My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1296: Murong Qing

Chapter 1296

Li Fan can't go out to greet the guests right now. There are two more neurons. Li Fan is going to take a bet and quickly cut these two together. It is no longer possible to stay here.

By this time, Jin Zhengfeng had reached downstairs. A Tai Chi warrior opened the door directly.

Everyone went in and saw that there was a large freezer in the living room on this floor, and they didn't know what it was for.

"This Chinese man is really weird ... what does he do with a freezer?"

A Taiji warrior, holding his sword, knocked on the freezer, a little puzzling.

"Well, whatever he does, it's just an ordinary freezer!"

Jin Zhengfeng glanced up the stairs, "Hua Xia Dog, don't hurry out?"

"All of you, you are here without any notice. It is sneaky, isn't it good?"

The voice of a boy from the floor seemed to be very light, but it sounded like a hong bell.

"Well, this is our place. Our freedom is wherever we go. You wicked, you are your own master."

Jin Zhengfeng couldn't help but ridicule.

"I want to be the master? It's you guys who are used to being dogs."

There was a laughter on the floor, "Why, things aren't going well, your beautiful dad blame you?"

"Presumptuous! Death is imminent without repentance, obedient death!"

Jin Zhengfeng growled.

"Ah, several of you, can you come back later? Now, I'm happy with my lady, and I have no time to receive you."

"Well, let's be a pair of happy ghosts below!"

A Taiji warrior immediately jumped up the stairs and rushed upstairs.

But at this moment, a strong palm wind came from upstairs.


The entire staircase was directly frozen into frost, and the Tai Chi warrior was frozen into ice sculptures, slipped off the stairs, and smashed to the ground on the first floor and shattered.

"All said, we are not very convenient now, why is this child disobedient?"

Li Fan's taunting voice came from the floor, "I lost a dog's life in vain, alas."


Jin Zhengfeng is a person who knows goods. This palm style is a terrible crying ghost! Such a powerful internal force that he never even practiced! Damn it, how could Huaxia have such a powerful opponent?

"I don't believe in evil anymore, everyone goes together and kills him!"

Two more Taiji fighters rushed on the frost, but there was a powerful palm wind on it. The two Taiji fighters hurriedly raised their long knives in an attempt to resist, but they acted like a mantis arm and were instantly frozen into two ice sculptures and fell down and shattered.

"Doesn't he understand people?"

Li Fan was ridiculous again.

"Everyone beware, it's too evil."

Jin Zhengfeng doesn't want his brothers to die in vain, each of them is the wealth of the country of sticks! When they die, it is the biggest loss in Bangzi Country!

He looked up, looked up, and saw a direction.

"We can't go up, then you give me down!"

Jin Zhengfeng said, slashing across the ceiling, sweeping across the ceiling.


The ceiling cracked, and a figure blew away the sawdust and fell down.

She has beautiful cherry blossoms around her, like a beautiful woman coming out of the painting, so that the men around her are stunned.

The woman was wearing a new fuchsia cheongsam, her black hair was pretty, her legs were long and she was in front of everyone.

"You, you are ..."

Even if Jin Zhengfeng saw such a beautiful woman, he couldn't help but stay there.

"Hua Xia, the leader of Wulin."

Murong Ying said, shaking her hand, and Sakura's sword twirled around her.

"Beware, it's a femme fatale, kill her!"

Jin Zhengfeng roared, and the eight others around him followed, each of them holding a sword and approaching Murong Ying.

"Well, here it is."

Murong Ying said, her body suddenly moved forward, passing by several Taiji fighters.

And every time she flashed, her finger nodded on the other's chest.

"Puff puff!"

The back of these Taiji disciples burst into blood, and Sakura-dong penetrated their bodies, killing them all.


Jin Zhengfeng's face was iron blue, and finally he had some fear in his eyes.

Is this the Chinese martial arts leader? Martial arts is so high? Could it be that they are orthodox? No, the orthodox one is the self, it is the stick country!

"No matter what lord you are, let's die!"

Jin Zhengfeng said, picked up the long knife, rolled up a knife, and then spun out a knife, headed straight for Murong Ying.

Murong Ying's hand was empty, and Jin Zhengfeng's knife immediately hung in front of Murong Ying's palm, but she couldn't fall!

"Practice some knife skills, but the internal skill is not enough."

Murong Ying said, with a push of the palm, Jin Zhengfeng's knife was cut off directly. He was taken aback, and Murong Ying's fingers had reached before his brows.


Jin Zhengfeng knew that the big event was bad. Before he died, he roared into the headphones.


Jin Zhengfeng's head exploded and his body fell to the ground.

But Murong Ying looked out the window, Mei Dai lightly.

She did not hesitate, pedaling lightly, fell to the upper floor, grabbed Li Fan who was still lying on the bed.

"Oh, mother, I haven't slept yet."

As soon as Li Fan shouted, he was caught by Murong Ying, broke through the window, and fell outside.

Murong Ying pedaled lightly, rushed the cicada in eight steps, and left the scene quickly with the afterimage.

Just less than a minute after they left, a missile fell from the sky and landed.


The previous place set off fire and was razed to the ground in the blink of an eye.

"Well, are they farewells?"

Li Fan looked back and was surprised.

"So much nonsense, hurry up!"

Murong Ying blame.

"It's too late, stop."

As the two turned around, a missile was descending from the sky and dropped not far from the two.

"Hold me tight!"

Li Fan hugged Murong Ying, and then his body shone golden!

Big Five Styles · True Dragon Gold Body!

Jin Guang wrapped two people, and the missile had landed on the ground.

A cloud of mushrooms rose into the sky, and the flames swept through some and devoured everything.

When the fire spread, Li Fan and Murong Ying stood among them, and Li Fan's expression was obviously not very good-looking. His internal strength was almost exhausted, and he forcibly supported himself, casting a true dragon golden body once.

At this point, Li Fannei's achievements were exhausted. With a swipe of his pocket, Yuan Dan had already eaten this time. This time, it is considered a loss-making business.

"Are you OK?"

Murong Ying put her hand on Li Fan's wrist and touched it.

Qi Qi is a little weak, and it seems that Li Fan's internal force is very empty.

"OK, leave the rest to me."

Murong Ying said, holding Li Fan.

"What are you doing?"

Li Fan asked her.

"Back you."

"Fuck, I'm a big man, how can I get you back?"

"Less nonsense, come up!"

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