1343 Rage of Shura

Li Fan and Jiang Feng fight into a ball, at this time Jiang Feng defeated each other, looking dignified. And Li Fan was more valiant and ecstatic.

"Master Li Zhuang is amazing!"

"That is, Jiang Feng is nothing at all. He is a villain. How can he compare with Li Zhuangzhu?"

"Jiang Feng lost immediately!"

Everyone talked, and Jiang Feng was pale and seemed to fail at any time, and more and more flaws were created! Jiang Feng also seemed to know that he was about to fail. He knew that Li Fan was good at hand-to-hand combat, so he started to attack and defended quickly, backing away, trying to distance himself from Li Fan.

"Xuanlong Drinking Water · Ten Successes!"

But Li Fan handed out a palm, the white frost on the palm broke out, and a strong suction force was born.

The difference between Xuanlong drinking and Qiangong is that Qiangong is simply a skill that can absorb and release energy. Xuanlong Bingzhang dragged his opponent over, and then suffered a fatal one!

He knew that Li Fan's palm could not be touched at this time, but Jiang Feng was still out of control, his feet were almost off the ground, and he was pulled over.


Jiang Feng's complexion changed greatly, her eyes were full of panic.

"Jiang Feng, let's die!"

Li Fan shouted, the strength of his palm broke out! Jiang Feng has already posted to Li Fan.

Everyone thought Jiang Feng had lost, but at this moment, Jiang Feng's mouth suddenly smiled, and a strong black light burst out from him, covering him. This Jiang Feng's skin has completely turned into a black color, as if it is really Hell Shura!

"Sura's Wrath!"

Jiang Feng's powerful breath erupted, making everyone look different!

This powerful breath is not what he had before! This guy still has a hand?

"Soura picks the stars!"

Jiang Feng was more than twice as fast. His claw, with red sword gas, drew directly to Li Fan's chest!

Li Fan had no defense at all. He was stiff and he was about to be hit by this trick!

Li Fan seems to be dead! But at this moment, an identical Li Fan suddenly appeared beside him, making Jiang Feng's eyes widened!

"Five Emperor's Palm, Yellow Emperor Riding Dragon, Ten Success!"


This palm was shot firmly on Jiang Feng's body!

Jiang Feng flew out instantly, tumbling several times in the air, and finally smashed into the house next to it, blasting the stone wall and setting off the dust! And Li Fan's figure reunited, and he fell to the competition platform, his look was normal.

Everyone was taken aback. What was the situation just now, why did two Li Fan appear suddenly?

"Incarnation outside!"

Zhou Guifei was the first to respond. Others don't know, but she has lived for hundreds of years, but she understands the origin of this trick!

"It is indeed the man that this palace fancy, and it is extraordinary!"

Zhou Guifei is extremely happy, this is even happier than she has become an avatar herself!

This incarnation is one of the martial arts. I heard that it is necessary to train the second Dantian before it can be completed. And how this second Dantian should be refined, but no one knows. Therefore, although the martial arts are good, few people have succeeded in martial arts for thousands of years. Only some martial arts fighters with great opportunities can luckily practice this trick.

"But ... it seems that the five emperors are in the palm of their hands ..."

Regarding the Palm of the Five Emperors, although Zhou Guifei has never seen it, she has heard of it. This should be the martial arts of the Emperor Wuhuang, how can Li Fan learn it too? This little boyfriend seems to have more and more secrets.

Shui Wuxin also frowned, worried. Commander-in-chief, is he okay?


The house next to it was broken and rocks were flying. Jiang Feng had black skin, blood from her mouth, and came out of the gravel.

Jiang Feng at this time was like the devil of hell. His eyes glowed red with anger.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry, I have one more step than you."

Li Fan, holding his arms, stood there, looking at Jiang Feng on the opposite side.

"Do you think you are the only one counting me? I know you so well! You hid it, and I hid it!"

"Li Fan, you **** it."

After incarnation of Shura, Jiang Feng also seemed to have lost some sense. He spoke, black smoke spitting from the corners of his mouth, which was the result of shame on his body. Li Fan looked at Jiang Feng and shook his head. Although the fury of Shura is powerful, it consumes a lot of minds of Jiang Feng, and the sequelae may be great. If you don't reach this level, you will improve your strength and overdraw your strength, which is always flawed.

For Li Fan, Xi Wu should be gradual, step by step.

"Jiang Feng, if you use such kung fu, you will lose your meridians."

Li Fan advised, "It is better not to continue practicing as soon as possible."

"shut up!"

Jiang Feng growled, "You lucky guy, what qualifications do you have to teach me! In order to achieve your ideals, you naturally have to pay a price!"

"Well, it's different."

Li Fan also no longer said, "Let's go to war."

When he spoke, his vitality quickly condensed. At the same time, Li Fan stretched out his hand, and the heroic sword in Murong's hand unsheathed immediately, flew into the air, and was sucked into Li Fan's hand.

The strong vitality constantly condenses on Li Fan's sword. Soon, this black sword, with a layer of black light condensing on the blade, looked extremely dangerous.

"After seeing your Fury of Shura, I should also let you see it, my martial arts true three phases!"


Everyone was shocked. There are three stages to this martial arts true body?

Am I right?

They didn't understand, but Zhou Guifei knew something. Xia Yan also looked at Zhou Guifei with a questioning look, and Zhou Guifei said.

"Valkyrie's true body does indeed have a third stage. However, in order to practice this stage, it also requires the second Dantian."

"Second Dantian?"


Guigui Fei nodded, "This second Dantian can't be trained by ordinary people. I didn't expect that Li Fan had such an opportunity, it was amazing."

"Why do you become the second Dantian and you can realize the three stages of Wushen?"

Chen Junhua was also a Wu Chi, and he immediately asked.

"There is only one Dantian, which can only strengthen its own strength."

Zhou Guifei explained briefly, "With the second Dantian, you can increase the power of the device! You see, at this time Li Fan started using weapons, and his second Dantian was strengthened on his sword. This is also his second Dantian Chucheng. Otherwise, in his realm, he should be able to make a sword without a sword. "

Zhou Guifei's eyes were very hot and her analysis was in place. At this time, Li Fan was indeed the second Dantian Chucheng, and he still needed a sword to perform the three stages of Valkyrie.

But even so, he is not strong now!

"Ninety-nine return to one eleven success!"

And Jiang Fengying was so angry that he finally broke out!

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