My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1326: Fire all over the street

1326 Flames all over the street

Li Fanping earned four personal maids in vain, so he took them with him all the way into the mobile phone store.

This mobile phone shop is not particularly large, especially at night, there is no one else in the shop, there is only a female clerk, probably in her early twenties, wearing a red shirt, black trousers, looks pretty. She was standing at the counter, playing with her phone, and seemed to be chatting with someone.

Li Fan and they walked in. The female clerk didn't even look up. It is estimated that there are not many people buying mobile phones on weekdays. Most of them just take a casual look and then leave.

"Beauty, I buy a mobile phone."

Li Fan is not angry, the higher his martial arts, the higher his realm.

"How much did you buy."

The female clerk then put down her phone and glanced at Li Fan. She must first look at Li Fan's outfit to judge his taste for mobile phones.

As a result, she looked at her for a moment, then passed out.

"Hmm? Beautiful?"

Li Fan was startled. What happened?

"Xia'er, go and see."

As soon as Chun'er ordered, Xia'er immediately turned over and leapt into the counter, helping the female clerk to her feet.

Among these four sisters, Chuner is good at female workers, Xiaer is good at medical skills, Qiuer is good at cooking, and Donger remembers the world's martial arts.

The four big aunts, Li Fan feels that they can be said to be four talented women.

Xia Er supported the female clerk, and her two slender fingers were put on the female clerk's wrist.

"Hum, she's okay. She just passed out."

Xia Er pushed away the female clerk and was no longer in charge.

"That's fine, why are you dizzy."

Li Fan was rather strange, he looked outside subconsciously. If this is seen, they will be able to run for five of them!

"Xia Er, wake her up."

"Well, it's troublesome."

Xia Er looked reluctantly.

"Xia Er, you're so ridiculous!"

Chun'er was a little angry and glared at Xia'er, "How can you be so rude to Xianggong!"


Xia'er was really angry when she saw Chun'er, and she seemed a bit aggrieved, and her eyes became red.

"Xia Er, I know you don't want to follow me."

Li Fan thought for a moment, and then said, "I don't like the difficulty of strong men, you go back to the tower, I won't stop you. Other sisters, whoever wants to follow me, just follow me. Not willing to follow me, go If so, that's fine. "

Li Fanhua was already here, Qiu'er came forward first, and held Li Fan's arm.

"Sir, Qiu'er won't leave, Qiu'er will stay with you."

Li Fan looked at Qiu'er's sincere eyes and was touched.

"As long as you are willing to hit Qiuer and scold Qiuer every day, Qiuer is satisfied!"

Li Fan promptly retracted the move.

"Sangong, you are our master now, we live and die with you."

Chuner also stated very directly, "Anyway, Chuner will not leave you."

"I also stay ..."

Donger threw a sentence coldly.


Xia Er was utterly there, at a loss. Her tears swirled in her eyes, terribly terrible.

"Xianggong, Xia'er is just a bit hot-tempered, but she's not malicious."

After all, Chuner is the first of the four women. When she saw Xia'er, she couldn't bear it. "You can punish her, but don't drive her away."

"Is it?"

Li Fan's eyes fell on Xia Er, "Xia Er, would you like to listen to me?"

Xia Er clenched her lips, tears turned for a long time, then focused her head, and then turned her head to one side, looking at the other direction.

"Then wake up this woman."

Li Fanxin said, sample, I can't fix you?

Xia Er walked over honestly this time, she stretched out two fingers, pressed a few points on the female clerk's acupuncture point, and conveyed the internal force into it.

After fighting with the four women once, Li Fan knew that they were not really energetic, but they were as insidious as Murong Bo. Originally, yin and yang qi were the mainstream internal forces that were popular in martial arts before, and they did not change their appearance until after the Tang Dynasty.

It's a pity that Li Fan practiced vitality. If he also practiced yang, he could build yin at the same time, so that yin and yang could be combined and progress would be faster.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages to this. Although the yin and yang are powerful, they are not as powerful as the potential. The vitality of the sea and the hundreds of rivers is the real energy of the heavens and the earth. Although it is difficult to practice, it never ends.

Under Xia Er's medical treatment, the female clerk woke up quietly. Lying in Xia Er's arms, she didn't quite understand what was happening. But suddenly I saw Li Fan, it was a stun, and he was fainted again.

"Girl slowly faint!"

Li Fan shouted quickly, and Xia Er was also a little on her temple. When the cold air entered the body, the female clerk shivered, and she was completely sober.

"You, you ... are you Li Fan?"

The girl took a few deep breaths, looked at Li Fan, and asked for a long time.


Li Fan was a bit embarrassed. This was awkward, so big a reaction.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The girl suddenly screamed and almost scared Xia Er. Xia Er quickly reached out her hand, and the girl's throat became dumb immediately, and for a long time she couldn't make a sound.

"Well, Xia Er, let her talk."

Li Fan was a little calm when she saw the girl, and ordered Xia Er.

Now Xia Er is a lot more honest, although she still doesn't like Li Fan very much, but she did as Li Fan said.

With an order from Li Fan, she immediately unlocked her sister's dumb hole. The girl immediately stood up, holding Li Fan's hands, her eyes were full of excitement and excitement.

"Li Fan, me, I am your fan, I like you so much! Really, is it really you?"

"calm down……"

When Li Fan said this, his voice was full of vitality, like the magic sound enchanting his brain, and sent directly to the girl's spiritual platform.

The next few maids also listened so much that they couldn't help muttering. The master's skill is indeed too strong, just a simple sentence, can already reach the point where the magic sound contemplates. I'm afraid that even Xia'er's dementia is not so powerful.

"Yes, I, calm down ..."

The female clerk calmed down under the hypnosis of Li Fan's voice. She stroked her bulging breast gently, suppressing her emotions.

"I'm Li Fan, but I'm not a martial artist. I'm not an idol star. Don't you have to react so much, girl?"

Li Fan knows that he is a little famous, but he won't stun others.

"You, you are not just a martial artist now ..."

The female clerk said, took out her mobile phone, and opened a video directly, "This, this is a TV show you made ... you are now hotter than any other meat ..."

Li Fan was silent for a while. For a while, Liu Xiaowan invested in "Wife is the Leader of the Martial Arts League". Has it been released?

p.s something happened in the morning 更新 updated in the early morning, update at noon is normal

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