My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 133: Disadvantaged

133 Unfavorable teacher

The next few hours were calm.

At 12 o'clock in the night, the plane finally landed at the Nagasaki Airport of the island country.

"Little Master is finally back on the ground!"

Li Fan stomped on the ground with his feet, "Too jb happy!"

Qi Zeping originally wanted to stop drinking, but he finally held back.

But Liu Yanan couldn't help it, sarcastically.

"It's really a bun, isn't it just a plane, so astonished you?"

"I'm a dumpling. I just **** ..."

Before Li Fan had finished speaking, Liu Yanan hurriedly covered his mouth.

"Miss or not, Ben killed you!"

"Che, you obviously challenged me first!"

Li Fan opened Liu Yanan's hand and said uncomfortably.

"In short, this matter is forbidden to mention again! Forget this for Miss Ben!"

Liu Yannan lowered his voice and said in Li Fan's ear.

"Oops ... what can I do ..."

Li Fan said fakely, "I have no other ability, but my memory is particularly good. This kind of thing is impressive!"

"Deep your sister! Forget about Miss Ben immediately!"

"Don't forget."

"Kill you!"

"You come, do it!"

Li Fan raised his neck and said, "Who hasn't died since ancient times, and he will take his heart out and shine!"

"You, you, you still have reason!"

"Of course, don't forget if you don't forget!"


Suddenly Liu Yanan thought that this guy was penniless, so he changed his method. Intimidation doesn't work, it's tempting.

"You forgot about this ... I'll give you 100,000."

"Do not."

"one million!"

"Do not."

"Aren't you poor? Why don't you even give you money?"

"Someone gives you ten million. Fuck you. Can you do it?"

Li Fan asked Liu Yannan with a smile.

"Vulgar! Of course Miss Ben!"

"That's not enough. You give out this million, although it is not the flesh, but the soul. My soul, the priceless treasure, does not change.

"Then I give you ten million. I want to **** you, can you do it?"

Liu Yanan suddenly asked back.

"That ... please take protective measures."

"go to hell!"

Liu Yannan kicked Li Fan's calf angrily!

She had changed a short denim skirt earlier. Li Fan reluctantly retracted her eyes. This viper woman, she is poisonous, must not have any thoughts.

Although the city of a is already full of autumn winds, the climate of the island country is still relatively warm. Liu Yanan wore a short skirt and was at ease, but tormented their bodyguards. Although the clothes are good and breathable, they are thick after all.

Li Fan is not bad, after all, his suit jacket cannot be worn for the time being. But there were already a few small sweats on the foreheads of the next few big men. It's not easy to do this job. Although the salary is also very high, not only is it a crime, but it is always in danger of life!

If it wasn't for him just now, I'm afraid the people on this plane are going to heaven!

Qi Zeping is a very careful person, even before he got on the plane, he was checked by him. But he didn't take it into account. There would be problems with the employer.

How many enemies does Liu Yannan have? Why would anyone want to kill her?

Li Fan was thinking that several black suits had come down from several cruisers at the airport, surrounded by a middle-aged man from an island country, and bowed respectfully to Liu Kunan, with a muttering of Mandarin in his mouth.

To Li Fan's surprise, Liu Yannan turned up with him, and led them into a nanny car.

"What are you looking at?"

Liu Yanan found that Li Fan had been looking at her and could not help asking.

"Are you a ghost?"

Li Fan could not help asking.

"Go to you, you are a ghost!"

Liu Yanan took a sip, "I can't vomit ivory in a dog's mouth!"

"My dad has some business in the island, so I learned the island Mandarin since I was a kid. How am I a native of China?"

"Then you are a traitor?"

"Abominable, who instilled your thoughts!"

Liu Yanan was furious, "Could it be a traitor to cooperate with the people of the island nation? It's all the age, don't you, like the angry youth, go out and hit the island nation car?"

"Boy boycott, is it wrong?"

Li Fan thought of some of the words he had seen on the Internet before, and couldn't help asking, "If the island nation's companies are driven out of China, wouldn't they starve to death, what qualifications are there for us?"


Liu Yannan rolled his eyes and said, "You only know one, but not the other! Let's take the island car. Most of the island car are produced in joint ventures with Huaxia, of which Huaxia's company also accounts for a large proportion You are boycotting the so-called Japanese goods, which is forcing our Huaxia own factory to go bankrupt! It hurts one thousand and hurts 800! By the time Huaxia is hungry, will you be responsible for feeding? "

"That's better than taking refuge in the island nations! Isn't what we need is the national integrity?"

"That's the next best thing."

Liu Yanan snorted coldly, "What the reckless husband did! Let me tell you, we play politics and economy!"

"What is the best policy, and would you like to hear the details?"

"Boil the frog in warm water!"

Talking about these things, Liu Yannan changed his personality. "This is the set that the US emperor used for us in the past, and now we use it on the island nation. My father is infiltrating some of their important industries, as long as he can hold a share in the future, Then we can control the economic lifeline of the island nation! The island nation is a capital country, and the big capitalists control the whole country. By that time, the island nation will naturally have to obediently lick us for our use! "

"It's so black ..."

Li Fan couldn't help thinking of Bai Linluo. Such a brainstorm could only be thought of by a small four eyes.

"I still like to go straight! If you don't like it, just talk with your fists!"

"So you're just a reckless man."

"I am a martial arts fighter, this is how our martial arts fighters live!"

Li Fan was unwilling. "And without my so-called reckless husband, you, a senior intellectual, would have died in an air crash, you know?"

"Hmm ... who wants you to save it and hate you!"

Liu Yannan turned his head away from Li Fan.

This woman really needs to be disciplined! If she were her father, she really had to spank her a hundred times a day!

In other words, her little **** is still quite awkward, and it feels very good when she fights ... It should be happy to be her father.

Go and think in your head. However, when I set off, I encountered such a danger. What kind of mess would it take for the two days and two nights journey.

Suddenly Li Fan began to regret and should not take this job. I hope God bless you, no more moths!


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