My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1299: Twenty Year Covenant

1299 Twenty Year Covenant

Murong Ying now has a lot of vitality in her body, which was brought in by Li Fan when he treated her. I was a little bit energetic in my body, but I was almost exhausted along the way. The two days of treating the disease day and night have made Murong Ying's vitality more pure than Zhou Guifei and Liu Xiaowan.

Therefore, Wang Wang will doubt whether Li Fan and Murong Ying had a relationship with fish and water.

"Are you ... the one who left?"

After thinking about it for a long time, Wang sent out such a sentence.

"you wanna die!"

Murong Ying's face was crimson, and she didn't know if she was angry or ashamed! She roared, and the cherry blossom sword in her right hand was cut down, and a sword fell to Wang's head.


Wang sent a block with his little Wuxiang magical power, but this time he stopped it for only a second or two. Then Murong Ying's sword broke his defense and chopped on his sword.

The sword flew into the flesh and blood splattered in three steps.

The king sent a magic weapon to protect the body, and was not badly injured by this sword.

If he didn't shoot Murong Ying's sword with his hand in time, he hid aside. I'm afraid he's two halves this time.

"Ah, hello ... Lord O Lord, your sword is amazing."

Wang gave a look of fear, "I can't beat you, isn't it good if you don't hit it! But when they leave, next time they come, they are even more powerful masters!"

"Let them come though, come and kill one, come and kill me by two!"

Murong Ying raised her cherry blossom sword again. Wang Xun didn't dare to delay. He split the water waves and retreated to the distant fishing boat in a blink of an eye.

"Hum, Jumping Clown!"

Murong Ying sneered, she carried Li Fan on her back, and continued to walk on the waves without a trace, turning back all the way to the shore.

After arriving at the shore, Murong Ying threw Li Fan on the ground.


Li Fan pretended to be hurt, rubbing his buttocks, and said, "You woman, it's too much. As soon as you land, you don't recognize your man?"

"Hum, when did you become my man."

Murong Ying snorted, and she glared at Li Fan.

"Have you been so comfortable lately, that you have a bit of an inch?"

"Inch? I've gotten more in two months."

Li Fan laughed, "Where are you all over me?"

"Are you tired?"

Murong Yingyue raised her eyebrows and raised her vitality.

"Look, why are we both married together, so you don't miss old relationships?"

"Huh, just unmarried couples."

Murong Ying turned her head and did not go to see Li Fan.

"Live together, why can't we call them unmarried? I said, it's the so-called husband and wife day, and the two of us have been dating for hundreds of days.

"Vulgarity, it's time to fight!"

Murong Ying raised her palm, Li Fan openly opened her arms, raised her chest, and seemed to let Murong Ying fight.


Murong Ying looked at Li Fan's weakness now, hesitated again and again, and put her hand back.

"If you hit me now, I will be sneered at me for bullying the sick and weak! When you are all right, we will fight again!"

"Well, they said they were husband and wife. Why do they always want to hit me?"

"Although there is a couple name, there is no such thing as a couple! Not a couple!"

"Isn't that easy!"

Li Fan laughed, "If you want to be married, I can do it anytime."

"I think you just want to fight!"

Murong Ying raised her hand again, and thought and let it go again.

"Come on, fight, the harder the better."

Li Fan urged instead.

"You guys, if you can't get sick, still ask for a fight?"

Murong Ying was incredible.

"Yeah, isn't it good to say something. Fighting is affection, and scolding is love! The harder you fight, the deeper your affection for me."


Murong Ying raised her palm for the third time, and the flames condensed on the palm. If this palm of flame is down, I am afraid that it will kill people!

But she bit her silver tooth for a long time and still put her hand back.

"What the **** do you want!

Murong Ying was anxious.

"How can you call your husband a gangster? You shouldn't be too."

"Nonsense! Then nonsense, I rip your mouth!"

"Come on, I want it."

Li Fan simply lay down on the ground, put a big character on his face, look like a rogue.

"You guy ..."

Murong Ying can't do anything with Li Fan.

"Don't call me a lady anymore, I and you are already gracious!"

Murong Ying snorted coldly.

"Hey, didn't people say that, the husband and wife are fighting, and the bed is fighting with the foot of the bed."

"Just don't make peace! Hey, it's not a husband and wife! Don't you already have a little love, what other little Wan, Zhou Guifei and the like, I have heard of them."

"Well, it seems you still care about my business."

"Who cares about you! That's it, I'm back!"

"Where are you going?"

Li Fan asked.

"Murong Villa."

"What's so good back there."

Li Fan tried to ask, "Otherwise, come back to my Qixia Villa."

"Li Fan, I ask you."

Murong Ying didn't answer Li Fan either, but asked him, "If one day, a woman comes, you like her. And she said to you, give up all your foundation, give up Qixia Villa, and watch Qixia Villa It was slowly eating away and slowly declining. And you, with her, are you far away from the world, would you be happy? "


Li Fan was really asked, Qixia Mountain Villa devoted himself to too much hard work, and this Zhuangzi shouldered a lot of responsibilities, Li Fan could not leave it for a certain sister, then he would not become a covet A beautiful person?

"Can't answer it."

Murong Ying snorted coldly, "May you Li Fan be shouldering justice, and I Murong Ying will leave the house and leave with you? Li Fan, if you really think so, then I will look down on you."

"So, what do you think I should do?"

Li Fan also got serious, he jumped up from the ground and looked at Murong Ying who was standing in front of him. "A woman I like, can't I watch her go?"

"You ... do you really like me?"

Murong Ying asked suddenly.

"Of course it's true. It's time now. I still can't tell lies?"

Li Fan felt that he had not been so serious.

"If you really like me ... that's enough."

Murong Ying suddenly smiled.

"What do you mean?"

"Now Wulin is turbulent. If twenty years later, you and I haven't died yet ... Then, I'll come to you again."

Murong Ying said, turned and left.

"Sleeping, for twenty years, too long?"

Li Fan was dissatisfied and shouted.

When Murong Ying heard it, she immediately stopped and looked back at Li Fan.

"Why, do you think I can't do this?"

"That's not ..."

Li Fan stated, "Furthermore, with your martial arts, even if you are forty years old, you are born with the appearance of eighteen or nineteen. I just ..."

"Just what?"

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