My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1330: Seven battles

1330 Seven battles

"That being the case, let's choose someone."

Xia Xun already has candidates in her heart. The talents of Qixia Villa can make a few foreign devils bully!

In this battle, Qixia Villa has no retreat, and this group of foreign devils must be defeated. The owner is the patron saint of Huaxia, so Qixia Villa also bears this responsibility!

"Sir, that's all, don't you take it?"

Xia Er has always been hot-tempered. When she saw this scene, she couldn't stand it. A small hand trembled slightly, and she seemed to want to summon the sword out of the sheath.

Li Fan reached out and held Xia Er's slightly hot hand.

"No hurry, I painstakingly run this seven chivalrous villa, how can I be bullied by a few foreign devils. What's more, here I can still lose the villa."

"You are not in a hurry, what else am I in a hurry."

Xia Er snorted, and seemed a little upset. He was kind enough to help him, but he was even said to have a meal. Nasty, kindly treat as donkey liver and lungs!

"Xia Er, don't be rude to Xianggong!"

"Know it!"

Then was counted by Chuner, Xia Er was unhappy.

"Li Taiguang, this first battle will be left to you, right?"

Adam glanced beside him, glancing at the stick wearing a Tai Chi suit.

The stick nodded quickly and patted his chest.

"Commander, rest assured! I'm the strongest justice fighter in the country, this time, I will never let you down!"

"That's good, go now."

Adam was about to agree, and suddenly spoke again.

"Elder Xia, there is something I forgot to say."

"what's up?"

Xia Yun felt that this guy was calculating.

"Isn't there a sentence for you Huaxia, with no fists and eyes. When we fight, how about we sign a life and death order? Anyone who arrives on this ring will have life and death."

"Are you signing for life and death?"

Xia Ling looked at Adam in surprise.

"Of course, if anyone of us, or any of you died on the ring, even if you die in vain, you cannot be held accountable!"

This sentence, however, made Xia Yan into a dilemma.

China is a country under the rule of law. The so-called life and death situation is the same without laws. Once they kill someone on their own side, I'm afraid Adam will tear up the agreement and will not spare. And if they kill people on their side, I am afraid they can easily leave China under the diplomatic protection agreement.

This guy is really despicable!

Although Shangfang Baojian has the right to exempt from killing, they are not Li Fan, they are just Li Fan's subordinates.

"Elder Xia, don't worry."

Guan Wenbao was ready for the first battle. He was carrying the Yueyue knife, full of confidence, "I have my own measure."

"it is good."

No matter what, Xia Qiang believes Guan Wenbao very much. These brothers under Li Fan, they will not let themselves down! Will not let Li Fan disappointed!

"Then please."

On the other side, the stick named Li Taiguang has already jumped onto the huge competition platform.

He suddenly lifted his feet and kicked heavily on the next post.


The stump was smashed by the cricket immediately, and it turned out that his foot turned out to have explosive power.

"Lao Tzu's missile legs are unparalleled in the world!"

Li Taiguang held his arm, stepped on the ground with one foot, and lifted the other foot in the air.

"Brother Guan ... you, be careful ..."

Yang Shuiyue stepped forward, gently holding Guan Wenbao's arm, his face cared.

Standing next to Yan Kai, he whistled.

Yang Shuiyue bowed his head shyly, but Guan Wenbao could not see whether he was blushing, after all, his face was originally that color.

"Relax, I'll go back as soon as I go."

Guan Wenbao said, holding his Yueyue knife, turned over, jumped seven or eight meters away, landed on Biwutai, and stood opposite Li Taiguang.

"Huh, boy in green clothes, today you are unlucky, you have to explain your life here!"

Li Taiguang said, raising his righteousness, Guan Wenbao, who was about to get rid of him, didn't even know his mother!

But at this moment, Guan Wenbao suddenly carried the Yueyue knife and sang loudly.


A red light exploded on him, and powerful energy was released from Guan Wenbao, condensing directly under him into a flaming warhorse, carrying Guan Wenbao!

The audience was shocked. Good guy, this is Valkyrie!

It turned out that the descendants of the Guan family also practiced this peerless martial art, Qixia Villa is even more powerful!

Not waiting for everyone to react, a wave of fire stepped on, Guan Wenbao riding a fierce warhorse, and had already reached Li Taiguang in an instant!

A moonlight knife brought red inflammation and swept across Li Taiguang's body.



Two calves flew out, accompanied by the screaming of Li Taiguang in killing a pig.

Guan Wenbao's flames slammed on the heels of the horse, kicking this Li Taiguang off the contest.

The Allied Powers are all silly. What is this?

On the side of Qixia Villa, the clowns clapped their hands and applauded.

Guan Wenbao rode on a fierce battle horse and walked around the competition platform, as if he were showing off his strength. Then stepped on the flames, went down to Biwutai, dispersed Wushen true body, and stood by Yang Shuiyue again.

"Commander Adam."

Xia Yan burst into flowers with a smile and glorified everyone. "It seems that we won the first game. By the way, our villa has a healing medicine, Shuiyue, go get some and give it to the friends past."

"Yes, Elder Xia."

Yang Shuiyue also went to get the medicine.

Adam's teeth are about to bite. What a fuck! Big fuck! They are all real elites, and they have high expectations for them, waiting for these people to destroy the Seven Knights Village, so that Adam can make a great contribution! Squad commander, this is not what Adam wanted most. He is ambitious and is looking for an opportunity to become the President of the United States, a true leader!

But as soon as he met him, he broke down!

This made Adam very shameless!

It seems that this is the tactics of the Chinese people. In the first game, they chose the strongest one of them. Therefore, Chinese people love face, and definitely want to come down in the first game! It doesn't matter, Li Taiguang is the most wasteful one under his hands, it doesn't matter if he dies!

"After all, this is Qixia Mountain Villa. We are guests and we have to give our host a little face."

Adam's expression calmed down quickly, and he slowly said, "This time, it's a game for you. You don't understand our politeness, and you have even sent the strongest general. It is really a mistake and a mistake."

"Well, hahaha!"

Yan Kai laughed, laughing Adam frowning.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Ah, you are so funny. When did Laoguan become our strongest general? You commented? Laoguan, did you steal money for him by stealth? He licked you like this **? "

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