1331 Martyr

Adam is a Chinese who has at least passed the eighth level. What does this mean? He can understand it at once.

The people around were also laughing, and Adam flushed. Laoguan also rolled his eyes and didn't want to care about this stinking priest.

"Asshole, he didn't say anything wrong to me!"

"Taoye is just telling the truth. The words are rough."

Yan Kai grinned, "Don't even compare with others, Lao Guan can't even match Dao!"

Guan Wenbao continued to roll his eyes.

"That being the case, is your second game coming?"

Adam asked gloomily.


Although Yan Kai was a priest, he always spoke so vulgarly.

"How can a Dao such a powerful person fight so early! With Dao's ability, he must be the finale!"

As Yan Kai said, he also took out the mirror and combed his hair. "And the wind is so strong that Dao's hairstyle has been disturbed."

Yan Fan's temper is best understood by Li Fan. He was so mischievous, I'm afraid that Adam's guy was angry.

"Elder Xia!"

Adam's city is not too tall, so he can't hold the fire a bit. His voice rose eight degrees, and he asked, "Who the **** are you in?"

"Bull's nose, don't be too happy."

Guan Wenbao's knife slammed heavily on the ground, making a loud noise, like an old monk hitting a bell, shocking everyone with hair.

This Guan Wenbao ... it's a great effort ...

"You can do it if you can!"

"Hey, Dao is so mad!"

Yan Kai smoked out of his nostrils. "Your boy is going now, forgetting the days when Dao was under him before?"

In a word, many women said that their eyes were shining straight.

This, these two ... is it ... something basic ... So it seems that the two of them are a pair of qualified cps ... oh, full of love.

There are already a lot of girls, and I look forward to them in their hearts.

Yang Shuiyue also stayed awake, did her beloved brother Guan ... really, really have the habit of Longyang? No wonder ... for so long, he hasn't asked for himself ... thinking of this, Yang Shuiyue suddenly got a little bit aggrieved, her eyes became red.

"Bull nose! Can you speak without ambiguity!"

Guan Wenbao did not understand the style, but he was also frightened by Yan Kai's words.

"Nonsense, chopped your dog's head!"

"Oh, look, you're in a hurry."

Yan Kai laughed, "Okay, now that you want to be tougher with Dao than anyone else, that Dao will shine with you!"

He said, suddenly stepping on a ladder of clouds, the whole person struck three times, and instantly came to the contest platform, the people below cheered.

"Huh, the Chinese people who spend fists and legs."

And here, a strong man from Germany embarked on the contest.

He was so tall that he stood on the competition stage and let the people below exclaim.

Good guy, this guy is too big! He's two meters and five feet tall, a little giant alive!

"The tank army from Germany."

Adam saw a lot of peace in his heart when he saw him on the field. This German chariot is extremely powerful and has King Kong. He entered the battlefield and was able to knock over the main battle tank on the opposite side. Just this man's fighting power, there was an armored company on the opposite side.

With such a powerful fighting force, I am afraid that his Seven Knights Villa is obsolete. The little white face on the opposite side, with thin arms and legs, would have to be broken when hit.

"Olav, don't hesitate to crush this babbling little white face!"

"Well, leave it to me."

Olaf laughed strangely, then shredded his clothes, exposing muscle masses like cattle. The muscles on his body looked as if they were about to explode, and they were shiny.

This Olaf kicked his feet on the ground, then crossed his shoulders, as if savagely collided, and bumped towards Yan Kai!

Those who don't know, really thought that a tank was crushed on the battlefield!

The ground that Olaf walked on had left footprints half a foot deep, enough to see the power of this man!

"Sure enough, there are people outside."

Li Fan couldn't help but praise it.

"Xiangong ... is that Dao, afraid that it will not work?"

Qiu'er couldn't help asking, "Why not change me? Qiu'er wants to be bullied by that big guy!"


Li Fan ignored Qiu'er, and Olaf had hit Yan Kai on that side.

Olaf was so proud that this Huaxia monkey hadn't been bumped into flesh by himself!

But he suddenly became dizzy and ran away from Yan Kai directly, hitting a red painted stone wall beside Biwutai!


The stone wall was smashed directly.

Everyone was taken aback, so destructive!

"Ah, friend, don't you have a good look?"

Yan Kai stood on the side, and looked at Diola with a smile, "But Dao thinks he can introduce you to a job! Our extraordinary company is preparing to engage in real estate, or should you help us to move?"


Olaf, with yellow and white hair on his back, was roaring, apparently irritated.

He turned around and bumped into Yan Kai again.

Yan Kai just stretched out a hand, touched Olaf's head, took Olaf's body, and slammed directly to the side. At the same time, Yan Kai swept away and tripped over Olaf's calf.


This Olaf's weight itself is amazing, he is big, and he has a strong impact. Now that he was tripped, he ate his own bitterness directly, his eyes darkened and his head buzzed.

Yan Kai took two steps back, squatted on the ground, and clapped her hands at Olaf.

"Good dog, come on, Dao has **** here, do you eat?"


Although Olaf did not understand Chinese, he and other people brought simultaneous translations, so what Yan Kai said really angered him.

Successive mistakes and shame completely ignited Olaf's emotions!

He began to growl, and his body suddenly began to swell, just like eating spinach. The whole person instantly grew to more than three meters in height, and a lot of black hair grew on his body, like a bear.

Li Fan frowned slightly, orc?

The orc made a public appearance, wasn't he afraid of being hunted down by the people of the federation?


Olaf the bear man is black-haired, and those who don't know thought it was a black-haired big **** resurrected!

While snarling, he raised his palm fan and yanked towards Yan Kai.

Yan Kai sneered. He put one hand on Olaf's wrist, then backed up, hit Olaf's chest, and flung him forward.


Olaf's huge mass was immediately thrown out in the air and smashed into the distance.

"Just your effort, it is far worse than Li Fan's bear attack!"

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