My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 134: In front of the hut

134 Test in front of thatched cottage

The place where Liu Yannan stayed was a large Japanese-style house.

The architectural style here and Murong Mansion are exactly two extremes. Murong Mansion is an antique Chinese mansion house. It is divided into several courtyards. One courtyard is set up with one courtyard. The focus is on the Founder, the layout, and the Feng Shui. .

This Japanese-style house is typical of the island-style shogunate style. The yard is filled with cherry trees. A wooden house connects to the other. In the middle of the yard, there is a three-story Japanese-style castle. The building of Li Fan gives Li Fan a feeling of entering the island country game.

"Give you a good thing."

Just as Li Fan looked around, the Chou Ao suddenly pushed him gently with his elbow, and then gave him a hearing aid.


Li Fan was a little curious, reached out to take over, and Qi Zeping just looked over here, Qiu Ao, just like all right people, continued to follow Liu Yingnan with his head upright.

Li Fan put the earphones on his ears, and he found that the island country's short middle-aged man had a conversation with Liu Yanan, and he started a simultaneous translation.

"Miss Liu, it's really hard for you to come to our Sakura Village."

"You're welcome."

Liu Yanan smiled, "Mr. Yamada's birthday is tomorrow, I have to come and congratulate everything."

When Liu Yannan talked to the island dwarf, he completely changed his look, and had a business woman-like feeling.

This femme fatale, is it because the personality is not split?

"Mr. Yamada looks forward to working with your company this time."

The island dwarf continued, "He has been waiting for you for a long time."

"Kojima, please lead the way."

Although the translation of the two people's speech is somewhat mechanical, after all, they can understand it, and it is better than listening to the language of birds.

Li Fanxin said that the simultaneous translator should be on Qiu Ao, he only gave him a Bluetooth headset.

These people are amazing, the equipment is so professional! With such a simultaneous translation, where to go is really much more convenient. In the end, it is an international super bodyguard. It is really impossible to admire it.

"Mr. Yamada is ahead. Miss please."

Before a few people walked to a quiet little hut, a spring in the yard was still flowing, making the courtyard feel more quiet.

There is a bamboo forest next to him, and if ever, Li Fan always glances over there.

In the past, assassins like to ambush in the bamboo forest, this time should not be so vulgar.

He laughed at himself, and he was really a frightened bird. When it comes to other people's lands, such a large island nation, the protection measures should be well done.

Along the way, there were many bodyguards in the yard.

"Just wait for me at the door."

Liu Yingnan commanded, Qi Zeping nodded.

"I follow you in."

Li Fan has a responsibility to be with him, but he doesn't want Liu Yanan to die somehow. In the end, I didn't say anything, but I still lost 120,000!


The island dwarf seemed to understand Chinese, and when he heard Li Fan say that, he was a little angry.

"You are not qualified to see Mr. Yamada!"

"Can I punch him?"

Li Fan asked the dwarf.

"Mr. Kojima's karate has black belt two."

Liu Yanan didn't seem to care, "It's not that I didn't remind you!"

Li Fan always felt, why does this woman seem to be a little provocative?

"Okay, little devil, come here, my little master will play with you."

Li Fan hooked up against the island dwarf.

"I disdain to do it with you."

The island nation snorted.


Li Fan pouted, "Don't you look at me taller than you, are you afraid?"

"How dare you humiliate me, I am a great samurai!"

The island dwarf couldn't stand it. He bowed to the hut first, "Mr. Yamada, please forgive me! I want to get justice for my bushido!"

"I'm talking about your height, not your bushido, idiot!"

Li Fan reminded him, "For your short sake, I'll let you have one hand."


The island dwarf held back his anger and still bowed to Li Fan, "Please enlighten me!"

As soon as the words fell, he was already in the thunder, two strides, and in front of Li Fan in an instant, followed by a punch, slap straight to Li Fan's cheek!

Karate moves are mostly simple, but they are great! This man faintly shot with the sound of wind and thunder, indeed a master.

But for Li Fan, this is nothing.

Snake Attack! Spirit snake out of the hole!

Li Fan's right hand stretched out instantly and wrapped around the island dwarf's arm to lock his attack. At the same time, his fingers hit the throat of the island nation's dwarf. If Li Fan wanted to, he could even pierce his neck.

The island nation dwarf stayed for a while, and didn't seem to think he would miss it!

Li Fan let go of his hand, and the dwarf of the island nation suddenly affixed it, seeming very unconvinced!


Li Fan held his right hand up again, locked the opponent's arm, and his fingers once again reached the throat of the island nation's dwarf.

The island nation dwarf felt that it was not a hand on his throat, but a poisonous snake vomiting a letter!

There was cold sweat behind his back, but his mouth said, "I don't agree ... you are so evil!"


Li Fan said, pressing his hand even pressed the island dwarf to kneel on the ground.

The spirit snake out of the hole is defensive counterattack. It can lock the enemy's attack and can be deadly with one stroke! Li Fan has already saved his life twice!

"Did you take it?"

"Don't agree!"

The dwarf mouth of the island nation was very hard. Liu Yannan was thinking. When he would do it, Li Fan released his hand again.

The island dwarf stabilized his body, and then suddenly took a shot with his full strength, and patted him towards Li Fan!

"The black bear pats the door!"

Li Fan did not dodge, took root at his feet, and slapped the island nation!


The island dwarf's body flew straight out and fell to the ground. One of his left arms was already dead.

"bored to death."

Li Fan sighed, "You can't win with one hand. Your palm is far worse than Liao Bing's Thunderbolt!"

"Oh! What the **** is your bodyguard! It's so disobedient!"

However, Liu Yannan suddenly reprimanded Li Fanlai, "I will fire you after I return!"

Li Fan blinked and did not know what it meant.

The island dwarf stood up silently, walked to the hut, and knelt down.

He pulled out a rib-knife for cutting the abdomen from the waist, shook it with one hand, and shouted, "I am ashamed of you, Mr. Yamada!"

Then, he pierced Taidao into his lower abdomen, and then dragged it across.

Blood ran out with the intestines, and the two maids came forward and dragged him away.

Li Fan is stupid, lying down, what happened?


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