My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1301: Martial arts girl

1301 Maid of Martial Arts

"Let you know it hurts!"

After the lead stick was finished, a fat man next stepped forward directly, raised one foot, turned around, and went straight to the girl's chest!

His kick, in Li Fan's view, showed no mercy. The girl looked like an ordinary martial artist. If she was kicked, her death would be a serious injury. But the girl was not afraid. On one side of her body, she avoided the fat man's foot flexibly. At the same time, her fist was like a bell, and she was hammered on the fat chest.

Although the fat man's chest was thick, but the girl's fist was the position of the hammer in his heart. The fat man's eyes turned black, and he went back two steps, sitting on the ground with one butt.

Li Fan couldn't help but want to clap her hands. The young girl was so beautiful, she couldn't help praise. There is a faint feeling of Hongquan in the girl's boxing, but it is a little different. Li Fan wondered, what kind of effort was this?


The leading stick couldn't help but scold the country, he gave his companion a kick and kicked him off the ground.

"Waste, even a Huangmao girl can't subdue!"

The leading stick is very angry. He is here today to be prestigious, not to be ashamed!

He waved and ordered the person on the left.

"Donguk, go! Don't let me down!"

"Relax, brother, I promise to make this girl cry and apologize!"

Next to a golden-dyeed stick, he rubbed his fists and slowly walked towards the girl.

"Come on, you shameless!"

The girl was still fearless, as if it didn't hurt or itch for her!


Golden retriever jumped in front of the girl, kicked it, and went straight to the girl's door!

The girl was quite calm. She stepped on her feet, her knees were slightly bent, and when the golden retriever kicked over, she avoided his calf.

Subsequently, the girl suddenly pushed up, and then another, directly lifted Jin Mao's body out.



The golden retriever broke his **** and cracked into eight petals.

"Waste! All waste!"

The gang yelled, "This girl is a bit capable, let's go together!"

Several clubs all flung forward, rushing to attack the girl.

The girl coped with a few tricks, but soon couldn't support it, and was beaten up by several sticks.

"Girl film, I broke your body today, see how you can teach others martial arts!"

The leader was laughing haughtily, and at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared next to him. He put his hands in his pockets, lifted one leg, and put it on a stick. He flew the stick straight away, A dog fell on the ground eating shit!


The leader was startled, and turned to look at it. A thin boy was standing next to him, holding one leg up.

As he lowered his legs, he wiped the dust off his pants.

"Boy, who are you, can't you find death?"

Leading angrily looked at Li Fan.

"Friend ... friend ..."

The girl slowly got up and said to Li Fan, "You go quickly ... it's not your business."

"That's not what it says. Everyone is a martial arts person. How can I ignore you?"

As soon as Li Fan reached out, she helped the girl up.

"You too ... the one who practices Xi Wu?"

The girl was surprised when she heard this.


Li Fan nodded.

"Hi brother."

The girl held back her pain and arched her hand at Li Fan. "What is your fist path?"

"I learned Qi Xia Quan."

Li Fan thought about it and decided to use his own name.

"It turned out to be the seven chivalrous fists that have been popular all over the country recently, disrespectful."

The girl again fists at Li Fan.

"You're welcome, everyone is a martial arts person, so you don't need to be so polite."

"You two are still talking, so heartbroken!"

The stick was stubborn enough, "I care who you are, a group of flowers and embroidered legs, let me lie down!"

He never puts the so-called Huaxia Martial Arts in his eyes. The so-called Huaxia Martial Arts is simply not orthodox! Their stick martial arts are really amazing!

He glanced at his companion, preparing to launch a siege to both men at the same time.

"Oh, you've been fighting hard."

Li Fan's ridicule and irony made the leader even more angry.

"Do it!"

A group of people rushed towards Li Fan fiercely and fiercely, but Li Fan laughed.

"Ha ha ha, a bunch of silly than, come here!"

Li Fan said, never regress.

A stick had arrived in front of him, turned back to a whirlwind leg, and swept towards Li Fan's face. However, Li Fan was faster. He kicked his foot faster as if the opponent hadn't kicked it, as if poke out a gun, and stuck it directly on the stick's chest.

Li Fan did not use his vitality, but this foot was enough for the other side to take it, and he flew out to the other side.

The man slipped out far, fell to the ground, was so painful that he couldn't get up for a long time.

But the foot of the other stick had already reached Li Fan, but Li Fan stretched out a hand, copied his ankle in his hand, and hit his fist on his leg.


The man screamed and fell to the ground, holding his knees.

Another stick growled at Li Fan and pounced in front of him. Li Fan held the tiger's claw and drew it on the other's chest.

"Time pull!"

The man's clothes were torn apart a large piece, and the blood flow in his chest was more than terrifying.

"What kind of work are you doing!"

The leading stick watched his companions being knocked down one by one, and looked scared.

"Kung Fu fight!"

Li Fan said, suddenly in front of him.

"Wait, wait a minute ..."

Before the leader's words were finished, Li Fan had already lifted one leg and pinched the other's chest.


The leader flew out instantly, flew more than ten meters away in the blink of an eye, and then slammed into the wall behind him, and was immediately spit out a bitter bitter water, terribly painful.

"While I'm in a good mood, get out of here!"

Li Fan kicked the stick lying next to him with a kick.

"You, how dare you do it to us ..."

The former Golden Retriever yelled at Li Fan, "You are too brave!"

"Whatever it takes to hit you, this is my Huaxia site, and you can't let it go!"

Li Fan raised his leg high and slashed on the guy's head, smashing him to death.

"Tell you, dare to make trouble again in the future. I'll see you once!"

These sticks were afraid, and they wandered away from the Wuguan with their injured companions.

"Thank you."

The girl was very grateful and arched at Li Fan.

"Okay, all said goodbye."

Li Fan laughed. "Huaxia Martial Arts are all in the same door. They should have helped each other."

"Hey, if only everyone was like you."

The girl smiled bitterly, "I won't be so hard."

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