My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1319: Four Elephant Sword Formation

1319 Four Elephant Sword Formation

These four swordsmen are so beautiful, they just don't know how kung fu.

Li Fan said, and looked at the four of them carefully.

"My lord is watching us like this?"

The girl in green shirt asked Li Fan savagely. She has a gentle personality, such as spring breeze, which should be Chuner.

"Well, look around again, dug your dog's eyes!"

The girl in the red shirt was hot-tempered, and glared at Li Fan, her beautiful big eyes were like the summer sun.

This girl should be Xia Er.

"Sister, how can you talk like that!"

The woman in the yellow shirt gently pulled the sleeves of the woman in the red shirt.

"I, I like to hear the son say more about me ... It's better ... curse again ..."

Li Fan shed cold sweat, this should be Qiuer ... a bit psychopathic ...

"Qiuer! What did you say!"

Xia Er immediately scolded, "When is it, I still say such nonsense!"

"Several sisters are cute and cruel."

Li Fan couldn't help laughing, and he glanced at Donger in the white shirt again.

"Sister, why don't you say a word?"


Donger turned his head away from Li Fan.

What a frosty beauty, is indeed Donger.

Li Fan's character of these four girls was roughly understood.

"Well, the four elder sisters, Bingqingyujie, I already know."

He looked at the four beautiful swordsmen. "It seems that all four of you are masters with swords, then I will use swords to compare with you."

Li Fan looked around. There were several swords hanging on the wall next to him. They should all be magic weapons for a long time.

"These swords don't look extraordinary, do they?"

Li Fan asked.

"My son is really good-looking."

Chuner laughed as soon as she heard it. She walked to Li Fan's side and pointed with her delicate hands. Li Fan's eyes fell on an ancient sword with black leather sheath and gold edges.

"This is the sword of Yue Wang, a sword that the King of Yue used in the past. This sword is quite old, and it is only our bitter cold place that can be kept to this day."

Talking, she pointed to another sword with a green sheath inlaid with white jade and a dragon sword.

"This is Panlong Sword. This sword has also slain a dragon family."

"That's a fierce sword."

Li Fan couldn't help muttering.

"That's natural. Swords are already fierce. How can they not control evil spirits?"

Chuner said, pointing at the other two swords. One of the two is a white sheath with a gold ring and the other a black sheath with a silver ring.

"These two, one spring wave, one autumn water, are a pair."

"Surely there is a pair of swords."

Li Fan saw a joy in his heart. If you keep one of them, give Murong Ying another one.

Alas, why do you remember that girl again.

"The one used by our four sisters has the same name as our sisters, the four swords of spring, summer, autumn, and winter. The sword is in the presence of others, and the sword is damaged.

Chuner was very enthusiastic and always answered Li Fan's words carefully.

"Sister, have anything to say to this uncle, kill him!"

Xia Er stomped, "It's annoying to see him!"

"My son ... don't care about my sister Xiaer ... you, you will give me two more swords than when you were swords, okay ..."

Qiu'er looked at Li Fan eagerly, making Li Fan a little speechless.

Well, there really is something wrong with this girl.


It seemed that the words made other sisters unhappy, and Donger snorted again, giving his third sister a white look.

"This boy, Hugh should ignore them talking crazy."

Chuner kept smiling, looking at Li Fan, the spring breeze was blowing, and he said, "You should also ask my son first name."

"No honor, my name is Li, my name is Li Fan."

"It was Li Gongzi, thank you. Gongzi, did you choose?"

"Choose it, I'll try this spring wave."

Li Fan said, as soon as he reached out, he took off the white-sheathed spring wave sword. There was a chill in this sword, which was held in Li Fan's hands, but it made Li Fan feel kind.

His internal force is cold, and naturally it is more suitable for things with cold.

"My son is really good-looking. The owner of this spring wave also likes it tightly."

Chuner stepped back two steps and stood with her three sisters.

"My son, please enlighten me more."

Li Fan said, and once he reached out, he pulled out Chunbo's sword.

The sword glowed with cold light, just like the white dragon in the night, it was dazzling.

"It is indeed a sword."

Li Fan couldn't help but praise it.

"Four Elephant Sword Formations!"

Chun'er scolded, then, the four swordsmen reached out one finger at the same time, and the four swords unsheathed from behind them, suspended in front of the four girls.

This reminds Li Fan a bit of Murong Ying's gold and silver swords, but the gold and silver swords are relatively straightforward. As soon as their swords are out of the sheath, they are like storms. The swords of the four beauties were hanging, seemingly waiting for the owner's instructions.

"Blue Dragon Formation!"

Chuner commanded, the four girls immediately moved. Four of them lined up in a dragon, and four of them issued swords at the same time. These four swords were tied together and stabbed straight towards Li Fan.

"Good job!"

Holding the sword, Li Fan lifted a sword in front of him, and the second sword in front of him reached Li Fan again.

And the one that flew was bitten on the last sword again to form a long dragon again.


Li Fan continuously wields the sword and keeps off this dragon sword. However, the Qinglong Swords were endless, and Li Fan didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

"Then I'll do something else."

Suddenly, Li Fan threw his sword, brought a sword, and went straight to the four beauties.

"Xuanwu array!"

Chun'er reprimanded again, four people put away the long swords, and the four swords spun up and blocked in front of them.


Li Fan's sword qi was blown out without hurting the four beauties.

"Good swordsmanship."

Li Fan's eyes lit up, "No, it should be a good sword array!"

"My four sisters are working together and practicing Sixiang Sword Formation."

Chun'er took four people to hold the sword again and looked at Li Fan, "You have to be careful!"

Talking, she and three other sisters turned around at the same time.

"White tiger array!"

Suddenly the four men separated and stood in Li Fan's four directions from southeast to northwest.

The four girls had one hand, and one sword was immediately turned into two, and two into three.

This is life two, life two, life three.

Bai Hu was already good at avatars, and now he has played an advantage in this sword formation.

For a while, Li Fan was surrounded by hundreds of swords. These swords are composed of sword gas, and the damage is higher than ordinary swords, which is difficult to prevent.


Chun'er shouted, and the four of them issued swords together.

One after another swords from all directions, surrounded by Li Fan, seems to shoot Li Fan into a cave!

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