1311 Taibai Venus

Li Fan's body was light on one side, but he put one hand on Huang Mao's wrist and dragged forward.


The yellow hair threw a dog on the ground to eat shit, which was called strong.

Everyone applauded loudly, but Huang Mao was startled. Is this soft boxing really effective?

He got up from the ground and looked at Li Fan again.

"My foot just slipped a bit, it's not counted!"

Huang Mao clenched his fists and glared at Li Fan, "This little trick of your countrymen is not worth mentioning!"

"Is it?"

Li Fan beckoned, "Go on."

"Fuck! Go to death!"

Huang Mao turned around and kicked again, straight to Li Fan's chest.

Li Fan sneered, his kung fu was superficial. Even if it was karate, he only knew a thing or two, all relying on his genetic fortification to fight. With this approach, he was full of flaws. In Li Fan's mind, for a moment, there seemed to be hundreds of ways to resolve.

When Li Fan went back to God, he put one hand on Huang Mao's feet, and at the same time he pulled aside and pulled him to the ground, throwing him out.


Huang Mao fell hard again, painful enough.


The yellow hair fell so that his **** was about to split into eight petals, and he grinned while covering his ass.

"Jumping Clown."

Li Fan sneered, "Get back to your beauty and be a dog."

"Yes, go back!"

"Get out of the water!"

Everyone was yelling, and everyone hated Huang Mao for three points.

"You idiots!"

Huang Mao was also sullen in his heart. He was supposed to pretend to be the master here, but he did not expect that he was beaten by an unfamiliar boy.

"I'm so smart that I can't beat you!"

"You count as a god?"

Li Fan laughed, "Come more good with your master, come on. Just such a little strength, and also worthy of claiming great power?"

"Fart, I'll let you know how good I am!"

Huang Mao was burning in anger. He is now like this. If the commander knew it, he would inevitably scold him!

I am so incompetent, how can I go to the Emperor to seek senior officials? Huang Mao's heart went down, the anger started from his heart, and the evil was born to the gall! As soon as he reached out, he took out a special-looking metal armour from his body and took it with him.


"Why did he bring a metal glove?"

The onlookers couldn't understand and wondered what the road was.

"Hehe, this is the magic weapon used to kill you!"

Huang Mao laughed, and with his gloves on, he pointed his palm at Li Fan. Li Fan has seen this thing, and in Gangzi Kingdom, he saw those artificial people used it.

A fine light flashed in Li Fan's eyes. When he saw Huang Mao raising his hand, he immediately ducked and hid.


A fire exploded, as if firing, blasting a hole in a wall not far behind Li Fan.

"Too despicable!"

"What is this, artillery?"

The crowd was a little surprised, but they couldn't figure it out. They were the first to see such a weapon.

"Hahaha, this is the technology of my great beauty!"

Huang Mao laughed excitedly, he was anxious to kill Li Fan, he could not care so much.

"It's despicable to use this thing!"

"What kind of guy is this guy, or should you call the police!"

"Looking for the police? Still looking for the Royal Army?"

Everyone talked, and the more they looked at the yellow hair, the more angry they became.

"You don't need to worry."

Li Fan smiled, "The Chinese martial arts are vast and profound. Do you think you can beat me by relying on this thing? Your metal iron is not as good as my own palm."

"Don't make a fuss! I'll beat you into meat today!"

Huang Mao said, and raised his hand armor to Li Fan again.

However, Li Fan suddenly came to Huang Mao and caught Huang Mao's wrist. Huang Mao was taken aback. Before he could react, Li Fan had twisted his right wrist, and slapped his left hand on Huang Mao's face.


With a crisp palm, the yellow hair was pumped.

But Li Fan hadn't finished this yet, he used one hand to open the bow from side to side, and the face of Huang Mao was swollen like a pig's head for a while.

"well played!"

"Yes, hit hard!"

The following is a good voice, Li Fan is also addicted, he pulled off Huang Mao's hand armor, and then formed a ball of scrap iron, and then said.

"Since you don't want to be a Huaxia person, get out of the realm of Huaxia."

Li Fan said, "I don't want to kill you, go away."

"You, you wait! Damn your Chinese!"

Huang Mao's mouth was swollen and he could not speak clearly.

Li Fan was also not polite. He flew the Huangmao out of one kick, slipped away in a blink, and fell under the ring.

"In the future, whoever opens your mouth and shuts up one of yours, I will see one and hit another."

Li Fan shouted loudly, attracting everyone's applause.

"I am grateful for the help of my little brother."

Liang Guobiao had already awakened. After listening to the cause and effect, he was impressed, and admired his heart. Then he stood under the stage, bowed his hands to Li Fan, and thanked him.

"Brother Liang doesn't have to be polite. I think Brother Liang's leg method is also exquisite, and I admire it very much."

Li Fan hurried down, but was stopped by Liang Guobiao.

"Brothers, don't rush down. You won this tournament, and we are the champion of the city."

"No, no, no, I'm not from Seaside and I can't be the champion."

Li Fan hurriedly quit, and just then, a roar came from the sky.

"Ha ha ha, you're right! Li Fan, what kind of character are you, and you have surrendered yourself to play this kind of pediatric game."

Li Fan looked up, and a figure in the sky fell from the sky. The figure was wearing a white arrow sleeve robe with a golden star embroidered on his chest and a large sword on his back.

The man stepped on the street lamp next to him, arms around his chest, combed a long silver hair, tied an ancient bun, his face looked like a knife, and his eyes looked like a flying star. He is about one and a half meters tall, with an arrogance, looking at Li Fan below.

Everyone looked up, and at the same time they were surprised, wondering what this guy was about.

"Li Fan? Li Fan is also there?"

Song Ying was a little surprised, looked left and right, and stared again at the Yingwu man above the street lamp.

"What is this guy ..."

"Who are you?"

Li Fan felt the power of this person and asked immediately.

"Under the Holy Throne, too white Venus!"

The man proudly reported his name.

Holy Emperor?

Li Fan knows that only Liao must claim this.

The so-called emperor is someone who is above the emperor! Liao must be so called, enough to see his bottomless ambition!

And what kind of ghost is Taibai Venus? Although Li Fan doesn't know the number of the opponent, he can feel his strong and powerful.

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