1328 Allied Powers of the Eight Kingdoms

Li Fan returned to Qixia Mountain Villa with four beautiful swordsmen after the same Yirong.

These four swordsmen are also slightly similar to Yirong. Although they cannot change their body shape, they can change their looks. Now Li Fan, with four girls, looks no different from ordinary people. As a result, the five people also kept a low profile, and no one would notice their whereabouts.

Chuner they were also curious, what the Qixia Mountain Villa in Xianggong's mouth looked like.

But when Li Fan arrived at Qixia Mountain Villa, his heart was half cold.

There were few people in the bustling tourist area. At the foot of the mountain, the owner of Fanzhuang was boring flies.

"Sangong ... why is it so deserted here?"

Seeing this situation, Chuner couldn't help asking.

"I don't know ... I'll ask."

Li Fan feels a little bad. Could he leave for a while, and the Qixia Mountain Villa could not be changed?

Li Fan stepped forward and asked the boss.

"Boss, why is there no one today?"

Li Fan led a few girls, sat at the table and ordered a few bowls of hot noodles.

"Hey, these seven chivalrous villas have recently closed the mountain, and tourists can't get in."

The boss gave them end faces and sighed. "For the past two days, it is said that a foreigner came to compete with the people of the mountain village. This mountain village was closed in order to prevent harm to innocent people."

"Foreigners? Which foreigners?"

Li Fan was eating hot noodles, but he was used to the food that Qiu'er made, and this noodle didn't taste much in his mouth. Qiu'er's craftsmanship is really good, they have raised their mouths.

"I don't know, it is said that some foreign masters look the same, who knows which country it is."

The boss doesn't know much. Li Fan couldn't ask anything extra.

"Well, why are things so bad here?"

Xia Er murmured and was stopped by Chuner.

"Xia Er, how can you speak like this, it's too impolite."

"But it's really hard to eat!"

Xia Er was a little bit grieved. "This is far worse than Qiu's food!"

"How can you be so picky when you go out!"

Chun'er reminded Xia'er, "Beware of the boss scolding you for a while!"

"Let, let the boss scold me!"

Qiu'er was excited when he heard this, "I'm willing to be scolded for my sister!"

"To shut up!"

Donger held chopsticks and knocked on Qiuer's forehead.

These little girls, Li Fan couldn't take them anymore, only a bitter smile.

"You guys, be honest, don't bother Xianggong."

It was still Chuner's most sensible, she rebuked several people, and then looked at Li Fan with an eye-catching look.

"Well, let's go up the hill after we have eaten."

Want to know what happened to Qixia Mountain Villa, I can only go up the mountain and take a look.

"Okay, they all listen to each other."

Li Fan ate all the noodles in three or four mouths, but a few sisters ate slowly. They all kept Sven, eating the noodles slowly, and pinching them one by one.

Li Fan is a little dumbfounded. The speed of eating is really a bit too slow ...

But he was not too embarrassed to say anything, where could he bear the urgency to urge the girls.

"Sangong, I'm full."

Chuner Bingxue is clever and has seen Li Fan's impatience. After eating little, she put down her chopsticks and wiped her red lips with a tissue.

"Is it like this?"

Li Fan was a little surprised.

"Well, I'm full."

After Chun'er said, several other girls also reacted and put down their chopsticks.

"I'm full!"

"I'm full too."

"It's not tasty anyway."

Li Fan was a little touched. Although these girls were different in personality, they were all very clever and their hearts were still very close to themselves.

As more and more contacts are made in the future, they should understand themselves more and more.

"Sangong, where do we go up the mountain?"

"The main passages have been blocked, and we are going up the hill from the secret road."

Li Fan knows that every secret passage in the Seven Knights Village is created by him in person. As the owner of Yizhuang, with so many people, Li Fan cannot leave everyone a back road.

Li Fan created a total of seven secret passages in Qixia Villa, which is also the experience he and Wei taught.

He took several women up the mountain from the hidden secret road. After about ten minutes, I reached the top of the mountain.

Qixia Mountain Villa is built on the top of the mountain, surrounded by greenery and facing the sea.

Even after they came out of the secret road, they couldn't help praise the scenery here.

"Unexpectedly, this villa is like a paradise. It is really a good place."

"That's right, of course, this is where I personally choose."

Li Fan stretched out a finger, and there seemed to be a secret behind a pavilion in the distance.

"Behind that, I also personally built a small courtyard, which was full of peach trees, and it really won my heart."


Qiu'er was very excited, "Sir, take Qiu'er to see?"


Unexpectedly Qiu'er also liked such elegance, Li Fan was very happy.

"At that time ... Hang on, hang Qiu'er on the peach tree ... Adult ... Adult can ... whatever ... Hey ..."


"Sangong, there seems to be movement over there."

Chuner was helpless to her three sisters, and her hobby seemed to be irreversible.

Li Fan also heard a sound in the distance. He glanced and muttered.

"It's Yanwutai's direction."

Li Fan raised his leg and walked over there.

"A few of you, follow me, let's go and see the excitement."

What happened to Qixia Mountain Villa has to pass before we know.

There was a group of people in front of it, all of them were diners living in the villa. There are all kinds of martial arts, Li Fan just mixes in, just watching the excitement.

Four women were next to Li Fan, crowded beside him. Although the four beauties all changed their scent, their unique fragrances could not be changed, and their bulging and sculpted bodies were deeply stimulating Li Fan.


Li Fan muttered a Buddhist chant in his heart, trying to calm himself down.

At this time, a group of foreigners were confronting Xia Xun in the performance martial arts field.

"Brother, who is this?"

Li Fan asked a buddy who relied on the sword to laugh at Qingfeng and asked.

"Huh, these scumbags call themselves the Allied Powers."


Li Fan almost did not vomit blood, but also returned to the Eight-Power Allied Forces? This group of foreigners, this is eating the bear heart leopard gall!

"This group of mentally handicapped people just ran over and clamored while the owner was away!"

The friend who relied on the sword clenched his fists. "If the owner is there, where will make them so arrogant!"

Li Fan looked over at those so-called "Allied Powers of the Eight Kingdoms", his eyes gathered together, and he instantly saw through the falsehood of these people.

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