My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1291: Bad your dreams

Chapter 1291: Bad Your Dream


The woman's body was beaten into shrimp, and she flew out, hitting several trees in a row, and finally fell into a pit.

Li Fan held out a hand to the woman, and the dragon hand started. The woman was lifted up in the air and hovered opposite Li Fan.

"You, what are you doing?"

The woman was hit lightly, and now the energy in her body has been vented. The whole person has recovered the previous look. The clothes are also tattered and the spring is leaking, but she can't attract Li Fan at all. She struggled in the air in horror, but to no avail.

"You have internal strength but don't know how to use it. When you learned a trick and a half in Huaxia, you thought you were orthodox? It's ridiculous."

Li Fan's voice was cold and mocking.

"Damn Chinese, you won't be too proud!"

The woman yelled, "After our Archimedes is completed, you Huaxia will be exposed as undressed prostitutes-girls, and exposed to us! And what kind of dragon **** you are, with Archimedes, it Don't even think about having a chance to go to heaven! "

"Don't worry, you will go to heaven first."

After Li Fan said, his right hand stretched out and twisted. With a click, the woman's neck was severed and her head was tilted to one side.

Li Fan tossed her body aside, then bent her knees slightly, and then bounced up!

He stomped on the ladder and strung through the air, jumping to a height of 100 meters in a blink of an eye.

He filled his body with energy, and time seemed to slow down, leaving him in the air for a moment.

Taking this opportunity, Li Fan looked away, looking for the direction Archimedes might be in.

It's surrounded by wilderness, but there is a small town in the distance. But the town is empty, and a few residents have been forced to move away.

Anti-missile and reconnaissance devices such as Archimedes will definitely destroy this place as soon as possible when it really starts to fight. Then, the residents who live near this place will become so-called cannon fodder.

"It still doesn't look high enough."

When Li Fan fell to the ground, he sighed. There must be a military base around Archimedes, but at this height, it should not work.

"what else can we do……"

Li Fan was thinking about Murong Ying, but she was at a loss. Yuezhou has a large area, and it is obviously unscientific to search for a military base in a carpet style. Moreover, Murong Ying is not necessarily in a military base. In case you can't find her, how can you explain to Murong Ai?

The world is vast, and it is difficult to find a military base, not to mention a big living person.

"Murong Ying is a master of a generation of masters. Even if she is arrested, her breath cannot be masked."

Li Fan thought about it and decided to try another method.

Unlike looking for Liu Xiaowan, although Xiaowan is also a martial artist, she has a weak breath and is harder to find. But Murong Ying is different. She is a great master, and she has a strong breath, but she can't hide it casually.

Li Fan sat cross-legged, with his hands rounded, eyes, nose, and heart, and began to feel the flow of air around him.

When Li Fan was fully absorbed, everything around him seemed to have entered his heart. The wind blows the grass and the birds and beasts go.

Time seemed to stop flowing, Li Fan felt that there was indeed some strong breath nearby. Don't underestimate the heroes in the world, even in Bangziguo, there are still some powerful masters. But their breath is strong and weak, not as sharp as Murong Ying.

Li Fan gradually let go of the ability to perceive, let himself be integrated with heaven and earth, in pursuit of the breath of Murong Ying.

When he was in the island country that day, he could even feel the existence of the entire city when he used the star power. Now, he has already been stronger than that time, how can a small Yuezhou county be in the matter?

Li Fan let his power run completely, seeming tolerant of the world. A spirit from far to near seems to be in front of Li Fan.

Li Fan felt as if he was standing under a cherry tree.

"found it!"

Li Fan suddenly opened his eyes, this is indeed the breath of Murong Ying, there is nothing wrong with it!

"Murong Ying, wait for me, I'm here."

Li Fan pedaled lightly, stepped on the grass without bending, and stepped on the water without falling, so he galloped toward the direction where Murong Ying was.

"General Kim, how long will it take for this base to be completed?"

An official in a suit, surrounded by a group of soldiers, walked beside an old man who looked like a general.

One of them was a government commissioner and the other was a military general in charge of the project.

"Commissioner Li, leave it to me. Anything else to worry about?"

General Kim snorted. "I have been in the army for fifty years. In the eyes of Commissioner Li, don't you have the ability to do this?"

"No no no, General Kim misunderstood, I didn't mean that."

Commissioner Li hurriedly explained, "Isn't this anxious too, it's urgent. General Jin, do you think that I am a good commissioner. Now that China Huaxia completely blockade us, our lives are not easy."

"Isn't there a relief from the Emperor, what are you afraid of?"

"The United States has a big mouth, saying it is for relief. But when it is really needed, you can't see a hair."

Commissioner Li rolled his eyes and spread his hands.

"At the moment, it's time to finish Archimedes. At that time, Huaxia should beg us."

"Just for a few days, some final debugging is needed. But this part of debugging has to be done by a US emperor's researcher."

"They're almost there ... by the way, haven't you caught a Chinese woman a few days ago, how did she settle down?"

"Oh, what is the leader of Huaxia Wulin, I have worked hard. Many of my people have died under her. If it wasn't for the sonic system, I wouldn't be able to hold her."

"Oh, who would be the opponent of our big stick nation. What is China's martial arts leader, but that's it!"

"That is of course. She is too old to break the ground! Don't look at where their martial arts are. We haven't passed them on yet!"

The two talked more and more happily, as if the big stick nation wanted to unify the world.

In front of it is an anti-missile vehicle. This is the Archimedes system. But there is less final debugging, and the startup password in the hands of the US emperor. Once completed, since then, Huaxia has no secret at all.

"With this, Huaxia will succumb to us sooner or later!"

Both were very relieved, only waiting for Archimedes to be completed.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly fell from the sky, stepped on the top of Archimedes, and stared coldly down.

"Sorry, I'm interrupting your dreams."

p.s Go out for a friend ’s birthday today 二 更

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