My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1292: Sonic system

1292 Sonic System

The two men looked up, and suddenly lost their good looks.

It came down an Asian man in black sportswear, but he spoke Chinese.


As General King screamed, the surrounding soldiers held up their guns.

"Don't take these toys out."

This is not someone else, it is Li Fan.

With a wave of his hand, all the guns in the hands of the soldiers came out, flew out, and landed on the ground next to it.



Everyone was taken aback and didn't understand what happened.

"Who the **** are you?"

Commissioner Li trembled a bit, but General Jin took his hand, stabilized him physically and mentally, and then drank at Li Fan.

"Not yet registered!"


A sword stabbed to the ground and was pierced in front of General Jin.

Looking at the dazzling golden sword, even General Kim, could not help but shed some cold sweat. What is happening here, but this military base is unknown even if it was killed in the face?

"I'm the China Magician Sword!"

"Shangfang Sword?"

"Yes, it's the man who defeated Takeda Takeshi ..."

"Well, why is he here?"

The gangsters around were talking.

"Shang Fangbao Sword ... turns out to be you ..."

Why did General Kim see some of the markets? He frowned and looked at Li Fan.

"There is a reason for this, but there are some personal purposes."

"What's the purpose?"

General Kim asked subconsciously.

"You guys, arrested my fiancee, shouldn't you let it go?"


"Oh yes, she still has an identity, this is the martial arts leader of China."

Li Fan smiled, everyone laughed.

"That woman?"

General King and Commissioner Li stared at each other, and saw a shock in each other's eyes.

Hey, come here for your wife?

"What kind of magic sword, when you come to me, you must admit it!"

General Kim waved his hand, "No one can succeed when I am a big stick?"

The words fell, and four strong men in military uniforms stood by, walking slowly over them. These four men had uniform steps, their momentum was good, and they seemed to be not small.

"These four are the messengers of justice we have worked so hard for."

General Kim had a confident smile on his face, "The four of them are more than enough to kill you!"

"Really? I want to try."

Li Fan fell down, stepped on the hilt of the sword with one foot, and looked at the four cold-faced men around him.

"Come on, brother, who will come first?"

Chinese has been popular in Bangziguo a few years ago, and people here have learned a little. So Li Fan spoke, and they understood. At this point Li Fan's words fell, but the four stood still, just watching him coldly.

"Come on, let him know the power of the messenger of justice."

General King commanded that these four people suddenly came towards Li Fanben together.

These four people were extremely fast, just like Kai Hang, and in an instant came to Li Fan and punched Li Fan at the same time.


The fists of the four of them fell on Li Fan's body all together, but Li Fan stuck his hands in his pockets and ate the four punches with his own body.

He turned his strength and held his body like a layer of armor to protect himself.

The bodies of the four men took a step back at the same time, and General Jin frowned.

This kid, is so strong in body protection?

However, Li Fan also ate a bit of a dark loss. The arms of the four buddies were also good. The blood of Li Fan was surging.

"Four people go together, it's really rude."

Li Fan carefully looked at these four people. "These four, aren't they human?"

"Good eyesight."

General Kim grinned, "These four are all transformed artificial men! They combine the martial arts of our great stick nation, and powerful scientific and technological strength, and no one will be their opponent!"

"I don't know, what about the four of them matching my lady?"

Li Fan suddenly asked.


General Kim was silent.

"Okay, I see."

Li Fan laughed, "Come here, give you a minute to let my lady out."

"One minute?"

"They can only support it for a minute."

Li Fan said, at his feet, he suddenly appeared in front of a robot. The artificial man stretched out his arms and stood in front of him. Li Fan had already kicked his arm on his arm. The cyborg man stepped back and opened the empty door.

Li Fan then turned around and kicked the dragon's head, kicking the artificial man's head directly.

But another Cyborg has reached behind Li Fan and stretched out his right palm at the same time. He sprayed a white light cannon in his palm and fired at Li Fan.

Li Fan's body rotated, avoiding the opponent's light cannon in the air. At the same time, he slapped it out and patted it on the chest of the android.


The upper body of the artificial person was directly blown into pieces, and the bones were left.

"come back!"

General Kim finally saw that it was bad, this kid, it was so tricky!

There are only two messengers of justice left, so I ca n’t just bury them in vain ...

Speaking of which, there were 108 ambassadors of justice in this place, but now there are four left ... The reason is that he was ruined by that female league leader without him!

"Prepare the sonic cannon!"

With a wave of General Kim's hand, several armored vehicles suddenly drove over and surrounded Li Fan around the center.

"Why, want to hit me with a car?"

Li Fan looked around.

"You know it right away! Stink boy!"

General King said, and ordered, "Fire!"

The voice dropped, and a horn-like weapon suddenly popped out of the armored car in all directions.

Just in a flash of time, a super sound wave erupted, like an ocean wave, and it hit Li Fan in an instant.

Li Fan felt like his body was in the rough seas, so that Li Fan couldn't stand even, and knelt directly on the ground.

He hurriedly stabilized his body, holding the sword in one hand, stuck to the ground, and supported his body.

"Damn ..."

Li Fan had a bad secret in his heart. He could understand why Murong Ying had broken.

Those who practice martial arts can protect their bodies with strength. But the only thing that can't be protected is these ears. The higher the skill, the better the hearing. And this sound wave is a terrible killer to them!

Murong Sakura martial arts is so high, this trick must be deep.

"Ha ha ha, what Chinese magic sword, obediently die!"

General Kim laughed with Commissioner Li and was proud of it.


But Li Fan sneered. This trick might be effective for Murong Ying, but he just came up with a restraint.

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