My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 131: Coward reaction

131 Cowardly Reaction

Li Fan sat on the plane for five hours.

He used to want to fly before, but after he got there, he knew it was so boring! And as a martial artist, this kind of feet off the ground makes him so uneasy!

The plane bumps from time to time, every time makes Li Fan feel like it is about to fall!

Other bodyguards unfastened their seat belts and occasionally moved their bodies in the plane. However, Li Fan tied himself tightly to the table, dare not leave in one step, his face pale.

Liu Yanan, a big beauty, was sitting opposite Li Fan. She looked natural and very leisurely. She was drinking coffee while watching the magazine.

Seeing Li Fan's expression, Liu Yanan finally got a little happy! Li Fan suffers, she is happy! That's right, her happiness will be built on the man in front of her! furiously! Established!

"Our hero Li, omnipotent, are you afraid of flying?"

Liu Yanan saw that Li Fan was even sweating down, and finally he couldn't help turning on the teasing mode! This time he must be kept from coming to Taiwan in order to revenge on the past!

"Nonsense, how could I be afraid of flying!"

Li Fan's dead duck had a hard mouth and did not admit it at all.

"Oh? Why is your face so pale?"

"That's because my skin is always white!"

Li Fan muttered, "The skin is so white, without any cosmetics, no tricks at all!"

"So what's your leg shaking?"

"This is a skill I practiced!"

"What kung fu is to shake your legs?"

"This is to exercise the muscles on my calf belly at all times!"

Li Fan said that he was almost convinced, "A martial arts fighter is also very hard? Even a genius like me cannot relax for a second, haha ​​..."

"Then why are you sweating cold?"

"Blind, you licked it? Why do you say it's cold sweat?"

Li Fan did not admit that he was killed. "It's hot, I'm sweating!"

"You say you, that's a hard word."

Liu Yannan continued to appreciate Li Fan's expression, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, and his little tongue licked slightly on his lips.

"You don't have to be so scared, really. Airplanes are the safest means of transportation, and the chance of an accident is very small."

Liu Yannan said that Li Fan's heart was a little more stable. But immediately she added, "But if there is an accident, the survival rate is the lowest."

My day your uncle! Your ancestor! Eighteen generations of your family!

Li Fan couldn't help but want to scold his mother, this Liu Yannan was definitely intentional!

"Sometimes, I think. If the plane really had an accident, what would it look like."

Liu Yanan admired Li Fan's expression while continuing to say, "This plane will fall towards the ground at a high speed in a free-fall manner. The feeling of powerlessness and weightlessness, you said, would a cowardly person be scared directly? Got to urinate pants? "

The black lines on Li Fan's head are all coming out. Will you die if you say a few words?

Really tofu!

"Master Li, do you answer me?"

Looking at Li Fan's collapse, Liu Yanan couldn't help giggling.

Viper woman, female demon!

Li Fan kept scolding in his heart, and at this moment, the plane suddenly trembled, and then crashed down towards the top!

Liu Yanan couldn't laugh anymore, his face was paler than Li Fan, and he screamed directly in his mouth!

Her body floated lightly, and her hat had flew up. She desperately grabbed the armrest, and the scream in her mouth became louder!

Li Fan did not hesitate at this time, reached out and unfastened his seat belt, and then made his body sink, his feet sucked into the cabin floor as if taking root. At the same time, he stretched out his hands, grabbed Liu Yanan's seat belt, fastened her, and was still scolding.

"Women Nima! You are a big pen! Let your crow mouth!"

"Help! I don't want to die! Whoo!"

Just like holding the life-saving straw, Liu Yanan hugged Li Fan in one hand, hanging on him like an octopus. And her seat belt dragged two people, making Li Fan very uncomfortable.

"You ... Quickly ... let go of me ..."

"I don't! I want you to die for me!"

"You look for the dead!"

Li Fan was very depressed, and several bodyguards in the cabin were a little alarmed. The plane crash, which is not within their business scope!

"Hurry up and check it out!"

Qi Zeping immediately commanded, and when they were about to move, the plane slowly lifted up again, and a little bit of stability was restored.

The captain heard an apology.

"Sorry ... distinguished passengers, we just encountered an emergency airflow, but we have flown safely."

Everyone was often relieved, and Liu Yingnan was crying.

"I must fire the silly captain when I go back!"

"Don't let him hear this ..."

Li Fan hurriedly advised, "In case he can't figure it out, take us on the road ... but it's not good."

"Damn ... **** ..."

Liu Yingnan shouted a few times, suddenly pushed Li Fan away, then lowered his head, his lips biting hard.

"what happened to you?"

Li Fan was curious. What happened to Liu Yannan?

Liu Yanan didn't speak, just lowered her head, her lips were almost biting and bleeding.

Li Fan suddenly thought of something and blinked a few times.

"you will not……"

"you shut up……"

"Did you really **** on your pants ..."

"I will kill you ... must ..."

Liu Yanan was crying, but Li Fan couldn't laugh or cry. I wipe, I was still teasing me, now I have a problem!

"Ahhhhhh, there is a word that makes sense, it's better to be a joke."

"I'm going to kill you ... **** ..."

"Give you."

Li Fan took off his suit jacket and blocked it on Liu Yannan's leg. "Go to the bathroom and change it ... have you changed clothes?

"In ... in the trunk ..."

Li Fan got up and took out the suitcase, opened it, and there were all the girls' clothes inside.

But there are still a few pieces of personal underwear. Li Fan found out that the woman's favorite underwear styles are actually leopard prints ... what a wild viper woman!

"Asshole! Close your eyes!"

Liu Yannan reprimanded.

"Okay, I'll close."

Li Fan closed her eyes and listened to Liu Yanan's choice of clothes, and then she seemed to get up and go to the bathroom.

Li Fan silently closed her suitcase for her, and suddenly frowned.

"Qi Zeping."

Li Fan greeted him. His bald head was closing his eyes, he heard Li Fan's shouting, opened one eye, and then became furious.

"You pervert, stare at Missy's underwear!"

"Calm down, what do you think this looks like?"

Li Fan said, took out a small silver box from a bag in the box, and carefully placed it on the clothes.

Qi Zeping's expression was frozen.

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