My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1320: Fairy woman

1320 Fairy Woman

There are swords all around, even Li Fan, it is difficult to resist for a while.

"Flying Dragon Dance · Eight Successes!"

Li Fan's body brought out the afterimage, and the Chunbo sword in his hand kept waving, jingling, and flew the surrounding sword images.

However, Li Fan's double fists are difficult to defeat four hands, not to mention so many sword shadows.

White Tiger sword array attacks are getting more and more fierce, and sword shadows are getting more and more difficult to deal with.

"My son, although you are strong, you are not our opponent."

While urging the sword array, Chun'er persuaded, "Well, surrender."


Li Fan grunted coldly. He suddenly raised his hand and gathered strong energy on his palm.

"Xuanlong Bingzhang · Skyscraper · Ten Successes!"

The sky is the fifth palm of Xuanlong Bingzhang. He practiced Xuanlong Bingzhang to the fifth floor while practicing in the ice cave these days.


The ground shuddered, and the entire tower seemed to be shaking. The frosty air exploded quickly, and the surrounding swords were blown away, and the four girls were also shaken by this power.


Xia Eryue raised her eyebrows, and her heart had expected something bad.


Chuner directed her sister to readjust her position.

"My son, come and stab me!"

Qiu'er said to Li Fan.

"Then stab you first."

Li Fan suddenly came to Qiu'er, he stretched out two fingers, and clicked on Qiu's chest a few times.

Qiu'er's blood was immediately sealed by Li Fan. She stood there, unable to move.

"Well, use Suzakujin!"

Seeing that she lost a sister, Chuner hurriedly changed her strategy.

The remaining three girls were close together, then urged the sword at the same time.

The three swords suddenly rose into the sky, flew into the air, and then all twirled.

Li Fan frowned, looking at the top of his head, feeling a subconscious pressure.

The three swords, because of rapid friction with the air, all rolled up red flames.


Three swords were stabbed on the ground behind Li Fan, and Li Fan had three blood holes in his chest, and the wound had burn marks.

Li Fan still stood there, apparently did not respond.

This Suzakujin was so powerful that he had to walk through it.

Li Fan still stood there, motionless.

Chuner slowly lowered his hands and sighed.

"Ah, this boy is quite awesome. It's just a pity that Suzakujin is a real killer. It will be launched when there are few people."

"Well, if you hit Suzaku, you will die!"

Xia Er retracted the sword and slammed the blood on it. "This boy is so smooth, it's not a pity!"

"Oh ... a shame ... he hasn't stabbed me twice yet ..."

Qiu'er was very sorry.


Donger didn't speak, just looked at Li Fan coldly.

"Take his body and bury it."

As soon as Chuner's voice fell, Li Fan suddenly spoke.

"This sister Chuner is not finished yet, don't rush to bury me."

As soon as Li Fan's words came out, several beauties were all taken aback, subconsciously raised the sword, and looked at Li Fan in amazement.

"Several sisters have excellent swordsmanship, and I have been taught."

The three blood holes in Li Fan's chest are healing quickly. "It's time for a few sisters to see my kung fu."

"How do you ..."

Before the words of Chun'er had been finished, Li Fan had been on foot for nine days, and immediately came to her.

"Falling Dragon Sword, Canglong Water, Three Successes."

Li Fan's Chunbo Sword passed everything from Chuner's fair neck, but Li Fan was already merciless, otherwise Chuner's neck would be moved.

"Suzaku ..."

Xia Er hadn't had time for Yu Jian, Li Fan had hit her with a single blow.

"Churning the sky, five successes!"

The strong palm wind directly sent Xia Er out.

Xia Er flew far and hit the wall behind him.

Donger had thrown the sword out, and this sharp sword came to Li Fan in the blink of an eye.

But Li Fan suddenly made a punch.

"Extreme Dragon Fist · Five Successes!"

Donger was also hit.

Qiu'er remained tightly, but she didn't resist, but she desperately pointed at herself.


Li Fan was quite speechless.

"Hurry up, use heavy, heavy attacks! The heavier the better!"

Li Fan suddenly came to Qiu Er, Qiu Er was looking at Li Fan with anticipation.

However, Li Fan stretched out a finger and bounced on Qiuer's forehead lightly.

"Woohoo, son, this won't work, can't you give it some weight?"

Qiu'er cried aggrievedly.

As soon as Li Fan shook his hand, Chunbo Sword returned to the scabbard.

"The son of the gods has done so ... we lost ..."

Chun'er touched the wound on his neck.


Xia Er was a little reconciled.

"Thank you for your mercy."

Li Fan arched his hand.

"My son can go and see my master."

Chuner clapped her hands, and the stone gate next to it slowly lifted.

"Well, what's the hurry. By contrast, I'd rather talk to the four beauties for a while."

Li Fan haha ​​smiled, "I heard you guys have delicious food. Maybe you can bring out some of them. Let's chat while eating?"

Chuner smiled.

"My son is really funny. I want to eat, but I'm not in a hurry. I'll talk about it after I have met the host. There will be good wine and good food to entertain you."

"All right, then we'll see you later."

Although Li Fan wanted to talk a few more words, a few girls stopped talking.

He got up and walked into Shimen, and soon, came to the fifth floor of the tower.

The fifth floor is completely different. When Li Fan walked in, it was a woman's boudoir. Flowers and grass grow in the room.

There was a round boudoir in the room with a pink curtain.

On that bed, there seemed to be a woman in white. The woman seemed beautiful, but she could not see her face. Because she was looming, she didn't know when it would disappear.

"You came at the right time."

The woman reached out and lifted the curtain, revealing her looks.

Li Fan glanced, and could not move his eyes. It is indeed a beauty, and it is even more beautiful than Murong Ying.

Li Fan couldn't help but look a few more times, not wanting to look away.

"This boy, we should see enough."

The beauty seemed to be a little annoyed, and she gave a coy sound.

"Uh ... sorry."

Li Fan coughed twice and hurriedly regained his sight.

"Excuse me, what are you from ..."

The beautiful woman looked at Li Fan. She was like an immortal.

"Well ... can you get something to eat ... let's talk as we eat?"

Li Fan patronized beautiful women just now, and now she thinks of being hungry.

Peerless beauty covered her mouth and chuckled, "Well then, spring, summer, autumn and winter, you take the food."

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