Chapter 1329

The so-called Eight-Power Allied Forces seem to be some masters. The most powerful was the first blond British soldier. He was holding his arms, standing there, in a white suit with a sneer sneer at the corner of his mouth.

These people wear different clothes according to their nationalities, and each has their national flag on their shoulders. Li Fan took a look. The so-called eight countries are the United States, Britain, Greece, the island country, Germany, India, the country of sticks, and Thailand.

What surprised Li Fan the most was that she saw a few bays beside the US emperor. Dude, it's just a province in Huaxia.

These teasers are so busy, they have to do something.

"Who is that blond-haired?"

Li Fan asked again.

"This brain is the captain of the US imperial team a, whose name is Adam."

Swordsmen relied on him to hate their teeth, "This guy is a peerless brain, and he took the lead and went to work here!"

"That's it, that's a real bastard."

Li Fan silently looked at this shameless face, the guy named Adam, and wanted to see what tricks he was going to play.

"You guys, we have given you face."

Xia Ling was standing there, a beautiful little girl, but now she looked cold.

Behind her, the villa guards the law, Guan Wenbao and Yan Kai are all there. Both of them were wearing green robes, and the martial arts were extraordinary, like the **** of war came. One in a white robe, handsome and handsome, resembled Pan An. Although Guan Wenbao is not as good as Yan Kai, the two have their own characteristics and can be called the value of the villa. At this moment, among the following people who watch the liveliness, there are many little girls who like them both.

The villa doesn't know which good thing, it also lists the list of talents and beauty of the seven chivalrous villas.

Among them, Yan Kai ranked first with the highest value, and Guan Wenbao ranked fifth with his heroic ... As for Li Fan, he was not on the list!

This incident also made Li Fan really depressed for a while.

Standing behind the two guardians are the discipline elder Chen Junhua, the elder Zhou Guifei, and the palm elder Murong Ai holding a hero sword. The Dragon Girl stood next to Murong Ai, and the two little girls held hands.

In addition, the chief disciple, Le Xiaohu, and the palm-sword disciple, Jiang Ye, stood on both sides, and both apprentices glared, seemingly anxious to tear these invading barbarians into pieces.

Looking back, it is the steps leading to the main hall. Standing on the steps were the big butler Yang Shuiyue, the apprentice Abe Haruko, and Yan Jing Tang Dong, the host.

Even Huang Lei, Wang Tofu, Liao Wushuang, Lin Yuexian, and Takeda Lan, Liu Xiaowan, and even Liu Zhu were there. It seems that this time it was a big gathering of the villa. It is estimated that it was indeed a crisis event in the villa. So many people were brought in.

"Sangong, do you need us to help?"

Chuner lowered his voice and asked.

"No, let me see first."

Li Fan wanted to see how he would respond if he was not there.

Qixia Villa cannot always sit on its own. Many things have to be handled by them.

"Dear, Elder Xia."

Adam is fluent in Chinese. He stands on the Yanwu field, and behind him is the Eight-Power Allied Forces.

"We're here to make a statement."

Adam's tongue was like a spring, he took the country of the stick, and the United Kingdom, and began to list Li Fan's guilt.

"This Li Fan, who does nothing evil, is even contaminated with the blood of the innocent people in our country! In the words of your Huaxia people, he is a great crime, and there is no way out of it! Guizhuang, don't cover this criminal and hand him over.

"Don't say that our landlord is not around, even if he is, what can you do?"

Xia Ye was not polite. "You clowns, you know what you have done! My landlord, it's just a way of doing things for the sake of our country."

"It's a good way to promote the country's prestige."

Adam Haha laughed. "Those innocent people who died at the hands of Li Fan don't know if they will agree with you."

"What do you want?"

Xia Xuan did not take a good look at Adam. "Will I be bullied when I am Seven Knights Village?"

"How about bullying you?"

Adam smirked. "A bunch of sick men in East Asia, what do you think we can do if we hide in this **** practice?"


When Guan Wenbao heard this, he was furious. He carried the Yueyue knife and was about to come forward, but was stopped by Xia Yi.

"Brother Guan, don't be impulsive."

Although he also hates each other, Xia Ye has a decent attitude in dealing with these matters.

When Li Fan was absent, the affairs of the villa were decided by Xia Ye and Dong Ye. Therefore, Guan Wenbao had no choice but to hold back the anger in his stomach and step back.

"Want to fight, okay."

Adam ridiculed, "I am a fair person and would like to give you a chance to struggle. We each have seven people each for a pk match. If we lose, we turn around and leave. If we win, sorry, You Qixia Shanzhuang, you have to belong to us! "

"Fuck, why do you belong to you, how old are you!"

"A group of foreign devils, are we running out of the Seven Knights?"

The people at the villa couldn't help scolding.

"Why, dare you?"

Adam sneered again and again, and seemed to conclude that Xia Xi was afraid to take their challenge.

They are all true elites, and today is the time to take apart the clown's diorama.

In addition, Adam received reliable information. The control chip of Dragon God No. 1 was hidden in the Seven Knights Villa and protected by Li Fan's people.

As long as you get the control chip, there is no threat to this Dragon God No. 1! Since then, the United States can also develop similar satellite weapons, and the world will soon be controlled by the United States again!

"There is nothing to dare, but your condition is too simple."

To Adam's expectation, Xia Xi did not have the slightest fear, but put forward one more condition.

"If you lose, I want you to hit three beatings on the main hall of Qixia Mountain Villa, and then kneel down the mountain!"

Xia Ye was also holding his breath in her stomach. Now that she puts forward such a condition, she makes Adam laugh.

"Nothing, you won't win anyway."

Adam is very confident in his people, it is better to say that he is not at all concerned with these Chinese monkeys.

A group of Yelang arrogant guys even believed in some qigong that did not exist at all! Here today, Adam not only has to take away the control chip of Dragon God One, but also humiliates this Chinese martial art! He wants to make these seven chivalrous villas faceless!

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