1312 Just the beginning

"Li Fan, although you understand the vitality, you do not know the true usage."

Taibai Venus is extremely proud. He held his arms and looked at Li Fan's eyes with disdain. "How can you, a common man, understand the real way of martial arts!"

"Who are you, Hugh will make trouble here!"

"Yes, come down!"

A group of warriors responsible for maintaining order at the scene cried out.


Taibai Venus gave a slap to the bottom, and a powerful palm wind exploded, bursting a large pit on the ground. The powerful shock force sent those warriors out.

It was not just flying, the body of those warriors was crushed directly by the palm. For a while, flesh and blood flew across the body, the corpses were scattered everywhere, everyone was frightened, and they never dared to scream, all panicked and fled. Although they are martial arts, it is impossible to hit such a monster!


Song Ying also paused, kneeling directly on the ground.

She looked at the scene in front of her with a dull expression on her face. With this kind of power, the boxing skills she learned are totally unavailable. Is this what Brother Li told himself ... Is the limit of Waijiaquan ... This powerful Jiajiaquan is so terrible.

"Stubborn bullying!"

Li Fan pointed at Taibai Venus' nose and scolded, "You deserve to call yourself martial arts!"

"I ca n’t wait for the ants to kill, then kill them. What's the problem?"

Taibai Venus is rather dismissive, "This is the strength, which is what makes us different from ordinary people like you!"

"The only difference is that you have a problem in your head."

Li Fan was ridiculous and ridiculous. All of Liao Jue's men were neurotic.

"Pay attention to the tone of your words, ordinary people."

Taibai Venus looked at Li Fan coldly, "If it weren't for your physical body, I would have cut your head."


Li Fan pointed to his own head. "The head of my collar is here. You have the ability to pick it up."

"Find your way."

Taibai Venus seems to despise Li Fan's look. "Tell you, I am not the kind of waste sent by the king! I am one of the two major protection methods for the Holy Emperor to sit down. This time, I will take your body and use it for the Holy Emperor! "

"Fuck, is Liao Ju abnormal?"

Li Fan couldn't help but groaned, "He wants Laozi to fart physically, but I'm not interested in men!"


Taiping Jinxing cursed, "Only you and other filthy people will come up with such filthy words!"

"It's obviously your Liao Jue metamorphosis, what are you doing with me?"

"Stop! How dare you call my emperor's name!

Taibai Venus was furious. He pulled out a large sword almost two meters long behind him, and threw it directly according to Li Fan!

Li Fan frowned. He felt that it was not a big sword that fell, but a missile! The terrible sense of oppression almost made him breathless.

He didn't dare to delay, and suddenly stepped back, stepping on Longyou's nine-day pace, with a residual image, and instantly withdrew more than ten meters away.



Two loud noises!

The first sound is the sound of the big sword landing!

The second sound is the sound of the ground collapsing!

In an instant, the entire ring was shattered by the power of this great sword! The ground subsided, leaving people around to watch the crowds scare their pants.

This, this is too scary! What a power!

Li Fan looked at the embarrassing ground in front of him, and was also surprised. This is too Venus, and it is indeed Liao Jue's two major protection methods.

This strength is also semi-holy!

One of his men is half-sacred, so his own words should be stronger now!


Taibaijinxing stepped on the hilt of the sword with one foot, looked at Li Fan in front of him, and pointed a finger at him.


Li Fan did not dare to underestimate the enemy. He turned his vitality to the extreme. The rubble on the surrounding platform slowly flew upside down and floated around Li Fan.

"It looks like a fight? It's stupid."

Taibai Venus suddenly appeared in front of Li Fan, his palms were white, his arms were bottomed up, and one palm was directly on his chin.

"Five Emperor God Palm, Bai Di Tuotian, Seven Success!"

Li Fan felt his head smashed by a sledgehammer. He flew out and fell into the distance like a kite with a broken line.

He turned over in the air with nine strokes of dragon travel for nine days, at the same time unloaded the excess power on his body, and fell back to the ground.

And when he suddenly looked up, that too white Venus had already appeared on top of his head, hanging upside down, his palm was blue, and he took a picture!

"Five Emperor's Palm, Qing Emperor Dinghai, Eight Success!"

Li Fan felt as if Mount Tai was top-pressed, and fear came over, but the corner of his mouth turned into an arc.

At this time, Li Fan was full of blood and fighting spirit!

"Xuanlong Ice Palm · Xuanlong looks up!"

Li Fan held up his left palm and met Taibai Venus' palm.


A huge force spread out and hit the surroundings.

Li Fan's feet sank into the ground, and the surrounding gravel flew up, raising it seven or eight meters high.


The two met with each other, Li Fan laughed.

"What a pleasure!"

"Stupid! Even the power doesn't know how to use it, and how to deserve to be my enemy!"

Taibai Venus said, the body suddenly fell, then the other palm fell to Li Fan's waist, the palm became red, like Murong Ying's flame palm.

"Five Emperor's Palms, Yan Emperor Sugawara, Ten Success!"

This palm was sturdy, Li Fan's body was blown out, constantly spinning in the air, and finally hit a distant house, smashing the wall into a huge pit.

"Seeing no, this is the divine power handed down by our Holy Emperor!" Five Emperors Divine Palm! "Although we are all semi-sacred power, but I can play ten percent of the power, but you can only play 40-50 Nothing! There is power in the air, but I do n’t know how to use it, so how are you worthy to be my enemy! ”

Taibai Venus was arrogant and proud, he suddenly stepped forward, again with a phantom, and ran straight to Li Fan's forehead.

His palm glowed yellow.

"Five Emperor's Palm, Yellow Emperor Riding Dragon, Ten Success!"

The palm of Taibai Venus has arrived in front of Li Fan. Li Fan, who had been hanging his head, suddenly raised his head, opened his eyes, and a confident smile appeared in his eyes.

"The Five Emperors' God's Palm, but that's it."

When talking, Li Fan suddenly pulled out his body, and the palm of Taibaixing fell on the wall behind him.



The wall behind Li Fan was crushed directly. And Li Fan caught Tai Pingxing's wrist in his left hand, and walked in front of him. Before the reaction of Taibai Venus came, Li Fan had dragged him out of balance, and at the same time a flying knee kicked him on the belly of Taibai Venus.


Taibai Venus spit out blood, but Li Fan's attack has just begun!

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