My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1313: Fierce battle

1313 Fighting

Li Fan once again dragged Tai Pingxing's body and dropped him directly on the ground. Then he hit Taibai Venus in his palm and made a kill.

"Xuanlong throws beads!"

This is the third palm in Xuanlong Ice Palm! A group of ice beads appeared in Li Fan's hands, and he hit them out, banging directly on Taibai Venus!

Boom! Taibai Venus was hit by ice droplets, and the whole was frozen and unable to move.

But after only maintaining it for less than a second, the ice layer shattered, too white Venus broke free from it, and his body was slightly frosting. He looked at Li Fan coldly and sneered.

"Yes, your fighting skills are really excellent. Even war-fighters like me have your way. But I have absolute power. You can't win more than you do."

It seems that Venus is not too harmed. This combination of Li Fan hit him, like a child tickling.

Li Fan was shocked. He had barely spared any effort in this set. Even if Murong Bo eats his own set, he will be hurt. In front of this guy, the copper skin and iron bones can't be achieved? Or, as he said, his half-sacred strength can only exert 40-50% of his skill?

"No mood to play with you, obediently go back to the palace with me!"

Taibai Venus said, and stretched out his hand toward Li Fan's Tianling Gai.

Li Fan remembered the crane and wanted to pat the palm of Taibai Venus. But this too white Venus's hand seemed to grow in the air, heavy, he didn't pat it! Li Fan knew in his heart that the move of too white Venus should be a catcher that contained a certain method of exercise!

But Li Fan is not vegetarian. Instead of using cranes, he changed to Lei Longtian.

Thunder Dragon is booming!

There are three moves in Thunder Dragon, both offense and defense! This thunder dragon can not only hit the opponent's road, but also can prevent his own road.

Li Fan slashed with this knife and was chopping it on the wrist that Taibaijinxing handed over. Even if Venus wants to install a fart at this time, it can't be installed now. Li Fan's split, which implied the power of thunder, directly knocked Tai Pingxing's hand aside! If it wasn't too white planet Venus had a defensive breath, this time, I'm afraid his hands will be cut off.

"A little skill!"

Taibai Venus could not attack for a long time, and seemed a little angry.

"Give me a chance!"

He said, suddenly reaching out his hand, and the sword in the side suddenly flew up and fell into his palm. This sword is more than two meters long and half a meter thick, which is a bit bigger than Chen Junhua's Huashan sword!

"Taste the sword technique that the Holy Emperor gave me!"

Taibai Jinxing said, the big sword in his hand suddenly swept down, with a huge sword gas, split his head and covered his face!

"Xuanyuan Sword Techniques · One Sword of Kyushu · Ten Successes!"

With that said, the big sword has reached Li Fan's head! This big sword came fiercely, and the sword body was black, with evil spirits. At first glance, it was a magic weapon, so Li Fan didn't dare to stand firm. Although he is superior in boxing and kung fu, the kung fu on the weapon is indeed weaker, not to mention that there is no sword at hand.

If you use your own knife to hack, Li Fan can't guarantee that his physical body can catch the thunder sword!

But just at the moment of the moment, a sword suddenly threw over. Li Fan's eyes were quick, and he took it directly into his hands, then perfused his powerful energy and blocked the sword.


With a loud yelling, Li Fan felt the sword sink, and then bent down and pressed against Li Fan's head. The blade made a humming sound, and seemed to break at any time.

Li Fan didn't have time to see who threw the sword to himself. He opened his mouth in front of Taibai Venus, and raised Dan Tianqi directly.


Li Fan snarled, a small four-style battle dragon roar, a powerful vitality burst out, and instantly flew Taibai Venus out.

"Good boy, a little skill!"

Taibai Venus turned over in the air and fell again, with a strong sword in his hand.

"Thank you for your enlightenment."

When Li Fan turned his head, he found that Liang Guobiao nodded to himself. It seems that this sword was also thrown over by his stunned eyes.

This person is brave enough, it's all right now, and he doesn't even run.


Li Fan knew that Taibai Venus was a formidable opponent. He immediately urged Valkyrie to stand up. The Valkyrie stood up from behind him and hit a black dragon palm against Taibai Venus above his head!

"Xuanlong looks up!"

This palm slammed directly, with the chill frozen into the bone marrow!


Taibai Venus wielded the big sword, and the whole person took the big sword and pierced straight down, as if a meteor fell to the ground.

"Xuanyuan Sword Technique · Meteor Falling Sky · Ten Success Forces!"

This sword was more powerful than before, and it took a while to reach Li Fan's eyes.

At this moment, Li Fan's release was a sword-sword technique.

This trick is still created by Xia Yan.


The big sword in the hands of Taibai Venus was picked up by Li Fan!

Taibai Venus sucked back the big sword. He was so angry that he did not expect Li Fan to break his moves again and again!

"You must not stay!"

He lost his usual heart angrily, holding the big sword directly, and chopped it according to the ground.

"Xuanyuan Sword Techniques · Smashing Heavenly Smash · Ten Successes!"

Li Fan felt subconsciously. He didn't have time to do anything else. He pushed his hands first, stimulated his vitality, and released it. Those who were watching the crowd around him were blown away a hundred meters away!


With the huge sword as its axis, it spread instantly!

In an instant, within 100 meters of the circle, they all suffered from seedlings! The ground was cut to pieces by sword gas, and the rubble flew!

Li Fan himself bears the brunt of this, and was hit by the sword. He only had one stop to lift the sword, but this time, the sword in his hand could no longer bear it, and it was instantly broken into three pieces. And he felt that he had been pushed a bit by the car. His eyes were dark and his mouth was sweet. The whole man flew out, like a kite with a broken line, and flew out two or three hundred meters away. .

"not good!"

Taibai Venus was startled, he waved the big sword in his hand, and made a fierce stab at the sea!

"One sword sets Kyushu · Ten success!"


The sea was split in half and spread out hundreds of meters away. But all that was revealed was white sand, dead fish and shrimp, and some messy garbage. The figure of Li Fan is gone.

"Damn Li Fan! You can't escape! I must find you!"

Venus is too angry, so he even let the little thief of Li Fan escape! His famous name in life never stopped!

"I won't let you go!"

Taibai Venus pedaled lightly and left the waves, leaving only a crowd of horrified visitors.

"Hope he is safe ..."

Song Ying looked at the sea. Although she didn't know if the other party was Li Fan, she wished he would be fine.

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