My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 135: A pair of enemies

135 A pair of enemies

"I didn't expect my niece to have such a master."

In the hut, a voice finally came out. It seems that the owner of this house couldn't help speaking.

The two maids opened the curtains, exposing the scene inside. The hut is small, with only one tatami and a small coffee table. There was an elderly man in an island kimono sitting on his knees, his energy was broken. Behind him is a calligraphy and painting, which is written in Hanshu, a large "chop" character.

He himself was spreading rice paper on the table, holding a writing brush in his hand, and was writing something.

Looking at his technique, he is vigorous and might be a man of martial arts.

Li Fan's eyes are now very poisonous. Whether others are practicing martial arts, he can basically see at a glance. As Murong Ying said, after reaching a certain level, the world will become different in its own eyes.

"Joke made you, Mr. Yamada."

Although Liu Yannan said so, she didn't have any apology on her face. While the two were speaking Chinese at this time, they were blinded to the usefulness of simultaneous translation.

"It's a pity that you are a good helper. You will have a long life tomorrow. My Liu family should send an extra gift to express my regret."

"Niece, you are really kind."

The old man named Mr. Yamada raised his head, glanced at her, and laughed, "It is Kojima himself who has no ability. He died for his martial arts. At the end of his life, he also washed away his shame. "

This samurai and caesarean culture are naturally not popular among ordinary people in the island nation. But in such a famous courtyard, the rules are still strict, even if it is a subordinate, it must be strictly observed!

"This kid's fighting skills are pretty good, he should be able to take three tricks under Kong Shanjun."

Li Fan was unwilling. Who is this Kongshan Jun? I can play several rounds in Murong Ying's hands, and I am afraid that you will not succeed as an island devil?

Go back and talk to Murong Ying about this, she must laugh.

"Kunshan Jun is the first master of the island nation. You really raised my bodyguard."

Li Fan was about to speak, but Liu Yingnan pressed his hand.

"Mr. Yamada, we won't bother to see that you are writing. By the time of tomorrow's birthday, little girl Ding Dang will accompany you for two drinks."

"Okay, I've asked my guests to arrange the best guest room to entertain you. Don't be so kind here, just be casual."

His voice dropped and the curtain was lowered.

Then the maid came and led them to the guest room, and finally stopped in front of a Japanese-style house.

Inside this house is a large suite. Qi Zeping assigned tasks to several bodyguards and let them track in different places. Li Fan followed Liu Yannan into the room shamelessly.

"Take off your clothes."

After entering, Liu Yanan said while tying her hair up.

"What do you want to do, you female beast!"

Li Fan hugged his arm, "I'm not that casual!"

"Just your sister, who will insult you stupid pig!"

Liu Yanan unbuttoned the clothes, and at the same time gave Li Fan a white look.

"Your clothes are dirty and dead. I've got someone to send in new clothes. Then go to take a bath. Miss Ben shouldn't stay in a room with a stink dog!"

By the time she was talking, she had taken off her blouse, exposing the leopard corset inside.

"Wipe ... you still say you have no idea?"

Seeing Liu Yannan's candor, Li Fan was a little bit dry.

"What's wrong, in your eyes, Miss Ben is just a pet dog."

Liu Yanan said disapprovingly, "What can be seen by a dog, it will not lose a piece of meat."

"Viper woman, your worldview has gone wrong!"

Li Fan's heart is upset, this incredible woman!

"What's wrong, do you say anything?"

Only Liu Lingnan had taken off her underwear. Although she had a small breast, her figure was quite good. The standard catwalk model was in shape. She doesn't have any fat on her body, and she seems to do regular fitness exercises. Her skin color is very healthy, and the ratio of her calf to thigh is very good.

In particular, her hips are very straight, which is the most beautiful hip type among the women Li Fan has seen.

God is indeed fair. He gave Murong Ying a big breast, Lin Yuexian's long legs, and Liu Yingnan's hips.

Say ... what is best for Murong? Thinking of that devil-like aunt, Li Fan just thought that she might have given her a beautiful face ...

Liu Yannan came over and stood in front of Li Fan like this, a scent of fragrance. Li Fan turned his head, and must not be corrupted by this viper woman's pure heart!

"How dare you look at Miss Ben?"

Liu Yunan admired Li Fan's unnatural expression. "Can't Miss Ben eat it?"


Li Fan said straightforwardly, "You're a viper woman, and you can't spit out bones."

"Hum, to tell you the truth, the thing that Miss Ben hates most is you guys!"

Liu Yannan really said that when you change your face, you change your face. The first second also smiled at Li Fanxi with various teases. The next second was Shen's face, with anger in her eyes.

"You have a distorted mind. When you were a kid, you were raped by a man.

Li Fan asked politely.

"you wanna die!"

Liu Yanan was so angry that he suddenly grabbed a fruit knife from the table next to him and pierced his neck towards Li Fan!

But how could Li Fan be injured by this woman, he grabbed Liu Yongnan's wrist, and then squeezed it, the fruit knife fell off, was caught by Li Fan with the other hand, and then pressed against Liu Yannan's Bainen's Around the neck.

"If you are not my employer, you are dead now."

Li Fan whispered in her ear, then pushed Liu Yannan away.

"Asshole, you know bullying women!"

Liu Yannan exploded quickly, "Miss believe it or not, Ben finds a hundred masters to kill you in a minute!"

"You please."

Li Fan pushed Liu Yingnan's mobile phone on the table forward.


Liu Yanan grabbed his cell phone, threw it towards Li Fan, and Li Fan fled to avoid him. The phone smashed into the back wall and broke.

It's not too late, Liu Yanan started to grab, and grab whatever he has. She had thrown over the table lamp and vase, but it must have been impossible to drop Li Fan.

Hearing the sound of beatings in the room, Qi Zeping stopped his men.

"Let them fight ... we can't control it ..."

He figured it out, where is the relationship between the boss and the bodyguard, clearly a pair of rivals!


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