed into the woman's arms, her elbows hitting the woman's lower abdomen.


The woman spit out bitter water, which hit her lightly.

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