My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1316: Underwater pagoda

1316 Underwater Pagoda

"Is there a tower underwater?"

Li Fan was a little surprised when he heard it.

The tower under the water, what is it for, Zhenhai?

"It was surprising that our aquariums lived underwater in the early years."

The woman's expression seemed a bit hazy, as if she was remembering a long time ago.

"What's wrong, what are you thinking?"

Li Fan looked at the woman and couldn't help asking.

"Nothing ... just a little past."

The woman shook her head and seemed unwilling to lift it.

"So what, I don't know what your name is yet."

Li Fan felt that the atmosphere was always a little awkward.

"I ... I don't remember the name very well, but there is a bead in my name. If you want to call it, you can call me Azhu."

Azhu, this name is interesting. The thought of this woman as the mother of her future child, Li Fan always had no idea how to face her.

"Do you want to ... keep me here?"

Li Fan could not help asking.

"So messy outside, isn't it good to stay here?"

A Zhu looked at Li Fan, her black waterfall with long hair hanging down on her shoulder, tilted her head gently, and looked at Li Fan.

"I also want to find a beautiful place, but not now."

Li Fan shrugged. "I have a lot of work to do and I can't stop here."

"Okay, you have to go, I can't stop you."

Ah Zhu sighed, "But if you leave, you will never see me again."

"No way, this place won't run again. I'll visit you often."

"No, I'm going to sleep now."

However, Azhu told Li Fan, "Once our dragon girl is pregnant, she will fall asleep and treat herself as a breeding ground for the dragon. We will not wake up again until the dragon is born. When I sleep, I will Sealed this cave house. "

"So it is ..."

Li Fan understood it. It seems that this Zhu is going to sleep for one hundred and eighty years.

Fortunately, I came out sooner and later, for fear of being sealed here.

"I wanted to see you more, but since you don't like it, I won't disturb you."

Li Fan is not a person who likes to beg. Azhu has his own ideas, and he respects them.

"Who is the master in that tower?"

Li Fan could not help being curious, and asked.

"It's just an old friend of mine. It's hard to survive in this place."

"Old friend?"


A Zhu looked at Li Fan. "Anyway, you have a relationship with my dragon clan, so it doesn't hurt to tell you."

She pointed at the wall behind her and painted five holy beasts. At the top is a golden five-pronged golden dragon. Underneath, there are four holy beasts entrenched, namely Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu!

"Do you recognize these four?"

"Of course, the four holy beasts."

Li Fan nodded, who did not recognize this.

"Well, do you know their stories?"

"Listen to others."

Li Fan didn't mention the food-eating dragon girl at home, but just sloppy.

"I heard that four of them are dead, and they have been trained into the weapons of the four holy beasts, which are held in the hands of human beings. The humans call them the four holy beasts and kill other holy beasts."

"That's right."

A Zhu nodded, "Since then, the four holy beasts no longer exist. This world is also the world of human beings. Our dragons first assisted humans. We never expected that humans would betray their faith and even let our dragons let them go. Their secret Slaughter my dragons, let my dragons die, run away ... hey, we are also stupid. Forgetting the creed of human beings, it is the non-my people's heart!


Li Fan was silent for a moment, and he could not justify the matter. After all, he has experienced such things several times.

Although he is now protected by the hawks, he still holds the position of Shangfang Sword. But if you let them know that they may not be human, I am afraid they will be vigilant everywhere.

Non-ethnic races have different hearts, and there is nothing wrong with this.

"If you want, go and see in that tower."

Azhu said, "But you must promise me not to hurt the people inside."

"Okay, no problem. I'm just curious and won't hurt the people here."

Li Fan just wanted to see who the master was in that tower.

"Don't guess, it's it."

A Zhu's finger clicked on Bai Hu's picture.


Li Fan was startled, his face disbelieving.

"Isn't it trained as a weapon? I've seen the Qinglong descendants. The blue dragon gun is very powerful."

"That's a blue dragon, naturally."

Azhu said, "The four sacred beasts have been refined. Only the white tiger is different. The white tiger is the incarnation of ice. It could have been ever-changing and proficient in the technique of external incarnation. When it was refined, escape one in time Come in as a clone. This clone is hidden in the East China Sea Tower and never went out. "

"It's really miserable ..."

Li Fan couldn't help sighing, dignified beasts, at this time like A Zhu said, but today is lingering.

"But it doesn't like outsiders very much. You go. If you ask for a meal, it won't refuse. Of course, if you stay long, he's afraid he won't agree.

"I just went to see the excitement, after all, I haven't seen Bai Hu, or I have long experience."

"Well, then you go, I won't keep you much."

A Zhu nodded to Li Fan, "but you have to remember, for our mother and son's sake, don't embarrass the remaining holy beast in the future."

"Well, rest assured, rare animals are naturally protected."

Li Fan haha ​​smiled and provoked Azhu's eyes.

"Your mouth is still so dishonest. OK, you go, after seeing it, it will send you away from here."

"Okay ... then I'm leaving ..."

Li Fanduo glanced at Azhu. The girl didn't know whether it was true or false. However, her fate with her should end here. As a dragon knight all night, he should be content. Li Fan remembers Huang Lei telling himself that wild artillery cannot be hit twice, or it will be unlucky. Li Fan tried it once, but it turned out to be mildew.

"Let's go. If there is a fate, we will meet again in the future. If there is no fate, then there will be no future."

A Zhu bent over to himself, be regarded as a farewell.

"Still, there will be a period later."

Li Fan had mixed feelings in his heart. He left this cave house according to Azhu's instructions.

This is a long waterway just outside Dongfu. Li Fan went down the water, and it turned out to be a pagoda hidden under water. The tower is more than ten meters high and its square shape is more than one hundred flat. It is not a large tower. At the top of the tower, a white tiger is carved, which is powerful.

"It's a good place."

Li Fan swims in the water and looks at the pagoda in front of him.

At this moment, the tower door suddenly opened, and there was a huge suction inside, absorbing the water waves nearby, and dragged Li Fan into it.

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