1322 Heir


Li Fan was taken aback. If this kung fu was learned, it would be awesome!

"This, can I learn it?"

"You can't learn by yourself."

The stunning beauty laughed, "This kung fu, you must let your body pass on the power to you."

"That couldn't be better!"

Li Fan was a little excited, "I have learned this skill, will I not have the advantage in the future fights!"

"That's nature. This is the true story of the body."

"Then thank the White Tiger Fairy first."

Li Fan arched his hand, and this trip to the underwater tower was really in vain.

"Then we have eaten, let's pass on the power."

The stunning beauty smiled, "I'm in no hurry."

"Okay, I happen to be hungry."

Li Fan laughed, "Sister Qiu's cooking is really good, and I will have a good mouth later."

Li Fan is so happy, the stunning beauty is also happy. Only the four swordsmen kept their heads silent, as if there was something sad.

After Li Fan finished eating, the stunning beauty waved her hand.

"You four, go on."


The four glamorous swordsmen exited the room, and the stunning beauty stood up, stretched out her hand, and held Li Fan again.

"Follow me."


Li Fan didn't understand what this stunning beauty meant.

"Isn't it Gong?"

"Well, this transfer of power requires reconciliation of yin and yang."

The words of a stunning beauty made Li Fan hold back.

What, what do you mean? Harmony of yin and yang? This, this, seems pretty good! Looking at this stunning beauty, Li Fan felt that his lower body had a little urge to rise.

"It's early, let's get started."

The beauty led Li Fan, sat on the bed, and pulled down the curtain.

The woman flattered and catered, her martial arts were excellent. The two enjoyed the joy of fish and water, and were happy.

But in the process, Li Fan felt a cold frost from the other person's body, constantly pouring into his body. Although this power is not much, it is very special and slowly merges into its internal force.

This was genetically modified, and after eating another dragon, although Li Fan was strong physically, at Dantian, he always had an indescribable sense of depression. With the power injected by the beauty, Li Fan felt that the depression was slowly spreading out, and the whole body was a bit lighter and very comfortable.

Li Fan has a fluttering thrill and keeps hitting his heart.

This double repair is one day and one night.

By the time Li Fan got out of bed, the figure of the stunning woman seemed to be dim again.

She watched Qiu Bo, staring at Li Fan.

"Li Fan, from then on, you have to treat the four girls well."

She said slowly, every word seemed weak.

"You can rest assured that I will treat them well and treat them all like good sisters."

"It doesn't have to be that, after all, they are only subordinates. You are the master and you must not lose your identity."

"Yes, I understand."

Li Fan nodded, "But you don't have to worry, I will find a panacea to restore your body."

"Your mind, I've got it. But I'm afraid it's too late."

The beautiful girl sighed, "The method of incarnation outside the body has been taught to you. In addition, the third layer of the Valkyrie real body, you should almost understand. By then, you will not lose to the New Four Saints arms."

"I will never disappoint your hopes."

"That would be the best ..."

The beauty was quite relieved, "Don't forget, your promise."

The beauty's body slowly dissipated, turning into a bit of starlight, disappearing a little in Li Fan's startled eyes.

"Ah, white ... white girl!"

Li Fan wanted to grab the beauties, but when he caught it, he only caught the fluorescent dots.

"Fate ... I will meet again ..."

Li Fan's voice was still faint in her ear, but people were gone.

Li Fan looked at the empty round bed, reached out and touched it, leaving room for the temperature. And the woman was fragrant, still floating in front of her nose. The fragrance before was like a dream of Nanke

He stayed for a while before he reacted.

Bai Hu really disappeared. She left her last strength to herself, and then she disappeared.

This news, still have to tell the four women downstairs.

Li Fan was still chanting, but Chuner's voice came in from the outside.

"Master, can you come in?"

"Ah, come in."

In a word, let Li Fan wake up like a dream.

"Well, come in."

Li Fan's words dropped, the stone door opened, and four beautiful maids came in.

Chuner leads, and Donger is last.

But the four beautiful women's eyes were red and swollen, apparently just crying. It seems that when White Girl died, they already knew.

"Master, we serve you to change."

Chuner came forward, holding a brand new white long coat in his hand.

The other swordsmen followed, each holding a different piece of clothing. There are underwear and shoes.

Several girls served Li Fan and put on this dress.

The white tiger was painted on the back of the dress, and the tiger claws were hanging on the shoulders.

"It's been a long time since I wore such clothes."

Li Fan looked at the sportswear aside, this nanotechnology is very easy to use, but unfortunately he can only change the color of the clothes, not the style of the clothes.

"Master, from now on, you will be the tower owner here."

The four swordsmen knelt down before Li Fan, and Chun'er took the lead and said, "Sisters of ours, we must serve you wholeheartedly."

"Get up first ..."

After all, Li Fan is a modern person. Looking at several beautiful women calling himself master, although his heart is dark, his face is still a little awkward.

"Now that we have reformed and opened up, don't keep your mouth shut. I've been seen by outsiders, not to mention that I am old feudal."

"That being the case, call your son."

Chun'er was clever and changed his mind immediately.

"How does this work!"

Xia Er shook his head, "The master is the master, how is he a son! The son can be called all over the street, but the owner has only this one!"


Donger nodded.

"I, I can treat you like that too ... it doesn't matter."

Qiu'er blinked desperately, "You can whip Qiu'er at will, Qiu'er can prepare a whip for you!"

"Then ask me to be the same ..."

Li Fan thought about it and said.

This can be the name used by the ancient wife to call her husband, or a noble master.

"Either that, it's all up to you."

Chuner nodded.

"From today, our four sisters will be your husbands and daughters. No matter what happens, Xianggong will do whatever you ask."

"It's okay, I'm going to retreat for half a month, you just keep it for me."

"Relax, Xianggong, these are our business."

Chuner nodded.

"Well, then ... Chuner, you stay here, the others go and do yourself. When I retreat, I have something to tell you to do."

"Yes, Sangong."

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