My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1323: Five Emperors' Collection

1323: The Five Emperors' Collection

Chuner stayed in the room, waiting for Li Fan day and night. In addition to eating and drinking, Li Fan has been sitting cross-legged on a round bed.

With the White Tiger's power transfer to himself, Li Fan's body has a lot of vitality. However, something unexpected for Li Fan, he found that he had a Dantian in his body.

Everyone who has practiced the Inner Boxing will practice a Dantian to store their vitality and internal strength. Li Fan was also the same before. He originally had a Dantian three inches below the navel. But I got the true story of Bai Hu, but I do n’t know why, in his place of Tanzhong, a new Dantian also appeared!

This Tanzhong point was originally a dead point for human beings. Sometimes masters will deliberately attack this point, and it will have the effect of a one-kill kill. Li Fan now has one more Dantian here, but he doesn't know if it is a blessing or a curse.

From Li Fan's body, a part of the vitality was also parted and slowly poured into this Dantian. Li Fan practiced for three full days and three nights, and suddenly came to understand.

Is Dantian here to provide energy for the avatar outside?

When Li Fan thought of it, he made it according to his own ideas. With his efforts, the vitality of his second Dantian was slowly released, and through the meridians around the body, he came out of the body and slowly condensed into a person.

This person is naked-body, familiar face, not himself, who is it?

Seeing him, Li Fan was in a terrible storm.

Sure enough, it really is an incarnation! With this ability, I really became a killer! Let the other party's ability be stronger, and when fighting with yourself, the avatar suddenly appeared and acted, but it was not easy to kill the other party! The thought of Li Fan couldn't help but be a little excited.

He controlled the incarnation of the body, and wanted him to cast a trick on him.

However, the avatar just slaps himself in a daze, has no moves, but has no power at all.

Strange ... Li Fan lost his thoughts. What went wrong?

He researched it and finally found the mystery. Although outside the avatar is powerful, it is not everything. Because there is only one Dantian reason, only one set of effort can be recorded. Li Fan is thinking, what kind of kung fu should he practice? Since you can only learn one set, you should learn the most vicious kung fu so that you can control the enemy with one stroke!

In his kung fu, it seems that only the dragon sword is the most suitable. However, Li Fan thought about it, although the sword of the dragon is good, it is also his own effort. If the enemy fights with himself, he must be prepared for his attack. Since it is a killer, Li Fan feels that it is better to practice a set of others' skills!

After thinking about it for a long time, Li Fan suddenly thought of "The Palm of the Five Emperors"!

correct! If it is this way, others must be unexpected! Although I have only seen Taibaijinxing use this set of techniques, after Li Fan practiced the heavens and the earth, he could never forget it! Once a person has used one move, he can learn it three or five times before he can show it.

"Mya! Mya, haha!"

Thinking of this, Li Fan couldn't help laughing out loud. It didn't matter if he smiled, it caught Chuner's attention.

"Sangong, do you need Chuner to do it for you?"

Chun'er was still a little worried. Li Fan was their new owner. She didn't want anything to happen to the new owner.

Since the old master had instructed them, the four of them must protect the new master.

"Haha, it's all right. Chuner, look at me as an incarnation, can you be clever?"

Li Fan pointed at the avatar standing beside him.

Chuner Qiao's face suddenly became red, but that coquettishness was beautiful. Suddenly Li Fan wanted to understand something. At the same time, he couldn't help cursing himself.

Li Fan, why did you forget it? I am an incarnation of myself, and I haven't wore clothes yet, but I'm naked!

Although Chuner is not young, she is an unconscious girl after all. Where can I see this?

"Sorry ... I forgot this ..."

As soon as Li Fan thought, the body was immediately covered with a black coat.

"Sangong, you're right, it's the slave's fault."

Chun'er kneeled down and apologized, "Slave has to serve his master for the rest of his life, and our four sisters are already yours."

"Uh-huh ... then you get up and talk."

Li Fan was also embarrassed to keep Chuner kneeling in front of her, and her embarrassment would be committed.

"Say, Chuner, you have been with Sister Bai for so long. Do you know the Palm of the Five Emperors?"

Li Fan has only seen four of them, and one palm, too white Venus has not been used, Li Fan can only temporarily not learn this trick, wait to see before you can use.

"Sorry, Xianggong, I don't know. But you can ask Donger for you."

"Oh? Donger know?"

"Yes, Donger is proficient in martial arts in the world. This" Five Emperor's Palms ", I think she should also know some.

"Okay, call her now!"

"Yes, Sangong, slaves go here."

Thinking of this, Chun'er suddenly covered his face and smiled, and Chunguang was infinite, leaving Li Fan a little stunned.

"Sangong, what are you looking at?"

It was found that Li Fan's hot eyes made Chuner can't help feeling a little flustered.

"Close the moon and be ashamed of flowers, beautiful."

Li Fan said something subconsciously, causing Chuner a little panic.

"Xiang, Xianggong ... you have won ..."

In the end, Chuner is the first of the four women. She was slightly ashamed for a while, and she was generous again, smiling at Li Fan with a smile and bending over to salute.

"The slaver went out, please wait for a while."

Then, Chuner turned and left the room.

After a while, wearing a white coat, frosty Donger Shi Shiran came in. She glanced at Li Fan, seemed hesitant, and then kneeled down at Li Fan.

"Have met the owner."

Donger's voice was still very cold, calling Master Li Fan coldly. Li Fan understands that, after all, he just changed his host and has no good feelings for himself. It takes some time to cultivate his feelings. But Li Fan is not in a hurry, anyway, these four girls have to follow themselves for a long time, and the feelings can be gradually cultivated!

"Donger, I heard you are proficient in martial arts?"

"Just understand."

"Uh ... then have you heard of The Palm of the Five Emperors?"

"The Palms of the Five Emperors are created by the Wuhu Emperor Wuhua, created by the Wulin Royal Family and Liao Tian. This set of techniques needs to cooperate with the Internal Gong" Five Emperor's Treasures ". This internal power consists of five layers and belongs to a solitary and rigid effort."

"Oh? Do you know the Five Emperors' Collection?"

"Know, backsliding."

Donger nodded, Li Fan overjoyed. He stepped forward, hugged Donger, and turned around.

Donger was silent, but her face was a little crimson, but she quickly pressed down.

"Donger, you are really my little Baidu!"

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