My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1293: Fight with his wife

1293 My Wife and His Wife

In addition to his vitality, Li Fan also has a mastery of the spiritual power that Wang Luo developed for him!

He closed his hearing directly with mental strength, and the world around him was quiet. Although the sound wave impacted on Li Fan, the body was protected by vitality and naturally free.

Li Fan stood up slowly in the horrified eyes of everyone. Although you can't see what those people are saying, these are not important anymore.

Li Fan stretched out his right hand, and the dirt around the ground flew up, quickly condensing into a stone sword in his palm.

Little Four Style · Drop Dragon Sword!

This slap-shaped stone sword came out of the hand directly, and instantly crossed a distance of tens of meters, directly piercing an armored vehicle.


The armored vehicle exploded instantly, scaring Commissioner Li with a cleverness.

And Li Fan continued to control the dragon sword, passing through several armored car holes one after another. This thick armor could not stop Li Fan's stone sword!

One after another, Commissioner Li couldn't stand up.

"This, what can I do?"

Commissioner Li hurriedly watched Li Fan shoot through the last armored vehicle.

"The Commissioner is not panic, I have the last resort!"

General King said, and ordered his men.

"Huh, are you finished?"

Li Fan asked, re-liberating his hearing.

"Of course, let's see what this is!"

General Kim clapped his hands, the door of a truck next to it opened, and pushed out a shelf from the inside.

At a glance, Li Fan was a little excited. It wasn't anyone else on this shelf, it was his former fiancee, Murong Ying.

She is still a beautiful cheongsam, even if she passed out, it is so beautiful that people dare not profane.

"Let her down."

When Li Fan saw Mu Rongying like this, she suddenly felt angry.

He was quite war-fighting, and General Kim sneered.

"Well, I'll let her down as you wish."

He gave his man a look, and he took out a strange remote control and pressed it twice.

Murong Ying, who was unconscious on the shelf, suddenly woke up, opened her eyes and looked at Li Fan. But her eyes were devoid of eyes, completely different from those of Murong Sakura, who had glorious eyes in the past.

"Murong Ying?"

Li Fan called twice, but Murong Ying didn't say a word, she didn't seem to know Li Fan.

"What did you do to him?"

Li Fan frowned and questioned.

"We have a chip that can be implanted in the human brain."

General Kim grinned, "With this, you can increase one's strength and control one's brain as well! Remember, it's not your fiancee who is standing in front of you now, but the soldier of my great country Even if you are more powerful, you can't match her? "

While talking, Murong Ying had left the shelf, stretched out a hand, and pointed at Li Fan.

The sky full of cherry blossom sword spirits rushed towards Li Fan.

"You guys, it's a **** thing to control her!"

Murong Ying is extremely arrogant. If you let her know that she is controlled, she will definitely die.

Murong Ying's pride, how can this group of people be defiled!

Li Fan jumped up, jumped more than five meters high, and then dunked.

Li Fan didn't want to hurt Murong Ying, so he used the weakened Dragon King Seal to try to suppress Murong Ying on the ground with his strong energy.

But Murong Ying is Murong Ying, even if she is controlled, she still has a strong instinct reaction!

She is surrounded by cherry blossom sword qi, tearing the vigor around her.

Then, Murong Ying jumped in place and jumped into the air, catching up with Li Fan.

Murong Ying slashed a finger of Murong Jian, and came straight to Li Fan's throat.

"Good job!"

Li Fan couldn't help feeling that no matter when it was, Murong Ying's strength would always be so good!

He did not dare to hide privately, followed by a record of Lei Longtian, splitting his sword on Murong Ying's sword finger.


In an instant of effort, the two played more than ten moves.

The waves of air kept blowing in the air, and the eyes of the sticks underneath were staring round.

Dude, this is the legendary fairy fight?

Li Fan and Murong Ying fought while falling towards the ground. The two fell to the ground at the same time, then both palms were right.


The two struggled internally, but Murong Ying was obviously inferior to Li Fan. Although Murong Ying initially defeated Li Fan internally, she could not stand Li Fan's diligence and adventure. Later, Li Fan practiced "Jiu Zhen Yao Shu" again, and his vitality has become a semi-holy strength, much higher than Murong Ying.

At this time with both palms fighting for internal strength, Murong Ying persisted for half a minute and was blown out.

"How come, isn't that the soldier you received?"

Commissioner Li looked pale and looked at General Jin.

"Don't be afraid, chips can also increase power."

General Jin grabbed the remote control, pressed the button, Murong Yingjiao rebuke a few times, then a five-meter-tall cherry warrior popped up behind him, picked up a cherry blossom sword directly, and chopped it down against Li Fan's head!

"This cherry **** of war is true."

Li Fan laughed, and then the Valkyrie appeared, raised a palm, and patted on the cherry blossom sword.


The cherry blossoms spread, and the cherry **** of war is slightly scattered, but quickly condenses.

Murong Ying's eyes glowed with red light, spurring the cherry **** of war, and Li Fan's Valkyrie had several tricks in a row!

"Bang, bang!"

There was a constant roar in the air, and the two were inextricably linked. But Murong Ying didn't have the mind, and Li Fan also made a move.

"How do I think ... she won't win ..."

Commissioner Li frowned deeper and deeper.

"Who are you talking about?"

"Of course it's that woman! I said, the people in Huaxia are not reliable! I still want to use my big stick fighters!"

After hearing what Commissioner Li said, General Kim snorted.

The fighters of the Great Stick Country are almost dead!

"Go, help!"

General King gave an order, and the messengers of justice of the two great stick nations flashed together and appeared together next to Li Fan. While Li Fan was fighting with Murong Ying, she stretched out her hands and aimed at Li Fan.


Two light cannons exploded and hit Li Fan.

Even if Li Fan has vitality to protect his body, these two times are enough.


There was anger in Li Fan's eyes. He waved his hand, and his vitality surged, and the two artificial people were directly knocked out.

However, Li Fan couldn't get a chance to kill them. Murong Ying seized the opportunity and continued to attack, forcing Li Fan to fight back, unable to deal with others with distraction.

"Good opportunity to kill him, don't miss it!"

General Jin saw Li Fan's embarrassment. He pointed at Li Fan, "Hurry up, kill him! Don't give him a chance to stand up!"

The two man-made robots in the stick country turned on the highest horsepower, their eyes glowed red, and white smoke was emitted from their bodies.

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