My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1295: Unmanned town

1295 unmanned town

After Li Fan cut a neuron, he was sweating and tired.

Li Fan loosened Murong Ying, leaned back, rounded her hands, and nourished her internal strength. Li Fan's internal strength is not weak, but it does not mean that he has endless power. After cutting a neuron to Murong Ying, Li Fan was exhausted and exhausted.

"Well, we have a big job."

Li Fan wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

His physical strength was a bit empty, and he quickly took out one to return to Yuan Dan.

But Li Fan looked at Yuan Dan this time and hesitated.

Today, only one neuron was incision, and there are seventy-one remaining ... In my own strength, I am afraid that only one can be broken every day. Li Fan put down Huiyuan Dan, worked for a while, and recovered a little, then stood up, laid Murong Ying carefully on the bed, and then found out a relatively loose pajamas from this wardrobe for her She replaced it first.

Anyway, I had slept together before, and it was okay to change clothes.

After Li Fan was so full of feasts, he still took advantage of some of the advantages, so Murong Ying was settled.

"You, sleep well."

Li Fan stunned his eyes. He stood by the bed, looking at Murong Ying who was motionless. "I go out and see if there is anything to eat. Rest assured, I will be back soon."

After speaking, Li Fan left Xiaoyanglou where he lived and came to the supermarket in town.

The residents in this place are in a hurry and seem to have received some compensation from the government, so the local buildings have basically remained unchanged and left.

Li Fan walked into the supermarket, and the food inside was full.

"Well, it's quite convenient."

Li Fan picked up some daily necessities and food and stuffed them into a cart. He found some medicines by the way and put them together.

Li Fan strolled in the supermarket and found a large freezer in the supermarket. He looked at the freezer thoughtfully. This time I'm afraid of fighting protracted battles, so I need to prepare more things.

He pushed the cart with one hand, and the other hand directly lifted the one-meter-high freezer with one hand.

The heavy freezer in Li Fan's hands was like a toy. He was held high and dragged all the way to the small house where he lived.

"It's okay to stay. Practice my skills first."

Li Fan put the freezer directly in the living room and connected the power supply. He worked hard, but his internal skills were already difficult to grow, he could only cultivate day and night, and slowly progress. However, in terms of external power, there is still room for strengthening.

Li Fan always feels that his own Xuanlong ice is not enough, and he can practice again. However, to practice this method, if in ancient times, find an ice cave with thousands of years of ice. But up to now, science and technology have improved, and there are more ways to practice.

The freezer was continuously powered on for a day. Li Fan had put several pots of water in it, and now it was frozen hard, and his hands were sore.


Li Fan opened the freezer and pressed his left hand directly on the ice cube. This slight chill followed the skin into Li Fan's left hand. Soon, Li Fan's left hand became as white as jade, as if it were a palm carved from ice and snow.

Cold into the bone.

At that time, in order to practice, even falling into the magic, the whole person was frozen in it. And Li Fanlian this Xuanlong ice palm, the entire left hand was also frozen into ice sculptures.

Li Feng felt pain as the coldness entered the body. But it also made him very happy and painful, indicating that the chill was indeed growing.

This Xuanlong Ice Palm is so extreme that it hurts and hurts itself, a bit like the meaning of seven wounds.

However, in order to become stronger, this sacrifice is still needed. Li Fan was originally a martial art idiot and had a bunch of powerful enemies. If he didn't practice a discipline, he would kill the school, that would not work.

Looking at the frost on his hands, Li Fan's mouth slowly smiled.

Li Fan lived here for almost two months. For these two months, he fed Murong Ying with meals every day, wiped his body, and had to go to the toilet on time.

Murong Ying is almost like a vegetative person now.

Murong Ying had helped herself a lot before, but now she's going to pay her back.

Every time Li Fan felt tired, he comforted himself like that.

And in the past two months, he has learned how many ice cubes he doesn't know. His Xuanlong Ice Palm has also improved a lot.

The same day, Li Fan was sitting on the bed and was doing good for Murong Ying. Seventy-two neurons, sometimes one, or two. In the past two months, it has been seven or eight. There are two more, and we can end this trip to Kengzi Country right away.

Just then, Li Fan frowned slightly. Unexpectedly, there will be guests coming in the last two days.

A group of people in white Tai Chi clothes hurried outside, each holding a gossip knife in their hands. This team is the top master of the country. They have practiced top local skills, and now they have chips to strengthen their capabilities.

This team is now called Tai Chi Warrior, with a total of twelve people, which is the strongest in the country! This time they went out to kill this big wicked man who came to do evil in the country! This kind of wicked people went to the Bangzi Country and acted wantonly, and ruined the Archimedes plan, making it impossible for the Bangzi Kingdom and the American Emperor to explain it, it was awful!

"Jin Zhengfeng, where are you now?"

A man's inquiry came from the headset. This man was no one else but the vice president of the country. Since the accident, they have been searching for news about this Shangfang sword. Because all roads leaving the country were blocked for the first time, and found that Shang Fangbao did not escape, he searched in the country, and finally found his trace near the incident!

The most dangerous is the safest. Chinese people really like to play this set!

"It's nearby, a hundred meters away."

A handsome man, headed by a finger, pressed his earlobe with a rice earphone inside.

He stared at the bungalow not far away, his eyes cold.

"If there is any danger, stay away from it immediately, there are already missiles locked in the distance."

"It's ours, it's ours."

Jin Zhengfeng was a little dissatisfied. "It's so hard for adults to believe we can't do it?"

"Not afraid of accidents, just in case!"

This Jin Zhengfeng also has some fame and status in the country of sticks, and even if he is a vice president, he has to give him some face.

"I'll meet you with the kid's head."

Jin Zhengfeng said, glancing at the other partners.

"Everyone, we are ready."

"Relax, it's up to us."

The eleven other people are also top players, and they have a terrible breath on them, as if they are going to devour here.

"Let's go and let him leave his life in my country!"

Jin Zhengfeng took these people and approached the house quickly.

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