My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1325: Four personal girls

1325 Four personal girls

"Sangong, you finally woke up!"

Chun'er was a little excited, looking at Li Fan, "The slaves are about to die."

"I'm fine. I just practiced for two days."

Li Fan is refreshing now, and the whole person is very comfortable. He stood up, stretched himself, feeling as if he had been reborn.

"Xiangong, it's not two days. You have practiced for 15 days."

"Ah? Fifteen days? It's been so long?"

Li Fan was taken aback. He didn't want to practice for so long. However, once things like practice are fascinated, it's not easy to master the point. Many people practice martial arts and become obsessed with them.

"Yeah, Sangong, but the slaves are anxious."

"It's my fault. I worry you."

Li Fan arched their hands at them, and Chuner hurried to their knees.

"Sangong, you are the master, which makes it impossible. We are all your little girls, you don't need to be kind to us."

"Ah, now it is modern society."

Li Fan smiled bitterly. These little girls did not expect to be so old-fashioned.

"That rule cannot be changed."

"Let's go, then don't change."

Li Fan didn't force it. Anyway, slowly and subtly, they can still change them.

"Now that I have done my magic, I can't hide here."

Li Fan stood up, and several beautiful swordsmen hurried forward, some holding water basins, some holding new clothes, washing and changing clothes for Li Fan.

"Clean up too, we should go out."

"Go out?"

These girls looked at each other and didn't know what was in their hearts.

"Well, have you never been out?"


Chuner explained, "A few of us often go out and buy some food, daily necessities and the like."

"That would be better, lest you don't know what's going on outside, and you'll be upset. Just clean up and we're ready to go."

A few words fell, and the girls were a little sad.

"Uh ... what's wrong, don't want to go out?"

Seeing what they looked like, Li Fan couldn't help worrying.

"No, Xianggong."

Chun'er's pretty face was also a little darkened, "Our four sisters were adopted by the old master from a young age, and then lived in this tower. For so many years, I already have some feelings. Suddenly I want to leave, my heart is a little ... not too Adapt. However, Xianggong is our master. Where Xianggong goes, we naturally follow. "

"It's difficult for you."

Li Fan also felt embarrassed, but he left these four girls to live in the tower, and he would never do it!

These four girls' Sixiang Sword Formation is too powerful. If they have not been genetically modified, they have already written their way, and they are dead now. With such a powerful helper, do n’t use it for nothing!

What's more, in addition to the swordsmanship, these four are also excellent in other aspects, and can help them a lot.

"Sangong, what about the treasures in this tower?"

Chuner asked, "The old master likes to collect swords, so there are many swords in this tower."

"Take Chunbo Qiushui for me."

Li Fan thought for a moment, "The others stayed in the tower first. Then the pagoda was sealed, and no outsiders could enter."

"Yes, Sangong."

Chuner nodded, and started to work with a few girls.

Taking advantage of the night, Li Fan took four beautiful girls and returned to Haibin City along the way of White Tiger's stay.

Although I have made an appointment to come to Haibin City to find myself, I suddenly disappeared, and it is estimated that it has passed a month or two.

The seaside city is also very lively at night, and the streets are full of people. Li Fan returned home like an arrow, just wanted to go back to Qixia Mountain Villa early. But if you walk back all the way, at least you have to walk for a few days.

"By the way, Chuner, you come to the shore to buy on weekdays. Is there any money on your body?"

Li Fan suddenly remembered what Chuner had said before.

"Back to Xianggong, the money is provided. Do you want to use Xianggong?"

"Yes, borrow it for me first. How much is it?"

"There should be more than three million here, Xianggong, here."

Chuner took out the gold card of a commercial bank and handed it to Li Fan.

Li Fan froze for a moment, and co-authoring these girls is quite modern.

"In that case, is there a cell phone?"

"That's not true. Our sister doesn't need that thing on weekdays."

"How do I do that, I will need it later. Good spring, I borrowed this money first, and when I return to Qixia Villa, I will return it to you."

"Sangong, what are you talking about?"

Chuner was a little puzzled, "This is your money. The old master left it all to you, naturally your property."

"Sister Bai has left me a lot already, and I am not short of money if you are the same."

Li Fan is a little bit proud, after all, there is a girl who will make money at home, it is really her own blessing.

"Xiangong is so powerful, it is the blessing of our sisters."

Chuner bowed slightly to Li Fan and was lifted up by Li Fan.

"Well, don't have so many rules when you go outside. In modern society, you most don't see this."

"Huh, they don't like theirs. It has nothing to do with us."

As soon as Xia Er pouted, "Whoever can't get used to it, I'll poke someone's eyes blind!"

Li Fan was bitter. This little girl has a really hot temper.

"Let them poke my eyes, OK?"

Qiu'er blinked her big water eyes, and those eyelashes flickered. It was really cute, "Sir, do you say OK?"

"Good shit, I'll punish you for being honest!"

"Okay, okay, my lord, come punish me!"

Li Fan has a big head. There is no way to take Qiu'er.

"Qiu'er, don't talk nonsense! Beware of annoying your son!"

Chun'er reprimanded, Qiu'er was a little more honest.

Li Fanxin said, it seems that only Chuner can calm down this girl.

"Xianggong, Qiuer's personality ... weird personality. If there is anything wrong with her, you will be punished heavily."

Chun'er had hoped that Li Fan would not be soft-hearted, but after knowing that, Qiu'er nodded, and his eyes were full of expectant little eyes, which made Chun'er speechless.

This girl is dead!

"Well, Qiu'er, don't make a mess. Xianggong, what shall we do next?"

Chuner could only move away from the topic and asked.

"Follow me to buy a mobile phone."

Although it's getting late, Li Fan believes that there will still be mobile phone stores open. Someone who wants to make money is willing to do it.

"That's all in harmony."

Chuner seemed a bit regretful. "I knew I would bring the sedan chair out. This journey is slow. If the four of us are carrying the son, all the work will be very quick."

"That's too shocking ... I can't afford this."

Li Fan quickly shook his head. He turned his head and saw that there was a mobile phone shop in the street next to him.

"What a coincidence! Let's go!"

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