My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1308: Love to see the lively Li Fan

1308 Li Fan who loves watching the lively

Li Fan remembered that problem before him, and suddenly suddenly opened his heart.

Such things as martial arts are like that. The martial art itself is not wrong. It is like a weapon. The key depends on who uses it. If this person is evil, then naturally the stronger and stronger, the stronger and worse! And if this person is good, then the stronger and better, the stronger and better. And this good and evil is just a matter of thought.

Martial arts still have to pass down.

At this time, the two people on the stage were quite lively. The two seemed to be of equal strength. You could come and go, regardless of victory or defeat, but Li Fan had already seen the doorway and smiled at the corners of his mouth.

"You look at them both, and they are so happy!"

Song Ying was so excited that he pointed at the two people on the ring and said, "I see, there isn't a one-and-a-half meeting, they can't finish it!"

"not necessarily."

Li Fan smiled, "Would you like to make a bet?"

"What bet?"

"I bet on them, and within three strokes, I will see the difference."

"Impossible, obviously ..."

As soon as Song Ying's words fell, the fat man suddenly sold a flaw and attracted a lot of greed. His body was a heavy punch, but he lost his focus. Instead, he was kicked by the fat man and knocked him down.


Song Ying was taken aback. She was so confident just now, and she would slap her face.

"That is why ah……"

Song Ying didn't want to understand.

"You, though, have the ability to see people's eyes. But you can't see clearly if you are so far away."

"That's for sure ... so far, who can see."

"Well, but I see it."

Li Fan pointed to the fat man in the distance. "The fat man has always been skillful, but he showed weakness to the enemy and deliberately pretended that everyone was evenly matched, so that the other party would relax their vigilance. When the other party took it lightly, they sold a flaw and fooled the other party. This was brought down by three moves. "

"So it is ..."

Song Ying understood it, looking at Li Fan's eyes with a little admiration, "You can see it so far. It's really amazing."

"It's okay, just a little better look."

Li Fan said humbly.

At this time, the next match has begun. The league in this coastal city is indeed lively, and the competition is constant. There were more than a dozen games, and when Li Fan looked a little boring, it was Song Ying's turn.

"Song Ying, come on."

Li Fan pumped up Song Ying and watched her go to the ring.

Song Ying was still a little nervous at first, but after she stood on the ring, she seemed to have changed her personality, and she immediately trembled and exuded a proud spirit. The woman was slender and elegant, and attracted the attention of many men for a while, even forgetting a martial arts opponent standing opposite her.

Her opponent was a big man with a big horse, one point with both hands, and opened the posture of snake fist.

"Oh, snake-like tricks."

Li Fan was a bit interested at first, and the world was so big that he was so talented.

However, Song Ying learned his own Baihe nodded, it should be a fight.

Song Ying looked at the strong man on the opposite side, and long ago put his nervousness behind his head. Instead, he had an urge to compete.

She opened her fists and kicked off her Taizu Boxing.

"Little girl, although we are quite good at martial arts in the coastal city, but all of them are men."

The strong man looked at the little girl in front of him and laughed, "Uncle, I started martial arts when I was three years old, and I have practiced a good skill to win the league! You jump on yourself, I don't want to bully you Little girl! "

"Well, you've got a snake-like trick, please ask the little girl for advice!"

Song Ying was not afraid, but raised war intentions instead.


The man scolded, "Don't blame me!"

Speaking, the man's palm suddenly popped and went straight to Song Ying. Song Ying's body was short, and he directly swept his legs and tried to sweep the man down. But the man's legs were tied firmly, stepping on it, as if the old tree took root, so that Song Ying did not kick.

"Little girl, you have to go back and practice for another two years!"

The man laughed and continued to use the snake shape to attack Song Ying.

And Song Ying attacked with her Taizu Changquan. Although her moves were subtle, after all, there was a gap between her body shape and strength.

"Little girl, your Taizu Changquan is good, but it is suitable for men to practice. You can't do it for a girl's family!"

"Who said it! Watch it!"

Speaking, Song Ying raised her eyebrows, drew her hands from the bottom up, and patted on Han's chin!

The big man, on the other hand, kicked back and kicked Song Ying at the same time, kicking Song Ying upside down immediately.

Song Ying rolled a circle on the ground, stood up again, and stabilized his body.

"Did you see it, little girl, let's jump in and give up!"

The man laughed.

"Don't look down on people!"

Song Ying was also angry, she suddenly sold a flaw, let the eager man quickly step forward, a snake hand hit Song Ying's body again.

But at this moment, Song Ying suddenly exploded, and made more than ten strokes in a row, hitting the man's acupuncture point again and again with a nod of Bai He.

More than ten times in a row, each time the strength is not light. After Song Ying finished playing, the big man was already sore and soft to the ground that he couldn't get any strength.


Song Ying kicked his feet together, and a rabbit kicked the eagle, struck directly on the face of the big man, and threw the big man to the ground.


There was thunderous applause from the audience, and many people were applauding.

Although Song Ying is a daughter, she punched her beautifully.

"Good boxing!"

The big man got up and shook his head, but arched his hand at Song Ying.

"The little girl of the Song family, it was my dog ​​who looked down on people just now. Your boxing skills are so good! I'm convinced!"

The big man is also bright and light, admired by Li Fan, but a man.

"This victory is Miss Song Ying of our Song Family Armory! Miss Song, you can take a break and prepare for the next one."

"it is good!"

Song Ying was very happy. When she stepped down, she was already confident.

"Li Fan, did you see it, I was not terrible just now?"

"Yes, yes, Lady Song is so tight!"

Li Fan haha ​​smiled and praised.

"Of course!"

Song Ying complacent, "You, you should have the courage like me, dare to participate in such a competition, you can exercise yourself, you know?"

"Yes, yes, I know!"

Li Fan couldn't laugh or cry. He was nervous just now. This will be heaven again.

"Well ... this guy is so strange ..."

Looking at the next player, Song Ying frowned suddenly.

"Why have I never met him?"

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