1303 Sister-in-law

"I heard it too."

Li Fan hurriedly said, "In this world, the only one who can practice internal skills and be safe and sound is to enter these seven chivalrous villas."

"So, is Qixia Villa a sanctuary?"

"Well, you can actually say the same."

Li Fan thought about it, the little girl was right. The original intention of setting up the Seven Knights Villa was to create a refuge for these people. As long as there are seven chivalrous villas, no one dares to move these martial artists. But then there was another idea, which was to establish a military station for Huaxia, and at a critical time, for Huaxia to block those powerful enemies who came.

"I really envy you. In the future, you can go to Qixia Villa to practice your internal skills."

The little girl looked at Li Fan with envy.

"If you really want to go, you can go to the villa."

Li Fan introduced, "The villa is renovated every June. With your qualifications, there should be no problems."

"No, I have the Song Family's Armory. My father told me before his death that we must pass on the Song Family's Boxing skills."

"Also, but letting you be a girl with such a big martial arts shoulder is really a bit heavy."

"Well, Brother Li, you are a patriarch!"

Song Ying seemed a bit unhappy.

"No, no, I just worry about you a little bit. Whether it is men and women, relying on one person to support a martial arts hall, there are still fewer people. Here and outside, there is no way to be busy."

"It's okay, and slowly people will grow up."

Song Ying is very optimistic. "No matter how difficult it is, I can stick to it."

"Aren't you tired?"

"Yes, but it's my responsibility."

Song Ying generously said, "Although our Song Family Martial Art Museum is not very large, it has also been passed down from generation to generation. Even when the red color was ten years ago, the Martial Art Museum did not fall. The hardships of these generations cannot Ruined here. "

"Really so important?"

Li Fan couldn't help asking more, looking at Song Ying, he couldn't help thinking of someone.

"Have you ever thought of putting down the martial arts and doing something you like?"

"How do you do that, isn't it to avoid your responsibility?"

Song Ying stretched a lazy waist, but it was full of charm and imagination.

"But sometimes, responsibility is not what you want, but it is imposed on you by others, so you don't have to do it all, right?"

Li Fan couldn't help but say something.

"You are still a bit masculine!"

When Song Ying heard this, he couldn't help but give Li Fan a glance. "And your idea is too selfish. It's all self-hedonism! It's all the foundation of my own family. I don't care if it is thrown to outsiders . "

"Sorry, I didn't mean that, but a friend was just like you, so I felt it."

"Although my idea may be a bit traditional, but ordinary people have to play a role, let alone those of us who are martial arts."

"Okay, maybe I'm talking a lot."

Li Fan hastened to apologize, "Please ask Girl Song not to blame."

"I just said that we should not be old-fashioned, this talk can be confusing again."

Song Ying couldn't help covering his mouth and chuckling, "Okay, the food is almost here. Everyone is a martial arts person. Anything to talk about while eating?"

"Okay, I happen to be hungry."

Soon, the little brother who delivered the meal brought the food.

I thought it was fried rice and rice, but I didn't expect it to be a copper pot. In addition, there are seasoning ingredients for meat and other things, a whole big box.

"Brother Li, I don't have any other hobbies, I just like hot pot. I can't eat it alone on weekdays, and I happen to be with you today."

"Okay, I haven't eaten hot pot in a long time!"

Li Fan was really a little embarrassed. When he saw the meat on the table, his heart was a little hungry.

"Come on, Brother Li, don't be polite with me."

Song Ying has already prepared the copper pot, plugged the charcoal, and added the meat to the boil.

"Ah ... so long outside, I eat fast food every day, but shabu-shabu."

"Then you're welcome. Listen to Brother Li's voice. It should be from the Northeast. I specially ordered charcoal hot pot, which should meet your taste."

"Charcoal hot pot is almost the same, but this meat ... but it's different."

"Why is the meat different?"

Song Ying is a little strange.

"Our meat, the cuts are thick!"

Li Fan explained, "Generally, when I go to the hot pot restaurant, I first come with a plate of hand-cut lamb, or beef on the brain, and blanch it in a hot pot. Not to mention the flavor. But the southern meat is so juicy .Although it is relatively easy to taste, but this taste, I still like how we eat in the Northeast, haha. "

"How difficult is this?"

When Song Ying heard it, she turned her eyes and smiled. "I'll go buy some mutton on the street. Let's cut two pounds by ourselves."

"Don't use it. Some food is just fine."

Li Fan looked at Song Ying's tomboy-like behavior and couldn't help laughing. "You look at your tone of speech like a boy. How can a man like you?"

"You're right!"

Song Ying was proud of himself, "Many boys chased me before and I was run away! Hee hee!"


Li Fan is a little speechless.

"How do you find a boyfriend like this."

"Why find a boyfriend?"

Song Ying is happy to eat meat, "It's boring, it's better to practice boxing."

"Girl Song likes boxing and kung fu so much. How about we fight now?"

"Now? How do you compete now?"

"Come, I have a cow ball."

Li Fan pointed at the beef **** in the pot, the beef **** were cooked, turned over, and rolled in the pot.

"Ah, what's wrong, look at your stingy, a few more."

Li Fan explained with a smile, "No, you see there is only one beef ball. You and I use chopsticks to grab this beef ball and see who can grab it."

"Okay, come on."

Li Fan glanced at Song Ying and couldn't help whispering, "You are really a female man ..."

"What's wrong with a man? Is there a difference between a man and a girl?"

Song Ying couldn't help asking.

"How do you say ... then, let me ask you a question. When you bathe in the mud, do you like rubbing your arms first, or your legs first?"

"Nonsense, of course, rubbing your arms first! Why, sister Rou, rub your legs first?"

Song Ying asked.

"No ... sister Rou will say, hate, there is no mud on them."


Song Ying endured for a long time and finally said, "Come and eat meatballs."

"Okay, come."

Song Ying said, wearing chopsticks, he went toward the beef balls. And Li Fan also handed out chopsticks, knocked upwards, and directly opened Song Ying's chopsticks.

"It's not easy to want beef balls."

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