My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1310: Fighting evil spirits

1310 Fighting evil spirits

Huang Mao's displayed strength was very powerful, and everyone looked surprised.

What is the origin of this boy, who has such fist and effort?

"You kid, you are proficient in boxing."

Liang Guobiao thought carefully, and mistakenly thought that the boy was practicing Kung Fu.

"Well, what inner fist is Huaxia's inner fist is a joke!"

Huang Mao was rather disdainful. "I have grown so big, and I have never seen any inner boxing fist. The strength of my body is given by the powerful US Emperor Technology! Look at your current virtues, just like the dog of the bereavement. Not to mention the inner boxing, even the outer boxing are just like pigs and dogs. "

"Draft Master!"

"Well, this kid is too arrogant!"

"Open your mouth and shut your country and really want to kick him off!"

There was a scream of curse around everyone, everyone was anxious to go up and teach the boy himself, but knew that he was not his opponent.

"Although I only know the superficial skills of Waijiaquan, I am willing to ask you for advice."

Liang Guobiao still maintained his guru attitude, and Li Fan couldn't help but praise. Although this Liang Guobiao is not a master of the house, in the realm, he already has a model of the master of the house. It's rare to have such an attitude.

"It's true and false. Come up when you fight. I'm too embarrassed of your Chinese."

Huang Mao froze, seeming to disdain Liang Guobiao.

"It would be rude."

After Liang Guobiao said, the whole person kicked directly from the stage, just like the real dragon went out of the water and went straight to Huangmao.

Good work!

Li Fan was a little surprised, and sure enough he couldn't underestimate the world's martial arts. This real dragon is fast-legged, and it really is!

It ’s a pity that Liang Guobiao doesn't understand the inner boxing skills, otherwise, as long as you practice some internal skills, you will be even stronger!

Liang Guobiao recorded a real dragon out of the water and went straight to Huangmao. Where does Huang Mao know these subtle moves, and I don't know how to take precautions, he just extends his arms and blocks himself. Although Liang Guobiao did not understand internal forces, he had exquisite legs and was aggressive and fierce. He kicked his legs and kicked the middle door of Huangmao wide, with both arms hanging to one side, and he took a step backward.

Huang Mao was taken aback, and Liang Guobiao was trained to be a real dragon and fast legs, and a fast word was in the name!

Before Huang Mao responded, Liang Guobiao's body rotated, and he kicked three feet again, kicking Dangdang on Huang Mao's chest.

Huang Mao was kicked back and forth, and his mouth spit out bitter water.

"it is good!"

"Boss Liang plays beautifully!"

Everyone clapped and applauded, even Li Fan couldn't help nodding his head. The effort on Liang Guobiao's leg was really good. The yellow hair is genetically strengthened, and may also be implanted with a fortification chip or the like. It was regrettable that he played the opponent without any counterattack.

"Well, I was a bit careless just now, don't be too arrogant!"

Liang Guobiao's exquisite legs, but in exchange for Huang Mao's swearing, "Your grandpa, I let you, don't be too cheeky!"

"Who is cheeky?"

"You are shameless!"

The crowd yelled, "Shameless!"

"Fart! A bunch of stupid pigs in your country!"

Huang Mao was furious, and he kicked forward, trying to give Liang Guobiao to His Majesty's Platform. However, Liang Guobiao's kung fu was superb. When he looked at Huang Mao's shoulder, he knew what he wanted to do. Huang Mao just moved a moment, Liang Guobiao followed to the side, let Huang Mao kick in the air!


Huang Mao was startled, but didn't wait for him to react. A pendant of Liang Guobiao had already struck the top of his head.


This sturdy kick kicked Huang Mao a little bit silly, and he knelt on the ring.

"well played!"

"Boss Liang, what a beautiful job!"

"Too happy!"

The crowd applauded, extremely happy.

"Good kick, get deflated!"

Song Ying couldn't help but clap her hands to praise her, and she also annoyed the yellow hair.

The yellow hair covered her head and lay on the ground, twitching.

"Friend, are you okay?"

Liang Guobiao was worried about Huang Mao's body.

At this moment, Huang Mao suddenly exploded and punched Liang Guobiao's abdomen directly. Liang Guobiao was beaten upside down, his body bent into a shrimp in the air, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Huang Mao added a kick, kicked Liang Guobiao out in the air, and fell to the ground.

Liang Guobiao spit a blood in his mouth, apparently suffering internal injuries, and the injuries were not minor.


"Boss Liang!"

Everyone was shocked, worried about Boss Liang's injury, and scolded Huang Mao.

A few people came up to take Liang Guobiao down, but Huang Mao gave them all down the ring.

"A bunch of silly comparisons, do you think you can defeat Uncle Ben?"

Huang Mao continued to scream, "Look at your hypocritical faces! One by one, called jb, has the ability to play with Grandpa! I'm here to see who can take this guy away!"

"I can't help it!"

Song Ying said that he was about to go to the ring, and Li Fan held his shoulders.

"Forget it, that person is not a martial artist, you don't have to fight with him."

"What about Brother Liang?"

"give it to me."

After Li Fan finished speaking, a little bit under his feet, the whole person suddenly emptied, one turned over, and landed on the ring.


Huang Mao frowned when he saw Li Fan. And the spectators around were also dumbfounded. How did this kid jump on the ring and not do light work?

"You care who I am."

Li Fan looked at Huang Mao coldly. "I'm just passing by, but hearing you look down on Huaxia Martial Arts, come, I'll play with you."

"Oh? What kind of school is your kid from?"

Huang Mao looked at Li Fan up and down.

"No way, no way, just play."

Li Fan said, posing a Taijiquan starting position.

Everyone in the audience was weird.

"Tai Chi?"

"Really Tai Chi!"

"What can this do ... exercise?"

Huang Mao squinted at Li Fan, "Are you coming up for aerobics?"

"Huaxia martial arts is vast and profound. This Tai Chi was also created by Grand Master Zhang Sanfeng. Among them, how can you know what is worse than you?

"Well, you scolded me personally."

Huang Mao suddenly became angry, "It seems you want to die!"


Li Fan beckoned at Huang Mao.

"you wanna die!"

Huang Mao kicked Liang Guobiao with great strength, and kicked a stone like Li kicked him towards Li Fan.

This trick is really insidious, but Li Fan just stretched out his right hand and put it on Liang Guobiao.

Liang Guobiao's hit body was slowed down directly, and then slowly fell to Li Fan's side, caught by him.

"Brothers below, catch your Liangguan owner."

Li Fan threw down, and several big men caught Liang Guobiao.

"What a trick! Let me go!"

Huang Mao hit his fist over Li Fan's face.

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