My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 132: Never fly again

132 Never fly again

"Plastic bomb ..."

Qi Zeping is a master of security, and he is familiar with this stuff.

"So big ... enough to get us all into the sky."

A slightly thinner bodyguard next to him immediately stepped forward and checked the small silver box.

"The new model, the new code, seems to be an expert."

This man's name is Qiu Ao. He is a blaster in Qi Zeping's squad. His code name is bomber.

"Are you sure?"

Qi Zeping and a few of them gathered around and stared at the plastic bomb. I don't know who it was, and he fumbled in the trunk of the young lady. God didn't know the ghost, and how everyone died in the end, they may not even understand.

Who would know that such a terrible death was hidden in the trunk of the young lady!

"Bacheng is sure."

Qiu Ao has come up with his own set of tools, including a very professional notebook. He attached a laptop to a plastic bomb and crackled something on it.

"Well, as set in the TV series, aren't you going to cut some red lines or something?"

Li Fan could not help asking.


Qi Zeping reprimanded, "What age is it, now the bombs are executed by computers!"

"Well, I'm Otter."

"Don't interrupt, don't disturb the bomber."

A few people didn't dare to speak loudly, this could be related to their lives!

"The bomb detonates in 10 minutes."

Qiu Ao's expression became more and more tense, "The time given to me is too short ..."

At this time, Liu Yanan had changed her clothes and just came out of the bathroom. As a result, she saw several men around her underwear at first glance, as if holding a seminar, and immediately blew up the temple.

"You perverts! I want to fire you!"

"Don't make trouble, there is a bomb!"

Li Fan glared at Liu Yannan, who was about to get angry. He was scared when he heard this.

"You, what are you talking about? The bomb?"

"Well, it's in your suitcase."

Li Fan pointed to the small silver box, "You don't have to check it when you go out."

"I, I don't know ..."

Liu Yanan was crying, "It's all the maids at home who help me clean up ..."

"New maid?"

"Unclear ... I never pay attention to their faces ..."

Liu Yanan's heartbeat was so fast that she gave a subconscious glance at Qi Zeping.

"Can it be dismantled?"

"We are working hard, miss."


Qiu Ao's face was bitter and cold sweat came down. "I underestimated the other party! His bomb calculation was too rigorous! There were 3,800 code locks! I accidentally touched the trap just now, and the bomb was shortened by 7 minutes ... Three minutes left ... "

"Asshole! I want to fire you!"

Liu Yannan is really about to collapse. Why did he encounter such a thing as soon as he went out!

"Don't panic! What's the use of firing him? He has done his best!"

Li Fan stood up, pressed Liu Yannan to his seat, and tied her a seat belt.

"Everyone, fasten the seat belts. Then, with 30 seconds left, let the captain open the hatch."

"You're crazy!"

Gao Hongli was taken aback. "It's crazy!"

"That's the only way."

Qi Zeping frowned slightly. "It's a pity that we can't do a set of protective measures now ... but it's still dangerous. We can try to crack again ..."

"It all stopped me!"

Li Fan was a little impatient. "There isn't much time, so listen to me!"

"I'm professional!"

Qi Zeping still maintained his arrogance at this time, but Liu Yannan knew Li Fan's ability, and she hurriedly said.

"Sit down, listen to Li Fan! Otherwise, get off the plane for Miss Ben!"

The young lady spoke, Qi Zeping did not dare to make trouble, he opened the manual lock of the cabin door, and then instructed all bodyguards to sit down and fasten their seat belts.

Qiu Ao sat there, his precise brain calculating time.

"45 seconds left!"

"Almost! Viper! Let the captain open the hatch!

Liu Yanan couldn't care less about what he called himself. She pressed the microphone at her hand and instructed the captain to open the hatch.

"Excuse me?"

The captain thought he heard it wrong.

"Open the hatch!"

"Sorry, I'm a captain, I can't do this! Although you are the boss, I am a professional pilot. It is very dangerous to open the hatch. Even if you fire me, I cannot do such a dangerous thing! Please respect I, I have my flight rules, I have my driving ethics! "

"Immediately! Now!"

Li Fan growled, "There is a bomb on the plane!"

The cabin door opened immediately.

A huge suction force erupted from the hatch! The entire plane is starting to lose balance!

Li Fan was already mentally prepared, but at this moment, he was still panicking!

In this second, all the unfixed objects in the cabin, including cups, boxes, and so on, were all sucked out and spilled into the sky!

And some objects were stuck beside the hatch, including the bomb that Li Fan had just thrown out!

The plastic bomb stuck on the handle of the hatch, but time was running out!

Li Fan couldn't do anything. He glanced at Liu Yannan on the opposite side, and then stretched out his hands to release his seat belt!

At that moment, the powerful suction almost pulled Li Fan out! But he moved his vitality in his body, making his feet imitate the action of dragon toad sucking water, sucking on the ground tightly!

It's not just his own feet, he's having trouble standing now! Li Fan was lying in the cabin, relying on the strong internal force, attracting the ground, and then crawled towards the bomb step by step!

Time is running out!

20 seconds! 15 seconds! 10 seconds!

Everyone's eyes fell on Li Fan's body, all shocked the man's boldness, and his unique ability!

Normal people, have been sucked away!


There is a distance of one meter, but time is running out! Li Fan suddenly stretched out his right hand, and released the toad's water-absorption effort to the plastic bomb!

His powerful internal strength and the surrounding suction force resisted each other, and he actually pulled the plastic bomb back!

"piss off!"

Li Fan really acted on the bomb again, pushed it straight out, and disappeared behind the plane in a blink of an eye!


In less than three seconds, the bomb had exploded! But the plane was too fast and left the explosion area in no time!

The shaky cabin door was closing slowly, Li Fan stood up and helped pull the manual lock!

Everyone was relieved for a long time ... Although Li Fan was a layman, he saved everyone!

"Malgobi ..."

Li Fan himself wiped his cold sweat, "I will never fly again!"


I originally wanted the fifth change today, but there are too many things for the New Year. Starting from 9 o'clock, 1 change every hour, and ending at 12 o'clock, I wish everyone a Happy New Year, today with a 100 yuan password red envelope after each change.

Alipay Password Red Envelope: 68907199

In addition, I remind everyone that in reality, the cabin door cannot be opened after taking off, and everyone must die if it is opened ~ Everything is handled by novels, so don't imitate it ~

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