My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1315: Longzu Cave

1315 Donglong Cave

Li Fan cannot be trapped in the ice cave all the time, he must find a way to leave.

But it should be a dead place, how do you go out? How did he come in?

Li Fan was busy practicing the exercises a few days ago and didn't think about these issues. But now calm down, he suddenly felt.

"That's right ... try it."

Li Fan quickly walked to the Hantan and looked at the bottomless water in the lake. There are occasional cold fish swimming in the water, which is quite delicious.

"Okay, maybe I can really go out."

Li Fan did it when he thought of it, and he jumped into the cold pool. This cold pool of water is extremely biting, and it is a bit better than the ice cave. However, Li Fan practicing "Kowloon Judgement" in this ice cave has strong cold resistance. This jumped into the lake and did not feel too cold.

The water was fairly clear. Li Fan held his breath and used the turtle's breath to dive deeper all the way.

When Li Fan dived for more than ten minutes, he was suddenly shocked. Beneath this pool of water, there was a beautiful woman sitting. There are many shadows in the water, and it is not clear who it is. Li Fan was also brave, and he swam a little distance forward, intending to get closer and see clearly.

But this took a closer look, Li Fan was taken aback!

Below the cold lake, it is not someone else. It is the boat girl that I met on the sea the other day ... that is another dragon girl ... I became a dragon knight and finally eat my husband ... It seems that it was she who seized herself and was locked in this cold pool ...

Thinking of this, Li Fan's cold sweat came down.

Although he has great martial arts, it is definitely impossible to get underwater. The water is a dragon's place. Can you fight with others?

Li Fan was thinking, the woman in the water suddenly opened her eyes.

Her pair of beautiful eyes, like a cold star, fell on Li Fan's body, which made Li Fan's heart cold for another three points.

The woman looked at Li Fan twice and tilted her head slightly, which seemed strange.

She suddenly reached out her hand, grabbed Li Fan, and then left Yushui. Li Fan felt like he was rising in the clouds and driving fast, and he swam far away in the blink of an eye, and rushed out of the cold pool from another place in a moment.

Li Fan was thrown to the ground, he turned over and stabilized his body.

The woman stood opposite Li Fan. She was wearing a fuchsia dress and looked at Li Fan so smartly.

"You are in Wuxiang Bingku. You could have lived your whole life. Why would you want to come out?"

The woman asked.

"It's boring to stay in that cave and eat monotonously."

Li Fan looked at the woman in front of her. With such a beautiful appearance, she couldn't help feeling a little bit awkward. It is said that the dragon is a prostitute, especially the dragon girl, which can seduce a man. And the one at home is different, the one is a kind of food, full of hungry.

For her, eating is still the most important thing. Men are not as important as eating.

And the one in front is the true nature of the dragon girl. When she stopped here, she just didn't speak, and the smile was also extraordinary, making the man powerless to resist.

"You shouldn't have come ..."

The woman sighed sighing, "I have advised you long ago, don't come to the East China Sea, why don't you listen?"

"I didn't want to come."

Li Fan pouted his lips. "Furthermore, your mouth doesn't wait for me to come to the East China Sea, and went straight to my teacher's sins."

"He went to Xingshi to inquire about sin, and you ate him."

The woman looked at Li Fan, and did not know whether it was happy or annoyed, and could not see what she was thinking in her heart.

"This is not to blame me. I don't know what I am now ..."

Li Fan smiled bitterly. "Finally, eat and eat. Are you coming to avenge me?"

"My dragons are declining, and there are not a few left."

The woman sighed, "If you die, there will be one less. But you can't blame you for this matter. After all, you have something to say, one slap doesn't make a sound. You are guilty, why am I right?"

"You see, you talked eloquently today. I saw you last time, but it wasn't like that."

Li Fan wanted to cross the topic, the atmosphere was a bit heavy.

"I am now a survivor, and it is sin to live."

The woman sighed, "Since he died, I will no longer be out of this cave. This time, I wouldn't have gone out if it were not to save you."

"It shows that you still have affection for me."

Li Fan settled down. Since she saved herself, she would not come to kill herself.

"If you have no feelings, I can't say well."

The woman looked depressed, "It's just that I have your son-in-law."

"This ... really hits me right away?"

Li Fan heard that he likes to be a dad ... No, it is the dragon brother who has eaten himself to be a dad, which is a little disturbing.

"What do you think?"

The woman was a little annoyed, "I and my family, for many years, can't conceive one. I have no choice but to venture into the sea and turn into a boat girl, in order to get love, to succeed to my dragon family. Drifting on the sea for a while, nothing fancy, but I fancy you. "

"Where am I? Am I handsome?"

"Nonsense, you are ugly! I fancy you because you are strong. Also, you have a familiar atmosphere that makes me feel kind."

The woman said without hesitation.


Li Fanjiu was speechless.

"If I want to conceive a healthy dragon, I must have strong energy. Ordinary men, you can't make a good dragon with me."

"So it is ... then I ... be a dad?"

"Why do you care, your life is short, my Dragon family is pregnant, at least 10 years, more than a century."

"Let's go, you're a bitch!"

"Yeah, our dragons are egg-born."


Li Fan didn't know what to say, he thought for a long time, and finally came out with a sentence.

"Well, do you have anything to eat?"

"You are ... okay, come with me."

The woman led Li Fan to a cave in the back. The area of ​​this cave house is small, only a hundred or so. But there are beds and tables in the hole, and tiger skin rugs, but it is not elegant.

Li Fan entered Dongfu while the woman took out some food and set it on the table.

Li Fan glanced and found that all the fish and shrimps were placed here.

"I rub, are these again? I've been tired recently."

Li Fan looked a little appetite.

"That's all for me."

The woman pointed outside, "If you want something to eat, there is a good place over there."

"Over there? Can't there be a restaurant?"

"That's not true, but there is a pagoda right under the water. There is a master living in the tower. He loves food. If you go, there are good things to eat for you."

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