1300 Water 遁

"Just what?"

Murong Ying looked at Li Fan, her eyes were obviously asking.

"Just, you also said that there are too many variables."

Li Fan groaned, then said, "You and I don't know which day I can live. Twenty years, I'm afraid I can't wait that long."

"Life is dead!"

However, Murong Ying looked far more than Li Fan. She pulled her hair back again. "When the time comes, let's talk about it later. I'm gone, you ... take care ..."

After speaking, Murong Ying quickly left Li Fan's sight with a residual image. She came and went like the wind, as if she had never appeared.

"This woman is no one."

Li Fan patted himself on the dust, and his internal force recovered. As long as you find a place to meditate and adjust your breath, you can slowly recover.

"These women can only be found in heaven. They are hard to find on earth."

A word came from Li Fan's ear. He turned around and found that it was not someone else.

Li Fan was immediately vigilant, but his face remained the same, instead he put his hands in his pockets and watched Wang send.

"Why, my chief, this is figured out. Come and report to me?"

"Oh, people want to follow you, but who makes you a little bit more difficult?"

Wang Xie covered his mouth, giggled, and Li Fan who laughed was covered with hair, and this cold sweat wet his back.

"I'm not climate yet?"

Li Fan pouted his lips. "What is the climate in the eyes of your chief executive?"

"Little enemies, you ask me, then I will tell you."

Wang Song said unhurriedly, "If you want to be a climate, at least you can win our Majesty before you say."

"It's not difficult."

Li Fan was active, "If you can't win today, it doesn't mean you can't win tomorrow. Sooner or later, I will flatten him!"

"You said that, one day sooner or later."

Wang said with a smile, "But now it's no longer possible. You still have to obediently walk with others and meet your Majesty."

"What if I don't go?"

Li Fan asked, and at the same time he glanced out.

"That person can only use strong."

Wang Song said, grabbing a gripper directly, grabbing towards Li Fan. But Li Fan stretched out his hand, and the sea water suddenly started to roll, and then a water sword was sucked up by Li Fan, and in front of Wang Send. The king sent a wave and shattered Li Fan's dragon sword with one hand.

"It's impossible for you now ..."

Wang Send just finished speaking, his eyes suddenly widened. I saw Li Fan plunging into the sea. Wang Xia didn't dare to hesitate, and chased after it quickly, then jumped into the sea. The sea water was cold and pierced into the bone marrow.

The sea on the shore was muddy and muddy, and Wang Xun couldn't see clearly in it, let alone find Li Fan.

He plunged in the water for a long time, but in the end, he jumped out and landed on the shore.

"This little enemy ..."

The king sent a sigh, "It's so cunning."

He has no other way, it is useless to wait here, Li Fan's water should be good, the vast sea, who knows where to swim.

"It seems that this time, I will be punished again by my emperor."

He turned away. After about half an hour, a figure suddenly separated from the sea and jumped up again. This person is not someone else, it is Li Fan.

He ate a dragon, and it was like a fish in the water. And the closed qigong practiced by Li Fan in the past can last longer under this water.

After diving for half an hour, Li Fan estimated that Wang Shi should also leave, and then he jumped back to the water.

"Mom has a chicken and I'm jumping back into the water."

Li Fan used internal force to dry the water on his body. "When I recover, I'll run into him again and see if I don't twist his nose!"

Li Fan had nowhere to go for the time being, no money on his body, and his cell phone was soaked in water. However, Li Fan had to eat and sleep. At the moment, he got some money, got some food, was full, and got tolls to return to Qixia Villa.

But he is penniless and cannot beg along the street.

Li Fan glanced at the seaside town, thinking about the issue of travel expenses.

"I don't know where it is, is there any branch of our dart board."

Li Fan thought for a while, still thinking about strategies. Although I have worked hard, is it impossible to go to the street to perform?

When he was at a loss, he suddenly saw a group of sticks in white robes, about a dozen people, gathered together and went aggressively towards the other side of the street.

Li Fan raised his eyebrows, what happened!

As soon as he forgot the hunger in his stomach, he couldn't help but feel a little curious, so he immediately followed.

The sticks walked across the street and broke into a martial arts hall opposite.

Li Fan stood across the street and looked at it. The name of this martial arts hall is Song's martial arts hall.

"Song Shi Wu Guan?"

Li Fan muttered, as if he had never heard of this martial arts hall.

"Okay, it's fine anyway, go and see the excitement."

Li Fan thought for a while, he seems to be a little popular now. He immediately reshaped and changed his appearance slightly, hiding his true colors. Now Li Fan, looks like an ordinary thin boy, can't see anything special. Li Fanxin said that this set of kung fu is really good, it is too convenient.

Li Fan walked into the Song Family Wu Guan and saw the gangsters. They were surrounded by a young girl wearing a uniform.

The girl looked about eighteen or nineteen years old, in a gray robe and a little thin. She has a beautiful appearance, a beautiful figure, and a faint water and spirit, which seems not suitable for this martial art. But she was surrounded by these sticks in the middle, but she didn't have any fear in her eyebrows, but she was calm.

"I'm not familiar with you, why come to my martial arts office to trouble?"

The girl was alone, but yelled at the opposite club.


One of the heads could not help but cursed, then pointed at the girl's nose, "You yellow hair girl, pretend to be stupid with me?"

"You guys, this is my place. It's best to speak softly."

The girl's face is like a peach blossom, with thorns in the flower.

"Dare to talk to me like this, it's very bold, no wonder you dare to grab me!"

The stick scolded, "I smashed you martial arts hall today!"

"You are so lawless!"

Girlish enough, biting her silver teeth and glaring at the sticks in front of her.

"Lawless? I tell you, we foreigners, here you are!

The leading stick laughed, "Tell you, it's not good to grab people from our museum!"

"You guys, it's too much!"

"It's too much behind! Lessons learned today, let you know the pain!"

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