My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1298: Men and women

1298 Men and women

"What do you want him to do?"

Murong Ying stared at Wang Song tightly, wondering what he was thinking.

"Don't be so nervous, they just invite him to be a guest."

Wang sent a handkerchief and gently wiped the lip gloss near his mouth.

"You look nervous."

"No one can move him with me!"

Murong Ying said sarcastically, "Why, you just want to do it with me?"

"The current leader of Murong is indeed the heyday of Spring and Autumn ... Ah, it is not appropriate to describe such a beautiful girl as you.

Wang Xun patted his cheek gently, "Smooth-skinned people like us, speak softly."


Murong Ying cursed, then turned and left.


The sea in front of Murong Ying exploded, and the water rose into the sky, blocking her way.

"Everyone just met, why bother to leave."

Wang Send held a sword in his hand and said with a smile.

"Even if I leave, do I leave my little enemies?"

"Hurry up while I'm feeling good."

Murong Yingjiao scolded, "Otherwise, leave your life here."

"Look at you, look at you. With such a quick temper, I really don't know how Li Fan can bear you."

"That makes you guess."

Murong Ying suddenly smiled, "He really can't stand my temper."

Speaking, Murong Ying carried Li Fan with one hand on her back, and stretched out her **** with the other, giving one finger to the king.

The king sent one side of his body, the sword gas was drawn out from his side, the sea surface was divided to both sides, and then slowly filled in.

The two stood on the sea, their feet stomping on the sea, staring at each other.

"Ah, to be honest, if it's possible, I really don't want to be against your little girl."

Wang Xie said with a smile, "However, the task is the task, this little enemy, I must take it back today."

"That being the case, stop talking nonsense."

Murong Ying carried Li Fan on her back, and the **** of cherry blossoms popped up behind her. "I'll make my way!"

"Ah, hello, Valkyrie, this effort is not weak!"

Wang Song seemed a little scared. "Take this effort to scare me, I'm scary!"

Wang Xia said so on his mouth, but his hands were up.

Xiao Wuxiang's magic skill is also a magic skill. As Wang sent the puppet, the water surface immediately raised five water columns, like dragons and snakes, and shot towards Murong Ying.

But the Sakura Ares waved his hand directly and broke the dragon and snake water column.

"Flame Palm!"

Murong Ying's eyes glowed red, while the right hand of Sakura Ares wrapped in flames, and sent directly to the king with one palm.

Wang sent out his right hand and pushed in front of him.

The flame palm stopped directly in front of Wang Xuan's body, but it was controlled by his little Wuxiang magical power and stopped.

Murong Ying frowned.

"Little girl, your martial arts are high, but you still stay on the level of infuriating."

The king sent a chuckling smile, "The old immortal in your family, realized the yin, why not teach you?"

"Less nonsense."

"Look, it's still so fierce, I really don't know what the little enemies like about you."

Wang sent a sigh, "You are really outdated. It ’s true that others are practicing yang that is better than innocence! Even if there is no martial arts true body, they will be able to fight against you."

Li Fan's eyebrows jumped, Yang?

It sounds very good, and it seems to be the opposite of Murongbo's anger.

"Little enemy, little girl, with the ingenuity of both of you, you should have guessed it."

Wang Send, while controlling the palm of the Sakura Ares, said, "This yang is exactly the opposite of yin. These two forces were originally practiced by martial arts masters. On that day, martial arts were also divided into two major factions, namely yang. Faction and Yin faction. Both factions considered each other to be orthodox martial arts, fighting each other, and fighting each other, and finally martial arts fell. The yin and yang two qi were lost, and later generations summarized some incomplete parts and became authentic. "

"Since it was lost, why did you practice it again?"

When Murong Ying heard it, she couldn't help asking.

"Oh, others don't know, but how does the Emperor Wulin know?"

Suddenly, Wang Xun looked serious. "The emperor has always been hereditary in the martial arts. The emperors of all ages have been trained in yang. But my emperor Liao has also trained in yang, and the times have passed down to this day."

"Hey, your emperor is not a good mix."

Li Fan had just restored his ability to speak at this time, and couldn't help laughing, "Is this happy living in the underground grave circle?"

"Ah, you little friend, you are willing to say a word, and thought you ignored him."

Wang Xuan looked at Li Fan with resentment, and Li Fan didn't want to speak anymore.

"Our emperor, my health has not been very good. This is no, I can only recuperate below. This is not the case, the recuperation is almost the same in the past two years, and the martial arts should change."

"Oh, we martial arts, what else is worth changing?"

After listening to it, Li Fan pouted, "Now in this martial arts, I still have my family of seven chivalrous villas. Is this Emperor Liao, want to occupy my Zhuangzi?"

"Oh, how could my emperor be interested in a small Zhuangzi? You, like a paradise, let him live in a separate hospital, which is almost the same. My emperor is in the world, understand? "

"Wipe, I am still in the universe!"

Li Fan rolled his eyes. "I'm going to form a great empire of the universe recently. I will be the first emperor of the empire. How about you, the chief of the palace?"

The king sent a strange laugh and said, "Just say you're a little enemy, you, you, you, you ... it's time to run the train with your mouth full. What is the strength of my emperor, others don't know, are you not sure? Now that my emperor has recovered all her strengths, she will have to leave the customs only after a good day. "

"Is he going to go out or get married?"

Li Fan still ridiculed, "Okay, when he comes out, I still have to fight him. See if he has great yang, or if I have strong energy."

"Okay, people will see you now."

"Don't think!"

Murong Sakura ’s cherry blossoms are getting stronger and stronger. Soon, the God of Sakura is slowly disappearing. Murong Sakura ’s right arm is condensed with a strong cherry blossoms ’sword atmosphere, forming the shape of an arm. Holding the cherry blossom armor, while holding a cherry blossom sword in his hand.


Wang Send felt a breath beyond the spirit from this sword spirit.

"Is this ... vigor?"

He suddenly realized, and became confused.

"Strange, people think you have done men and women ... but the little girl is obviously still a virgin. Girl, where does your vitality come from?"

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