1314 Bingbing Cave

Li Fan felt like he was back in his childhood. He didn't know why. He seemed to be a baby. He was lying in a cradle, and the sunlight from the window came in, spreading warmly on his face. He saw a vague figure standing in front of his cradle, as if his mother. She reached out and stroked her cheek gently, sliding her skin with her fingertips, bringing an indescribable affection.

who is it……

Where are you ...

I really want to sleep for a while, I feel really comfortable ...

Just then, the figure suddenly changed and became Liao Jue's appearance. He reached out his right hand and choked his throat!

Li Fan was shocked and stood up instantly.

He was sweating cold, fighting the Cold War.

It's too cold, where is this ...

Li Fan looked around. The place looked very large, about a basketball court, but it was extremely cold. He seemed to be lying in an ice cave surrounded by cold ice. This place is like an extremely cold hell, as cold as an ice country.

Li Fan was so cold that he sat down cross-legged and rounded his hands. The vitality in his body began to move around Zhou.

This vitality came out of Dantian, followed Lifan's seven chivalrous ways, walked around the body, and merged into Dantian.

After walking for a week, Li Fan felt warmer.

After slightly recovering the temperature, Li Fan also had some ability to think.

It looks like a natural ice cave, which is extremely cold, like winter. In such places, if ordinary people stay for more than an hour, I am afraid they will freeze to death.

Although I don't know how I came here, but with his strength, staying for ten days and a half months is no problem. But more than ten days and a half months ... he would starve to death.

Li Fan stood up and walked in this ice cave.

Li Fan was pleasantly surprised to find that there was a deep pond in the cave, and the spring water in the pond was cold, but fish survived. In this way, I have nothing to worry about eating and drinking.

These fish are also very powerful. It is difficult to survive such a cold lake.

"Hey, fish, I'm also trying to fill my hunger, and I have to eat you."

Li Fan held out his hands and worshiped in front of the Hantan.

It happened that he was already hungry, so he reached out and copied a cold pond fish into his hands.

This cold pool fish is like ice cubes, so it's so cold that Li Fan almost threw the fish back.

I practiced Xuanlong Bingzhang, I didn't expect that I couldn't even carry this fish, which was a bit powerful.

"It's day, it's interesting."

Li Fan urged the vitality of the palm into this fish. If it was an ordinary fish, it would have been steamed by Li Fan's vitality. But the fish did not fart, as if the heat had no effect on it.

"Sun ... you can't eat it raw."

Li Fan didn't believe it. A fish, can't he figure it out?

He urged his vitality and sent him to the fish continuously.

Li Fan had a strong vitality in his body, but he gave the skill to go out, and this steamed the fish thoroughly.

"Wipe ... this meal is tiring ..."

Li Fan was relieved and began to eat this Hantan fatty fish.

He took a bite. The fish was so fat that it melted in the mouth, which was really good. But after swallowing it, Dantian immediately felt a coolness, and then spread into the body meridians. I felt the bitter cold in this meridian immediately. If it wasn't for Li Fan who had practiced Xuanlong Bingzhang before, he would be finished now.

"It's weird ... why is this cold fish so cold in the stomach ..."

Li Fan also couldn't figure it out, and this hole was really weird.

"Never mind, you have to fill your belly, you can't eat anyone."

Li Fan quickly ate up a fat fish in the cold pool, which was full of belly. At the same time, his chill has gone on and on in the seven classics.

Li Fan felt that this could be used to cultivate his Xuanlong Bingzhang.

Qi Xia Jin has consumed seven or eight of the eight because of the steamed fish, and now his inner strength is all this cold. Li Fan drank a few sips of cold water before sitting down cross-legged and meditating again.

The cold air in the body continuously walked along the meridians, and even like Qixia Jin, walked for a week.

However, Li Fan felt a little uncomfortable, and there were a few meridian positions that went wrong. It's not wrong, Li Fan just thinks that this way is also possible, but lacks some strength. If you change it a little bit, it should become stronger.

There's no one here anyway, just right for retreat. Li Fan thought for a moment, and decided to follow his heart and make bold improvements.

Qi Xia Jin is good, but as his internal strength continues to improve, Qi Xia Jin can bring limited progress.

The vitality in his body seems to be a basin of water. The seven chivalrous spirits are like a spoon. Even if the spoon is pouring up fast, it is too late to scoop out all the water. That too platinum star laughed at himself before, saying that his skill is not 40% to 50% every time.

Li Fan has to think of a way to turn the spoon into a large scoop, so that he can be more efficient!

After he changed course, he felt that his energy was moving faster.

After Li Fan had gone for a big Sunday, he got into Dantian and got up to receive the exercises.

Li Fan was facing the ice wall next to him, and his palm was just one hand away.


Immediately on the icy wall, a palm-foot print was left.

"it is good!"

Li Fan was overjoyed, and his change of path was really effective!

He is now faster and stronger in the group! If it was a spoon before, now it is more than just a scoop. Nima is simply a pump!

This is indeed a good place to practice. Li Fan sat cross-legged in the ice cave and began to practice.

Li Fan didn't have much time concept here, and he didn't know how many days and nights he practiced. Every time I am hungry in my belly, I eat a cold fish. By the time he ate seven cold pool fishes, Li Fan had already practiced this set of internal skills! He named the internal strength "Kowloon Power", which is the top internal strength of their Seven Knights Village. After "Seven Chivalry" has been practiced successfully, you can learn this "Jiulongjin". However, even if Li Fan practiced Jiulong Jin, the last star in his body still failed to light up.

This last star doesn't know when it can be lighted up, it's too difficult, and there is no future.

Jiulong Jin has a total of nine floors. After practicing these days, Li Fan has reached the eighth floor. The main reason is that he has a deep internal skill, a good foundation, and a mentality created by himself. He can practice naturally.

When Li Fan finished the eighth floor, a cold air came out of his mouth, and the surrounding temperature dropped a few minutes.

Li Fan got up and looked at this ice cave. Although this is a good place to retreat, if I stay, I am afraid that I will be bored to death.

"I don't know if I can go out in this hole."

Li Fan, with his hands on his back, looked at the surrounding ice wall and fell into deep thought.

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